Fausto and Esther childhood was tormented. Fausto, trying to escape from his father. Esther, mistreated by her brother-in-law. They both begin to be involved in a supernatural situation. Over which they have no control.
Omar and Tere love to dance. They do it every time they can and they do it well. Even so, they both keep a secret for themselves. On the dance floor, she is the one who guides him and not the other way around, as tradition says.
A dreamy girl goes through puberty evading the loneliness and pressure of her environment until in just one night, treason and harassment lead her to big disappointments that push her to grow up abruptly.
Directora Casting
When she is fired from her only job in a series of infomercials, Amanda, an actress with little talent and whose film career is forgotten, decides to resume her career in the midst of an economic crisis that leads her to a questionnaire about her vocation, but also, that the shore to rethink its responsibility as the mother of Nicolás, a 7-year-old boy to whom she had not paid much attention until then.
Um congressista secretamente gay se casa com a filha de Porfirio Díaz, o presidente do México. Mas quando a polícia o descobre e outros homens vestidos de mulheres em uma festa privada, o escândalo explode.
Claudia is a young woman who spends her days working in an old bookstore. One day, after finding a forgotten letter in a book, she starts an adventure to deliver it.
Ariela, a traditional Jew, meets Ivan, a young man who is not Jewish with whom she begins a secret relationship despite her family beliefs.
When Leonardo meets Aura at school, he also takes his first steps in the weird and unexpected world of love.
Marta, a woman who is suffering from an eternal pain she expresses through silences, lack of communication, and unspoken issues – and yet, it is there. Her friendship with a young man from the area creates an interest triggered by its ambiguity: is there s sexual tension, or rather she sees in him a memory of what she lost? Is there an attraction or does the young man stand for the ghost of that past that still exists in Marta's everyday life?
Centenas de mulheres desapareceram ou apareceram mortas na cidade fronteiriça de Juárez, no México, mas a nova policial Blanca Bravo (Ana de la Reguera) está determinada a por um fim à selvageria. O diretor Carlos Carrera de “O Crime do Padre Amaro” dirige este thriller eletrizante, baseado em eventos reais. Trata-se de uma crítica à exploração de mão de obra barata por parte das multinacionais e ao descaso das autoridades para com a população menos favorecida.
Flama's Mom
Flama e Moko são dois garotos de 14 anos que se conhecem desde crianças e vivem na Cidade do México. A dupla tem tudo para enfrentar mais um entediante domingo: um apartamento sem nenhum pai, muitos videogames, revistas de pornografia, refrigerantes e pizzas. Porém, a companhia de eletricidade, o vizinho Ulisses, uma pintura horrível de patos, onze segundos, o jogo do Real Madri contra o Manchester e alguns biscoitos de chocolate são suficientes para acabar com a paz dos dois adolescentes. Nessa confusão, vêm à tona assuntos como divórcio, solidão, amizade e outros problemas da vida adulta.
O intelectual Carlos aparentemente não está sendo carinhoso o suficiente com Ana, sua esposa. Após muitos anos viajando, Tomas, um amigo do casal, reaparece para visitá-los. Enquanto isso, no apartamento da frente, a insatisfeita Andrea e Miguel, seu marido mulherengo, recebem Maria em sua casa. A presença dos convidados na vida dos dois casais acaba despertando sentimentos reprimidos e reflexões sobre a vida amorosa de todos.
Joan is about to leave behind everything he knows, including his mother, to lunch his adult life. The inminent separation sparks emotions that collide throughout and otherwise a normal day. As the tension between them continues to rise, a leaky faucet in the kitchen won't stop dripping.