In an imagined reality where zombies coexist with ordinary mortal folk, the undead are considered second-class citizens. Angela finds this out the hard way when she's shot by her boyfriend and must learn to adjust to her new zombie lifestyle. She tempers her hunger for human flesh with Zombies Anonymous meetings and tries to pass for living in the mortal world.
Agent Russo
During a late night drinking binge with bartender Nicky (Michael Marino), sixty-five year-old postman Sol Solzberg (Charlie Callas) leaks the details of his life-long plan to rob some valuable stamps from the local post office. Sol then promptly drops dead of a heart attack. Suddenly armed with his sure-fire answer to his financial woes, Nicky assembles a "crack" team of hapless crooks, headed by his best friend Paul (Jim Norton), and begins to plan and execute the caper. Whoever said crime doesn't pay had this gang of moronic Jersey boys in mind!
Man on Street
Anthony Curtis é um garoto do Bronx, que decide se alistar, deixando tudo para trás. Quando volta da guerra condecorado, descobre rapidamente que não será tratado como herói. Sem profissão definida, respeito, emprego ou dinheiro, a única alternativa é montar algum "esquema para levantar grana". Eles se utilizam de conhecimentos de combate e planejam o assalto a um carro forte.