Ulises Pérez Mancilla


More Tomorrow Than Before
It is the story of resilience of a mother and her son, each living with a chronic degenerative disease, and how they reconcile with each other when they accept that their disease has united and transformed them forever.
More Tomorrow Than Before
It is the story of resilience of a mother and her son, each living with a chronic degenerative disease, and how they reconcile with each other when they accept that their disease has united and transformed them forever.
More Tomorrow Than Before
It is the story of resilience of a mother and her son, each living with a chronic degenerative disease, and how they reconcile with each other when they accept that their disease has united and transformed them forever.
Honest Days
When she is fired from her only job in a series of infomercials, Amanda, an actress with little talent and whose film career is forgotten, decides to resume her career in the midst of an economic crisis that leads her to a questionnaire about her vocation, but also, that the shore to rethink its responsibility as the mother of Nicolás, a 7-year-old boy to whom she had not paid much attention until then.
Honest Days
When she is fired from her only job in a series of infomercials, Amanda, an actress with little talent and whose film career is forgotten, decides to resume her career in the midst of an economic crisis that leads her to a questionnaire about her vocation, but also, that the shore to rethink its responsibility as the mother of Nicolás, a 7-year-old boy to whom she had not paid much attention until then.
The Day Began Yesterday
Orlando and Saul meet by accident. The first one is a self-confident young man, university gymnast who avoids that his HIV-positive status defines him; while Saul, on the opposite, is insecure and barely understands what having an active sexual life means. The meeting will result in a new way of seeing life, one without fear where sex is an encounter and not a way of getting away from others.
Mexican Men
"Mexican Men" é uma coleção de 5 curtas-metragens por Julian Hernandez e Roberto Fiesco.
A Estreita Faixa Amarela
Script Supervisor
Cinco homens são contratados para pintar a faixa amarela central de mais de 200 quilômetros. Tendo que completar o trabalho em 15 dias, eles convivem diariamente embaixo de um sol escaldante, viajando em um caminhão. Solitários, eles enfrentam desafios, descobrimento a linha tênue entre as coisas, como o bom e o mal, a risada e o choro, e a vida e a morte.
The Greatest House in the World
Sequence Supervisor
Rocio, a Maya Mam girl, lives in the mountains with her mother, who is pregnant and her granny. Due to an early delivery from her mother, Rocio is stuck with caring for a herd of sheep, the first time she has done it on her own. Playing in the mountains she loses one of the sheep. Looking for it, she will lose the rest of the herd. In the midst of this tragedy, Rocio will have to face her innocence, conquer her fear of fog and learn that freedom entails responsibility. Nature will teach her that you do not have to defeat your fears, you just have to experience them. The Greatest House in the World is a story of children -which we all are- when facing fears, the unknown, the uncertain... the fog.
The Greatest House in the World
Script Supervisor
Rocio, a Maya Mam girl, lives in the mountains with her mother, who is pregnant and her granny. Due to an early delivery from her mother, Rocio is stuck with caring for a herd of sheep, the first time she has done it on her own. Playing in the mountains she loses one of the sheep. Looking for it, she will lose the rest of the herd. In the midst of this tragedy, Rocio will have to face her innocence, conquer her fear of fog and learn that freedom entails responsibility. Nature will teach her that you do not have to defeat your fears, you just have to experience them. The Greatest House in the World is a story of children -which we all are- when facing fears, the unknown, the uncertain... the fog.
Eu Sou a Felicidade Deste Mundo
Diretor de cinema gay observa a própria vida sexual através das lentes da câmera, embaralhando limites entre ficção e realidade.
4 Luas
Novio de Mariana
Quatro histórias sobre amor e auto-aceitação. Um menino de onze anos se esforça para manter em segredo o afeto que sente pelo primo. Dois amigos de infância se reencontram adultos e iniciam um relacionamento que se complica quando um deles sente medo de ser descoberto. Um longo relacionamento entre dois homens é abalado com a chegada de um terceiro. E um homem de idade com família que é obcecado por um prostituto e tenta levantar o dinheiro para pagar a experiência.
Being an Elephant
After a tragic loss, Ivan becomes obsessed with the personality of the elephants, which they say, never forget.
Being an Elephant
After a tragic loss, Ivan becomes obsessed with the personality of the elephants, which they say, never forget.
Cecilia, Alberto, and Felipe live through a strange epidemic that plagues the abandoned streets of a coastal town. Suddenly, an uncontrollable desire forces them to leave in search of the sea.
The Soft Rumor of Tumultuous Seas
Lola is still in the prime of her life, she’s at an age where time seems to fly by and so do opportunities. She spends her nights immersed in noise, alcohol, hypnotic lights, and the old and new songs that remind her of loving moments.