Roman Castevet (archive footage) (uncredited)
A non-stop roller coaster ride through the scariest moments of the greatest terror films of all time.
G.R. Jarvis
Deserdado pelo pai milionário, um homem substitui a si próprio por outro com doença terminal, para que se passe por ele em um cruzeiro com sua esposa, e dessa maneira poder ter acesso a herança.
Gregory Mann
Chris Robinson plays an eyepatched Vietnam vet named Ross Archer, who comes home to find that his wife had left him and become involved with some shady business dealings.
Roman Castevet
Um jovem casal se muda para um apartamento em Nova York para começar uma família. As coisas ficam assustadoras quando Rosemary começa a suspeitar que seu futuro bebê não está seguro ao lado dos seus estranhos vizinhos.
Col. Oates
An innocent man is found guilty of murder and sentenced to death, but as he's about to be hanged he accidentally kills his executioner. He now faces a new trial, presided over by a young and inexperienced judge.
Dean James Darwent
Carl Brown and Annie McGairy are in love. Their Irish immigrant parents knew each other in the old country - and Carl's parents want better for their son than Annie, who was raised in the slums. When Annie runs away to marry Carl while he's at college, they have many difficulties, including a college Dean that frowns upon married couples, Carl's angry parents, Carl's jealousy, and Annie's own problems with her sexuality.
Judge Blackstone
Ele tinha tudo o que um homem deseja... até ela aparecer! O rei da comédia Jack Lemmon, protagoniza esta "hilariante e divertida farsa" (The Hollywood Reporter) em parceria com a "belíssima" (L.A. Herald Examiner) Virna Lisi. Para o cartoonista Stanley Ford (Lemmon) a vida de solteiro não podia ser melhor, preenchida por um mordomo inglês (Terry Thomas), belas mulheres e Martinis extra secos. Mas o seu destino mudará para sempre depois de conhecer uma bela italiana que durante uma festa de solteiro salta de dentro de um bolo gigante! Na manhã seguinte, Jack descobre que está casado e que a sua mulher não fala uma palavra de inglês - agora o solteirão assumido tudo fará para desatar o nó!
H.L. Harrington
An adaptation of Budd Schulberg's incendiary 1941 novel about the rise of an unscrupulous Hollywood producer. The production was divided into two parts and aired on NBC's Sunday Showcase.
Professor Brent
An unsophisticated young woman from the Mississippi swamps falls in love with an unconventional southern gentleman.
Frank Hobart
A police detective finds himself entangled in the web of the underworld when he falls in love with a nightclub singer accused of murdering a crooked lawyer.
A tale of greed, one-upmanship, family distrust, abuse, apathy, and lost love, set in the deep south at the turn of the twentieth century.
Austin Spencer
Um repórter/escritor, auxiliado por seu futuro sogro, conspira para conduzir o assassinato de uma dançarina burlesca com provas forjadas como parte de um esforço para banir a pena de morte. O repórter investigativo Tom Garrett, licenciado de seu trabalho no jornal, trabalha em seu segundo romance. Como está tendo problemas para escrever o segundo, seu chefe e futuro sogro, o editor de jornais Austin Spencer, sugere que ele escreva um livro de não-ficção sobre a pena capital. Eles acreditam que o promotor público do estado, Roy Thompson, sempre manipula os júris para garantir vereditos, levando pessoas inocentes para o corredor da morte. O plano é plantar provas que condenem uma pessoa inocente num caso de assassinato, Tom será a pessoa inocente. Vão documentar todas as evidências plantadas, tornando-as públicas após a apresentação do veredicto para reverter e, esperamos, levar à discussão dos méritos da abolição da pena de morte.
Seth Lord
Os amigos da infância Tracy Lord (Grace Kelly) e C.K. Dexter-Haven (Bing Crosby) se casaram e se divorciaram muito rapidamente. Agora, Tracy está prestes a se casar de novo, desta vez com um esperto empresário alpinista social. Bing ainda a ama. A revista Spy chantageia a família da Grace ameaçando revelar as façanhas do pai playboy se não for permitida fazer a cobertura jornalística do casamento.
