Ludmila Kurepova

Ludmila Kurepova

Nascimento : 1975-10-19, Leningrad, USSR


Ludmila Kurepova


Vôo de Emergência
Uma história sobre bravura, auto-sacrifício e dignidade humana é julgada pelo poder impiedoso da natureza. Um jovem piloto é demitido da força aérea militar depois de desobedecer uma ordem absurda. Ele recebe um emprego como co-piloto com uma companhia aérea civil. Sendo brutalmente honesto e direto, ele não está em melhores condições com seus novos colegas. Durante um voo para a Ásia, sua equipe recebe uma mensagem de socorro de uma ilha vulcânica e toma a decisão de tentar uma missão de resgate. Será um sucesso? Vão sobreviver ao desastre? Eles têm uma única chance de descobrir isso: sendo uma equipe e se agarrando um pelo outro.
Last Hero
Once the main character Andrei worked at a hot spot as a peacemaker and rescued his co-worker Victor. Victor promised Andrei that he would always remember who he owed his life to and would come to Andrei’s help at any time. The chance to pay was presented to Victor after 20 years. Andrei quarreled on the road with an escort of an expensive car with a flashing light and was badly beaten. From his wounds, he died, leaving his pregnant wife alone. Victor is looking for Katya to help her achieve justice and avenge the death of her husband. The crime drama "The Last Hero" tells a difficult story about honor and friendly duty.
The millionaire
Kirill Makarov has just graduated from university with a degree in architecture. With his whole life ahead of him and his beautiful fiancée Victoria, daughter of a rich and influential man, by his side, his future seems full of promise. However, Kirill does not want to use his future father-in-law's influence to get a job, and as he sticks to his principles, he begins to understand that his approach to life is very different to his fiancee's. He breaks off their engagement and on that same day meets Lena, a trainee teacher. Cut to ten years later, and Kirill is married to Lena with two children. Sadly he never made a success of his career, and the family survives on Lena's salary alone. Kirill's friend Oleg tries to persuade him to tender for a new architectural project in town, but Kirill realizes that, without the right connections, there is no point in even trying.
Когда цветет сирень
Romance, in Russian language
Blatnoy's daughter
A Russian town is terrorized by a monstrous vampire, named Upyr. Upyr turns everyone into a slave, then kills. Even the Russian Mafia boss is killed, and others are in fear, because Upyr cannot be killed by a bullet. Only one fearless man brings hope to people. He sets up a trap for Upyr, by using the Mafia boss's daughter as bait.
Anna Karenina
Anna Karenina é uma mulher jovem e elegante que é casada com Alexei Karenin, um homem rico e nobre, e 20 anos mais velho que ela. Ela se sente infeliz na relação matrimonial, e vive apenas para o seu filho. Uma noite, durante um baile, Anna conhece o charmoso Conde Alexei Vronsky, que logo se encanta por ela e começa a perseguí-la. Inicialmente ela recusa suas investidas, mas depois cede aos sentimentos, e se torna sua amante. Eles são felizes juntos, mas a relação dos dois desanda quando Anna aborta o filho que esperava de Vronsky.