John Tucker Battle


Shoot-Out At Medicine Bend
In Medicine Bend, a crooked businessman has the town mayor and sheriff in his pocket while his henchmen raid the wagon trains passing through the region.
For Capt. Robert John Evans, smuggling black-market goods is nothing out of the ordinary. But one day he's hired by Aristides Mavros for a more involved assignment -- sneaking an imprisoned American out of communist-controlled territory. The job seems challenging enough, but when he meets the prisoner's sultry wife, Sylvia, he realizes his mission comes with a startling catch: Not only must he rescue this man, he must bring him back from the dead.
Um Homem Solitário
A gunfighter, stranded in the desert, comes across the aftermath of a stage robbery, in which all the passengers were killed. He takes one of the horses to ride to town to report the massacre, but finds himself accused of it. He also finds himself accused of the murder of the local banker, and winds up hiding in the basement of a house where the local sheriff, who is very sick, lives with his daughter.
Os invasores de Marte
Numa noite de tempestade, não podendo dormir por causa dos trovões e relâmpagos, o menino David MacLean, vê um disco voador aterrar atrás de uma colina próxima à sua casa. Seu pai, cientista, vai investigar. Ao regressar, comporta-se de maneira diferente, fria e hostil. O menino percebe uma marca incomum na nuca do pai e gradativamente se vai apercebendo que pessoas desaparecem atrás da colina, apresentam o mesmo comportamento estranho e a marca que seu pai. Isso o leva a concluir que há uma invasão alienígena acontecendo. A polícia o prende e chama a Dra. Pat Blake , do Departamento de Saúde, para cuidar dele. Ela o ouve e, ao presenciar o encontro do menino com seus pais, compreende que ele pode estar falando a verdade. Ela consegue contato com o astrônomo Dr. Stuart Kelston (Arthur Franz)que acredita na história e contata o exército.
The new commander of a Navy Underwater Demolition Team--nicknamed "Frogmen"--must earn the respect of the men in his unit, who are still grieving over the death of their former commander and resentful of the new one.
Meu Querido Carneirinho
Jerry é um garoto que adota como seu bichinho de estimação Danny, um carneirinho preto e muito bagunceiro. O sonho do menino é transformar seu carneiro sem pedigree em um campeão da Exposição de Animais. Apesar das dificuldades, Jerry não vai desistir.
Man Alive
A reportedly dead man haunts his wife and her boyfriend.
Captain Eddie
WWI flyer Eddie Rickenbaker remembers his life which brought him from a car salesman, race driver and pilot in WWI, to an important person in the early years of civil airline service, after his plane crashed in the South Pacific in late 1942.
Irish Eyes Are Smiling
Climbing to fame, Irish-American composer Ernest R. Ball romances a showgirl, who catches the eye of an underworld character.