Garvin Wales
Anson Page, a lawyer with Southern roots leaves New York, his wife and his kids for Georgia. His assignment is to investigate the case of Garvin Wales, a famous writer, now nearly blind and embittered, whose royalties have apparently never reached him. Back in his native South, Page finds himself immediately exposed to what he had fled : racial and class prejudices. But he also meets his former love, Dinah, now married to go-getter uncouth businessman Mickey Higgins. Will he find out whatever happened to 2,000 dollars in rights Wales did not cash? Will Dinah and Anson renew their love story?
Humphrey Agnew
Quando um avião comercial passa por problemas de motor durante um voo Transpacífico e o piloto perde o controle, é o copiloto veterano mas decadente Dan Roman (John Wayne) que consegue trazer o avião em segurança. Um problema atrás do outro acontece neste voo Transpacífico. Você tem o piloto que perde o controle! O copiloto decadente. O engenheiro de voo inseguro. O jovem segundo oficial atrevido. E uma lotada cabine de passageiros com toda a gama de problemas e personalidades possível. Aqui você tem o Duke em um papel que ele não queria, e um filme com o título da canção que se tornou tema de Duke. O que mais poderia qualquer fã de John Wayne querer? Está tudo aqui, e mais algumas coisas.
James Fielding
A young auto racer competes in a Canada-to-Mexico race in a car he designed himself. Director George Sherman's 1954 film stars Tony Curtis, Piper Laurie, Don Taylor, Sidney Blackmer, Paul Kelly, Ilka Chase and Joseph Sawyer.
Philip Emery
A reporter (Patricia Neal) suspects the "nice guy" image of a respected Congressman (Van Johnson) is all a facade and sets out to uncover the truth.
Andrew Cain
After five years of being away, Rick Nelson (Joel McCrea) returns to San Francisco to find it filled with corruption - and crooked politicians. It isn't until he meets a beautiful San Franciscan (Yvonne De Carlo), that Nelson decides to get involved with bringing law-and-order to the city by the bay!
Arthur Higgins
Successful and well-liked, Dr. Noah Praetorius becomes the victim of a witchhunt at the hands of Professor Elwell, who disdains Praetorius's unorthodox medical views and also questions his relationship with the mysterious, ever-present Mr. Shunderson.
T.C. McCabe
A talented high school football player encounters trouble in a college program.
Mel Swanson, namorada de um gangster, vai se esconder quando o namorado dela está sendo investigado pela polícia. Que lugar melhor para se esconder do que um instituto de pesquisa musical composto inteiramente por solteiros solitários? Ela acaba ficando mais do que esperava quando o chefe do Instituto, Professor Hobart Frisbee, começa a se apaixonar por ela.
Theodore Roosevelt
1905 was a period of heavy immigration from Europe to America before laws were passed restricting the flow of immigrants. Almost every character in this movie is a recent arrival. Tisa has been in America only four months, yet she is holding four jobs to save enough money to pay for her father's boat passage to America. She works in a garment factory in Greenwich Village owned by Mr. Grumbach, who is studying to pass his citizenship test. Denek, a brash young man, tries to help her but gets her into trouble and her deportation is ordered by an immigration judge.
The Lover
Quando seu pai é enforcado por atirar em sua esposa e seu amante, a linda mestiça Pérola Chavez vai morar com parentes distantes no Texas. Acolhida por Laura Belle e seu filho mais velho advogado Jesse, ela se choca com a hostilidade do proprietário do rancho o senador Jackson McCanles, que vive em uma cadeira de rodas, e com o interesse lascivo do mulherengo e rebelde de seu filho mais novo Lewt. Quase imediatamente as tensões familiares já existentes são exacerbadas pela sua presença e pela forma como ela está fisicamente atraída por Lewt.
