Corinne de San Jose

Corinne de San Jose


Corinne de San Jose


Essential Truths of the Lake
Sound Designer
Ethically conflicted police lieutenant Hermes Papauran continues his struggle to find resolution to a 15-year-old case around a volcanic ash laden landscape and an impenetrable lake. A prequel to When the Waves Are Gone.
Leonor Will Never Die
Sound Designer
Fiction and reality blur when Leonor, a retired filmmaker, falls into a coma after a television lands on her head, compelling her to become the action hero of her unfinished screenplay.
Assassinos de Aluguel
Sound Designer
Inspirado na história real de um escândalo que envolveu presidiários sendo liberados por um dia para trabalharem como assassinos de aluguel para políticos corruptos. As histórias de quatro homens que tentam sustentar suas família se conectam através da prisão: dois presidiários que são contratados como assassinos, e dois agentes da polícia que investigam os assassinatos. Enquanto eles se enfrentam, são seus entes queridos que correm o risco de sofrerem o dano colateral.
Midnight in a Perfect World
Sound Designer
In the near future, Manila is an almost-utopian city, but they still believe in ghost stories. Nobody survives the mysterious blackouts that happen in random parts of the city after midnight. Nobody believes the horrors in its darkness are even real. Four friends are about to find out that you don’t need to believe, for it to come for you.
How to Die Young in Manila
Sound Designer
An introverted teenage boy lies to his parents that he'd sleep over at his friends'. However, he made an appointment with a random guy found on a dating app. The street is filled with dead hustlers, but nobody seems to notice these strange occurrences.
Sound Designer
It's the story of a woman and her dog on a journey to Baguio to somewhat cure her ailing mother who was once saved by her dog. Somewhere along the journey, she will discover a different kind of love.
A Interrupção
Sound Designer
Em 2034, o sudeste da Ásia não vê a luz do sol há três anos, como resultado da erupção de vulcões. No escuro, homens loucos controlam países, comunidades, enclaves e novas cidades. Milhões de pessoas morreram e inúmeras fugiram.
Estação do Diabo
Sound Designer
Filipinas, final da década de 1970. Uma milícia controlada pelo exército oprime uma cidade remota, espalhando o terror físico e psicológico. A destemida médica Lorena, que abriu uma clínica para os pobres, desaparece sem deixar rastro. Seu marido, o poeta ativista Hugo Haniway, tenta encontrá-la.
Smaller and Smaller Circles
Sound Designer
A serial killer in Payatas leaves the bodies of young boys in the dump as two Jesuit priests try to solve the murders.
Sound Designer
Hendrix dreams of hip-hop greatness, but he’s spiraling down a rabbit-hole of crime and poverty until he meets Doc, an old poet still haunted by his martial law past. Can they turn each other’s lives around before they’re swallowed by their circumstance?
A Mulher Que Se Foi
Sound Designer
Horácia passou os últimos trinta anos em um centro correcional feminino. Ex-professora do ensino fundamental, ela leva uma vida tranquila ajudando outras pessoas a praticar a leitura e a escrita. Quando outra detenta confessa seu crime, Horácia é libertada e procura sua família que se afastou.
Sound Designer
Three stories, one day in EDSA. An opportunistic entrepreneur develops a bond with a street kid trying to help him get to his business meeting in Makati, after losing his cellphone to a snatcher. A teacher from the province haggles with a former OFW, turned taxi driver, whether the country should follow world standards in basic education requirements. And a snatcher trying to reform himself with the help of a nurse by trying to return what he stole. Three stories all asking the same thing: what matters most, the collective or the individual gain?
Apocalypse Child
Sound Designer
Ford, a surfing instructor from the Philippines has been told his whole life that he's the son of Francis Ford Coppola. He's wasted his youth waiting as his mother petitions the director to acknowledge Ford as his son. But as the surfing season ends, he’s forced to confront his past actions, inactions, and the stories of his life.
Apocalypse Child
Ford, a surfing instructor from the Philippines has been told his whole life that he's the son of Francis Ford Coppola. He's wasted his youth waiting as his mother petitions the director to acknowledge Ford as his son. But as the surfing season ends, he’s forced to confront his past actions, inactions, and the stories of his life.
The House by the Bamboo Grove
Sound Editor
Michelle has a strange love story with her house by the bamboo grove, with which she developed a language, with things functioning as words only she could understand.
Sound Designer
Manila is besieged by the worst typhoon to hit the country. Talk of the world coming to an end hangs in the air. And five men find themselves stranded inside a police station with a prisoner who may o may not be the devil. It's going to be a long night.