Josephus Daniels
The political career of Woodrow Wilson is chronicled, beginning with his decision to leave his post at Princeton to run for Governor of New Jersey, and his subsequent ascent to the Presidency of the United States. During his terms in office, Wilson must deal with the death of his first wife, the onslaught of German hostilities leading to American involvement in the Great War, and his own country's reticence to join the League of Nations.
Eugene Fulton
A millionaire's brain is preserved after his death by a scientist and his two assistants, only to create a telepathic monster.
Theodore Roosevelt (uncredited)
Em 1877 um homem cavalgava pelo oeste e, da noite para o dia, tornou-se célebre. Não descobriu um continente, nem venceu uma guerra. Não foi um grande general, estadista ou cientista, ainda assim após várias décadas as lendas sobre ele continuam tão vivas quanto em sua época. Seu nome era William Frederick Cody, mas para os jovens e velhos, ricos e pobres, reis e plebeus, era conhecido como Buffalo Bill. Ele começou a construir sua fama quando era batedor, por ter uma pontaria infalível e, ao defender uma diligência que fora atacada por índios bêbados, ter salvo Louisa Frederici , a filha de um senador. Cody não queria matar e ansiava pelo estabelecimento de uma co-existência pacífica entre os brancos e os índios. No entanto esta era uma tarefa difícil, pois um ambicioso empresário, Vandevere, só queria ter cada vez mais lucro, não se importando em tirar os índios das suas terras ou promover a matança indiscriminada de búfalos.
Press Agent
Broadway producer Johnny Demming is only interested in big-name talent and scoffs that his sister, father and other small-time talent could be used in a successful show.
Teddy Roosevelt
O cowboy Dan Somers e o magnata do petróleo Jim Hunk Gardner disputam os direitos de arrendamento de petróleo em terra indígena, bem como o amor de uma professora.
A forger is forced to work for a Nazi spy ring. His conscience gets the better of him, though, and he secretly conspires with the FBI to turn over the gang.
George Nevins
An actor becomes a suspect in the murders of four New Yorkers injected with rattlesnake venom.
Martin Cleaver
A forger steals and kills for a rare book from a library in order to make forgeries to sell to rich suckers.
Carlyle Harrison
A police lieutenant and a patriotic professional gambler, rivals in life and love, combine efforts to corner a gang of Nazi saboteurs operating out of a barber shop, in which their mutual girlfriend works, and unmask its secret leader.
Theodore Roosevelt (archive footage) (uncredited)
The story of America from the Pilgrims in 1620 to the attack on Pearl Harbor by the Japanese. Americans always working for freedom.
Steve Carey
A female doctor is sent to prison for a mercy killing. She manages to escape, get married and lead a model life, but one day her secret is exposed.
Henry - George's Attorney
A woman attempts to shelter a young girl from the publicity surrounding her socialite parents' divorce.
Philip Ames
A man is pardoned from prison and returns to Santa Rita, CA to be with his family, but discovers his children have been told he's dead and his wife is in love with another man.
Police Commissioner Thatcher Colt
The police arrest a man climbing over the wall of a cemetery after midnight. He claims that he is being blackmailed and is following instructions he received by mail to leave $1000 on a certain grave. It turns out that he's not the only one who got a blackmail letter from the same person--calling himself "The Black Panther"--and it also turns out that all the recipients are connected to an opera company.
Arnold Milbar
Humble stamp dealer Otto Becker has little to do with international politics, so when he receives a surprise visit from his estranged twin brother and Nazi spy, Baron Hugo von Detner, his world is thrown into turmoil. Threatening Becker with deportation, Hugo forces him to use his shop as a front for espionage.
Ellery Gibson
Like 1940's Melody Ranch, the 1941 Gene Autry vehicle Down Mexico Way was designed as a "special", to be promoted separately from Autry's regular B-western series as an A-picture attraction. The story gets under way when a pair of con artists, Gibson (Sidney Blackmer) and Allen (Joe Sawyer), breeze into the town of Sage City claiming to be movie producers. The two scoundrels promise to film a movie in the little burg on the condition that the townsfolk pony up the necessary production fees.
Blake Standish
A woman who refuses to become involved with a dedicated police officer unknowingly dates a man who is in cahoots with a criminal mastermind.
Freddie Bond
A college professor who believes there's no place for jealousy in modern marriage, John Hathaway (Don Ameche) moves with his wife, Julie (Rosalind Russell), to New York where he plans to publish a book on the subject. Meeting with publisher Elliott Morgan (Van Heflin), who falls head over heels for Julie, John is assigned to his assistant Nellie (Kay Francis), who only has eyes for her boss. Working closely with Nellie, who Julie thinks is after her husband, John continues his high-minded ways while his angry spouse schemes to make him so jealous he'll knock Elliott's block clean off.
Anthony Rhodes
Ralph Bellamy makes the third of four appearances as "master detective" Ellery Queen in Columbia's Ellery Queen and the Perfect Crime. The principal villain is crooked stockbroker John Mathews, whose Wall Street manipulations render Ray Jarden penniless. Mathews' chicanery seems particularly coldblooded, inasmuch as his daughter Marian is engaged to Jarden's son Walter. When the latter disappears, Mathews asks Ellery Queen to locate the young man.
Guy Barton
Charlotte Lord, a widow in her early forties and owner of Manhattan's smartest modiste shop, is about to marry Guy Barton, a wealthy businessman. But Mexican divorces have been declared illegal, so Guy is still married to Sybil Barton, an unscrupulous gold-digger who left him twelve years earlier. She demands that Guy give her $250,000 for his freedom.- Written by Les Adams
Lawyer George Renny
Circumstance, an old flame and a mother-in-law drive a happily married couple to the verge of divorce and insanity.
Augustus Moody
The story details the misadventures of two itinerant songwriters named Duke (Crosby) and Cliff (Foy) as they try to survive Army boot camp. Intending to boost the morale of their fellow draftees, our heroes stage a big musical show, which they eventually hope will graduate to Broadway.
Dave Lennox
In this mystery, an insurance investigator must find the arsonists behind the burning of a warehouse. The detective does get some good photographs as evidence, but they are stolen from his apartment. He really isn't a great sleuth and winds up accusing everyone but the real culprit of the crime. As a result, he loses his job and must perform the investigation on his own.
Mr. Wheeler
A society doctor helps an insurance-company file clerk check deaths related to a big policy.
John Stevens
Ella Bishop is an inhibited girl whose frustrations grow as she approaches womanhood. As a women, her ambitions to teach cause her to lose her only opportunity for true love. Ella's life becomes one of missed chances and wrong choices. As she reaches old age, she reflects back and realizes she allowed the years to go by without achieving what she believes to be her true fulfillment. However, her years have not been without glory, and her moment of triumph arrives when her numerous now-famous students from over the years, return to honor their beloved Miss Bishop.
Hughie Wheeler
Magazine editor Margot Merrick pretends to be married in order to avoid advances from male colleagues. Unfortunately, things don't go to plan when Jeff Thompson, a potential suitor, uncovers the deception and decides to show up at Margot's family home posing as her husband!
Erskine Brandon
Comedy about newlyweds wondering if their marriage was a mistake.
Puss in Boots
Judy O'Brien é uma bailarina aspirante em um grupo de dança. Também está no grupo Bubbles, uma trambiqueira ousada que sempre deixa a trupe lutando pela carreira no burlesco. Quando o grupo se desfaz, Bubbles dá a Judy uma tarefa ingrata. As duas finalmente se chocam quando ambas se apaixonam pelo mesmo homem.
Spencer Danfield
A woman tormented by the hunting death of her husband forbids her son to have anything to do with horses. But when he falls for the daughter of his father's trainer, he defies his mother by entering the Maryland Hunt.
Tony Bowman
A young newspaper reporter finds himself framed for murder.
Theodore Roosevelt
This short follows the political career of Theodore Roosevelt, beginning in 1895, when he was appointed police commissioner of New York City. In 1897 he was appointed Assistant Secretary of the Navy. His charge up San Juan Hill during the Spanish-American War in 1898 is re-created. He becomes vice president in March 1901 and assumes the presidency when William McKinley is assassinated six months later. According to the narrator, Roosevelt refused to be beholden to political bosses, doing what he believed to be right for the American people.