The Search for Weng Weng
Sound Mixer
The bizarre history of Filipino B-films, as told through filmmaker Andrew Leavold's personal quest to find the truth behind its midget James Bond superstar Weng Weng.
Bukas Na Lang Sapagka’t Gabi Na
Sound Designer
Four interconnected stories during the height of the Martial Law crackdown against rebels. The palpable aura of fear leaves Filipinos in a state of paralysis, unable or unwilling to move until the dark cloud of history passes over.
Sound Designer
Andres is a well-liked, respected, and middle-aged fisherman who rents out commercial spaces to people in the town market. Ge seems to have everything a man could ever need: a loving family, a home, sustenance, and good friends he can trust. One day, he discovers several bricks of shabu floating in the sea. With his discovery, everything begins to change.
Norte, o Fim da História
Sound Designer
Algumas histórias se cruzam: uma mãe leva os seus dois filhos pelo interior das Filipinas, em busca de vingança, um estudante de direito comete um duplo assassinato e um homem de família cede à violência e é condenado à prisão.
The Last Film
Sound Editor
A famous American filmmaker travels to the Yucatán to scout locations for his last movie. The Mayan Apocalypse intercedes
How to Disappear Completely
Sound Designer
A young girl from the countryside dreams of disappearing. She plays a lonely game of hide-and-seek while her mother quotes the Bible and her father relishes in alcohol and history. She decides to put on a stage play based on an old Filipino film about a family who disappears in the mountains during the war. But soon after the performance, she vanishes from the car, prompting her parents to look for her in the woods. One by one, they all start to disappear.
Em Serviço
Sound Engineer
Dois prisioneiros, o veterano Tatang e o jovem insolente Daniel, fazem parte de uma operação clandestina que utiliza detentos como matadores de aluguel. A condição de prisioneiros fornece o álibi perfeito para a realização dos crimes orquestrados por uma máfia envolvendo gângsteres, agentes carcerários e funcionários públicos corruptos. Mas quando um político é assassinado em plena campanha, o policial Francis é escalado para investigar o caso. Ele então descobre uma teia de intrigas que pode levá-lo a uma tragédia. Baseado em uma história real.
Sound Designer
You'll never look at a statue of the Virgin Mary the same way again. Based on the assertion that divine apparitions aren’t what they always appear to be, Vesuvius is an interesting take on the psychopath with Catholicism smacked against the background. Gio Alvarez provides a convincing portrayal of a madman, and people can even argue if this short inclines toward the supernatural or the psychological. Whereas Grave Torture uses darkness impeccably, Vesuvius plays with light so well.
Sound Design Assistant
You'll never look at a statue of the Virgin Mary the same way again. Based on the assertion that divine apparitions aren’t what they always appear to be, Vesuvius is an interesting take on the psychopath with Catholicism smacked against the background. Gio Alvarez provides a convincing portrayal of a madman, and people can even argue if this short inclines toward the supernatural or the psychological. Whereas Grave Torture uses darkness impeccably, Vesuvius plays with light so well.
Tiktik: The Aswang Chronicles
Sound Designer
With dark shades on and a burning cigarette between his lips, Makoy will do whatever it takes to get back his girlfriend Sonia, who’s pregnant with their child. He makes the trip to remote Pulupandan, her hometown, and is quickly rebuffed by Sonia’s mother Fely. But Makoy has never been one to give up. With the help of Sonia’s father Nestor and his ever-dependable helper Bart, Makoy stays in town to surprise Sonia on her birthday. But alas, Makoy gets into trouble with a group of townsfolk who transform into tiktik—horrific, man-eating creatures with a taste for fetuses that are still in the womb! They are angry, and they are hungry for revenge. Will their thirst for blood and retribution be quenched? Will Makoy finally get his act together, protect Sonia and their baby, and once and for all prove himself worthy of their love? Who will win in the battle between men and monsters?
Sound Designer
Mondomanila tells the story of teenage anti-hero Tony de Guzman and the rough neighborhood he calls home.
Kano: An American and His Harem
Documentary about an American living with several Philippine women in the Philippines.
Kano: An American and His Harem
Sound Designer
Documentary about an American living with several Philippine women in the Philippines.
Three Days of Darkness
Sound Designer
Girls are hidden in a dark room.
Sound Designer
A housemaid and a gardener take care of a large house while its owners are away. Days of tedium go by until a small accident sparks a series of discoveries.