Ralph Merritt
Hoppy and Lucky are headed to South America to deliver a heard of cattle. Bay guy Ralph Merritt gets in their way. For a while.
Theodore Roosevelt
The story of President Monroe's response to attempts by Spain to interfere in South America.
Guests at a women's residence club help a jilted small-town girl turn to modelling.
Theodore Roosevelt (edited from 'Teddy the Rough Rider')
This film tells the history of the United States from pre-Revolution through 1939.
In this exciting spy drama, enemy agents endeavor to steal the plans for a top secret silent aircraft. The plane's inventor wants to sell his invention to other countries but his government will only allow it if the test flights fail. The prototype is sabotaged and crashes on the first test, killing the pilot. The commanding officer shoulders the blame and ends up court-martialed. He then goes to the enemy agents and wins their trust.
Cash Enright
Pals Pat Rogers (Helen Twelvetrees) and Slag Bailey (Buck Jones) try to collect a debt from Slag's recently deceased boxing promoter but wind up collecting his child, instead, and raising him as their own son.
Al Mallon
Quando um magnata é acusado de assassinato, o detetive particular que o procura vê-se preso como cúmplice e tenta fugir da polícia, sequestrando uma poetisa pelo caminho.
George Demarest
A wrongly convicted woman studies law and seeks her revenge.
'Lucky' Nolan
The Sloanes tie murder to the theft of a Shakespeare manuscript.
Gregory Warren
On parole after three years in prison, a football player (Robert Kent) encounters the man (Sidney Blackmer) who framed him.
Thomas Bruhme II
After committing a murder, Kay assumes a new identity and boards a ship. But, Kay is unaware that Sam, a skirt chasing detective, is following her and must outwit him to escape imprisonment.
Ralph Simmons
Newspaperman (Whalen) looks into the deaths of bond-carriers while romancing a show girl (Rogers).
Baron Orloff
Ace newsreel cameraman is working in a mythical European country when the king is assassinated. He gets his negatives out of the country and finds the young crown prince who is also in danger.
Marquis Du Brey
Ferdinand de Lesseps, disappointed in love, is sent as a junior diplomat to the Isthmus of Suez, and realizes it's just the place for a canal.
Political Boss
Excitement runs high when a family's farm is chosen as the site for a big cornhusking contest.
'Lucky' Braddock
The Ritz Brothers go to the race track. They raise training end entrance money in a wrestling match and help a young man train the horse of his fiancée.
Horse racing provides the framework of this crime drama that centers on an orphan who has been raising a promising horse.
General Phil Sheridan
The O'Leary brothers -- honest Jack and roguish Dion -- become powerful figures, and eventually rivals, in Chicago on the eve of its Great Fire.
Herr Eric Koeger
Mr. Moto Heads to China on a quest for seven ancient scrolls that reveal the location of Genghis Khan's tomb—a crypt filled with fabulous treasure! But Moto isn't the only one stalking the scrolls—so is a shadowy band of thieves. But when his ruthless rivals go too far, the mild-mannered detective's quest for antiquities becomes a passion for vengeance—because if he can't bring these villains to justice... he'll bring them to their knees.
Victor Karnoff
Although Charlie and Lee are in Monaco for an art exhibit, they become caught up in a feud between rival financiers which involves the Chan's in a web of blackmail and murder.
San Francisco Editor
A crime boss goes searching for his ex-wife and son after a ten-year prison stint. His old gang has other plans though, and use the child to try and make him disclose the location of the loot he hid before going to the slammer.
A órfã Heidi (Shirley Temple) é levada pela tia para morar nas montanhas com o avô Adolph (Jean Hersholt), recluso e turrão. Inicialmente relutante, ele se rende aos encantos da menina e faz de tudo para recuperá-la após a ambiciosa tia mandar a menina para a Alemanha.
Dr. Gordon Therberg
Social butterfly marries Park Avenue doctor and learns that his nurse is in love with him.
Walter Wiley
A newsman (George Murphy) with a no-good wife (Claire Dodd) exposes a religious racket with a newswoman (Josephine Hutchinson) who loves him.
King Moss
A classic "B" featurette about "smugglin' in Chinamen for $300 a load"
President Theodore Roosevelt
President McKinley asks Lt. Richard L. Perry to go underground to identify some obviously very well briefed Mid-Western bank robbers based in Saint Paul, Minnesota.
Jim Mintum
A wealthy woman's wild lifestyle finally drives her husband to take their two children, move out of the house and file for divorce. Positive she'll lose her children unless she shows the judge that she's changed her wild ways, she takes in two poor street kids, a brother and sister.
"Teddy" Connor, a woman recently orphaned, leaves her uncle's Midwestern farm for Chicago, where she meets "lumber king" John Meade. John takes her in for a hot meal and sends her roses the next day. John is engaged to penniless society beauty Caroline Haig, who is in love with Rodney Bentley and is marrying John for his money. A jovial millionaire without a conscience, John orders his long-time employee, Tim Mathews, to report to Chicago from the lumber mills and announces he is leaving the lumber business for wheat. Although Tim insists they reforest their lumber lands, John ignores his plea. For laughs, John invites Teddy and Tim to his engagement party at Caroline's wealthy friend's estate. Teddy, realizing John is engaged to a woman who does not love him, drowns her tears in liquor and embarrasses Caroline.
Dr. Anson Ludlow
A Doctor's Diary is told through the eyes of Dr. Dan Norris (John Trent), resident physician in a private hospital. In his search for a cure for spinal meningitis, Norris recklessly runs roughshod over the feelings of his colleagues. The doctor's older, wiser supervisor, Dr. Clem Driscoll (George Bancroft), tries to curb Norris' impatience, pointing out that nothing takes place overnight. Angrily, Norris accuses Driscoll of malpractice and is forced to resign from the clinic -- just when a meningitis epidemic breaks out.
Alex LeMaire
A beautiful girl on a passenger ship is suspected of murder.
Tom Starr
Two men stumble into an old mansion, and get involved with a crazed scientist, torture chambers and sinister medical experiments.
George Sartos
The screenplay for this mystery is based upon a story suggested to Liberty Magazine by President Franklin D. Roosevelt. It is the tale of a prominent lawyer who shocks his snooty friends, family and colleagues by abruptly abandoning his successful practice and his wife to find true happiness. He soon falls in love with another woman and continues to keep a low profile until he learns that his first wife stands accused of murdering him
Dan Collins
A couple of naïve girls get themselves unwittingly involved in the gambling racket in this Poverty Row production directed by the redoubtable Phil Rosen.
Rex Daniels
Chester Beatty and Tessie Weeks have been engaged for 5 years and going together for 15 years before that. Chester is reluctant to burden Tessie with marriage because of his secret problem. He is a sleepwalker. When Tessie finally does rope Chester into marriage, he can't get time off from his boss of 26 years, Mr. Frisbee. To resolve the problem, Chester sets out to impress his boss by securing a big sales contract of glass eyes. He takes Tessie and follows the rich doll company owner Horace B. Stanton to a lakeside resort and befriends him. However, his sleep-walking makes him a prime suspect in a thievery/murder case.
Jack Macklyn
A Florida-bound train is filled with romance and intrigue in this comedy. Among the passengers is a millionaire bon vivant carrying $1 million in diamonds.
Riley Ferguson
A gangland murder is the motivating factor of this fast-moving crime drama. George Murphy stars as reporter Kent Shevlin, whose investigation of the murder leads to a tenure as a temporary FBI agent.
Big John Trumbull
Problems come in the form of one of Hopalong Cassidy's neighbors, but the matter is settled when Hoppy roots out the troublemaker.
Tony Bernardi
In this high-flying mystery set aboard a cross-country flight to New York, some of the passengers are kidnappers who are trying to locate a hidden cache of loot. Unfortunately, something goes wrong during the trip and the pilots must land the plane in the Arizona desert during a terrible storm. There all of the passengers and crew find cramped accommodations in a lonely farmhouse where murder, mystery and mayhem occur.
Cedric McIntyre
An insurance investigator falls in love with a society girl, unaware that her uncle and his boss are conspiring to commit insurance fraud by overvaluing a decrepit warehouse and its contents and burning the building to the ground.
Kenneth Alden
A girl who's just lost her job meets a drunk millionaire on a bridge who's just lost his money. They go back to his house, and eventually come up with a plan to benefit them both: he'll scrounge enough money together to teach her how to be a lady, and then introduce her to his rich friends so she can snag a husband, after which she'll pay him a finder's fee. Complications ensue.
Bill Rhodes
A counterfeiter gives up her life of crime and goes straight. She gets a job in a bank, but the members of her former gang hear about it and try to blackmail her into helping them rob the bank.
Gilbert Landon
A disparate group of people meet as passengers on a superspeed train crossing the U.S. Aboard are a seductive blackmailer and the stage director he intends to frame, a woman chasing her husband who is running away with the blackmail victim, and the stage director's feisty leading lady.
Harry Courtland
Socialite Pat Reynolds (Ida Lupino) is forced to become the "smart girl" of the title when her wealthy father commits suicide, leaving nothing but a pile of debts. Pat sets up a successful hat-designing business, providing the sole support for herself and her sister Kay (Gail Patrick). So devoted is Pat to Kay's welfare that she stands by in stoic silence as Kay begins romancing Pat's sweetie Nick Graham (Kent Taylor).
John Hart
Greed, ambition and hunger-for-power drive John Hart, a New-York-City stock-market broker, into crooked dealings and deception, but he doesn't realize that those he ruined will seek vengeance. He meets his match and downfall when his path crosses with a reporter, Phil Stuart; a girl, Marcia Harper, and a man-with-a-gun from a family he ruined.
Raymond Cortell
A police detective's (Norman Foster) lawyer girlfriend (Judith Allen) works for a crooked criminal lawyer (Sidney Blackmer).
Depois da guerra a bela sulista Elizabeth Lloyd, foge para se casar com o ianque Jack Sherman. Seu pai, um Coronel Confederado durante a Guerra Civil, deixa de falar com a filha, avisa nunca mais lhe dirigir a palavra. Vários anos se passam e Elizabeth volta à sua cidade natal com o marido e sua linda filha(Shirley Temple). A pequena menina encanta e conquista o avô durão, e tenta consertar as coisas entre o coronel e a mãe. Belíssimos números musicais, entretenimento de alto nível para toda a família. Contém a cena em que Shirley Temple dança na escada com Bill "Bojangles" Robinson. Na época era proibido um negro dançar com uma mulher branca, mas essa cena foi permitida por se tratar de uma criança. Essa cena clássica foi uma "abertura" para acabar com o racismo que era comum nos filmes da época.
A lawyer sets out to commit the perfect murder.
D.L. Voorman
The President Vanishes, released in the United Kingdom as Strange Conspiracy, is a 1934 American political drama film directed by William A. Wellman and produced by Walter Wanger. Starring Edward Arnold and Arthur Byron, the film is an adaptation of Rex Stout's political novel of the same name.
Lee Lother
Underworld king Lee Lother has been killed aboard a ocean liner, several people could have been the murderer. There is his mistress Anya Roysen, a married woman, who was jealous of his flirtations with his old moll, night club singer Sally Marsh, who had agreed for one last night with Lother, to get her younger brother Ned out of the Lother's clutches because he has faked Lother's name on a check to pay his gambling debts. Then there is Sally's new flame Jimmy Brett, a con man and gentlemen thief, who has out-tricked Lother in a fixed poker game, and is, together with shorty, after the ladies jewels. Inspector McKinney suspects Joe Saunders, a recently released convict, who was arrested due to some tips by Lother, but Ned and Sally insist that they committed the crime alone.
Prestes a se casar com Mercedes, Edmond Dantes é vítima de uma armação de três homens e acaba sendo preso e condenado à prisão perpétua em uma ilha. Vinte anos depois, ele consegue fugir com a ajuda de Faria, que ainda lhe dá o caminho para encontrar um tesouro de piratas em Monte Cristo. Rico, o agora conde de Monte Cristo volta para se vingar dos responsáveis por sua prisão, entre eles, aquele que acabou se casando com Mercedes.
Barry Forbes
Left only with their yacht after going broke in the Great Depression, a high-society family sets sail for the South Seas. Screwball comedy, with songs.
Mort Holmes
The seemingly happy relationship between Tony and Jim is threatened when his manipulative, drama-queen ex-wife visits.
Chester Hamilton
A sexy golddigger lands who she thinks is a wealthy big-game hunter from a royal family. What she doesn't know is that not only is he not wealthy, nor a big-game hunter nor from a royal family, but he's only a butler. Complications ensue as he tries to keep up the pretense.
Martin Webster
A massive earthquake strikes the United States, which destroys the West Coast and unleashes a massive flood that threatens to destroy the East Coast as well.
Tom Cummings
The Wrecker is a flinty-eyed demolition engineer named Regan (Jack Holt). While he's off on another assignment, Regan's wife Mary (Genevieve Tobin) and supposed best friend Cummings (Sidney Blackmer) engage in some heavy petting. About to wash his hands of his faithless wife and his back-stabbing chum, our hero is compelled to save both their lives when they're pinned under the wreckage of a collapsed schoolhouse. George E. Stones supplies some good-natured ethnic humor as Regan's junk-dealer pal Shapiro.
William Lawton
Cynthia Warren, independently wealthy through her ability as an illustrator and poster artist, rebels against the premise that every woman is destined for matrimony and motherhood and decides she has as much right as a man to play around.
Cliff Billings
The various residents and occupants of a resort hotel await the outcome of a horse race at a nearby track, as it will affect each of their lives in different ways.
Charles Townsend
A blackmailer falls in love with his female victim.
In this comedy, a conservative family becomes alarmed when they begin believing their daughter is pregnant.
Geoffrey Brand
This film, believed lost, was based on William Vaughn Moody's 1906 play The Great Divide. The story was filmed as a silent film by MGM as The Great Divide (1925) and as an early silent/sound hybrid by First National also called The Great Divide (1929). Judith Temple has come West to Arizona for some excitement. As she says goodbye to her brother and his wife, who are returning to the East, Dr. Neil Cranford, who is in love with her, is called away to tend the broken ribs of a man injured in a barroom brawl.
Big Boy
Enrico Bandello, um assassino profissional, e seu motorista cúmplice Joe Massara chegam em uma cidade grande e são contratados por um mafioso. Porém, após um roubo e um assassinato, as coisas tomam rumos imprevisíveis.
Mr. Gerald Hart
Having raised four children alone, widow Mary Williams still manages to love her eldest son, vicious and sadistic Danny Williams, who has led a life of crime and now returns to inflict his insane behavior on the family household.
Wazir Mansur
Hajj, a rascally beggar on the periphery of the court of Baghdad, schemes to marry his daughter to royalty and to win the heart of the queen of the castle himself. This film is believed lost.
Morgan Pell
Film version of a play about a Mexican bandit.
Mr. and Mrs. Warner Bros. Pictures and their precocious offspring, Little Miss Vitaphone, host a dinner in honor of Warner Bros. Silver Jubilee, attended by most of the major players and song writers under contract to WB at that time.
Anthony Peel
An aristocrat tries to prevent her sister's divorce by attempting to recover a diamond necklace, which is being used as incriminating evidence against her.
Humphrey Sergeant
Laura Sergeant (Leatrice Joy), together with her husband, Humphrey Sergeant (Sidney Blackmer) operates a scam scheme to extort money from millionaires through blackmail and victimization until she mistakenly victimizes Tony Williams (Walter Pidgeon), the man she really loves.