Brick Sullivan

Nascimento : 1899-07-28, Beresford, South Dakota, USA

Morte : 1959-09-04


Cry Tough
After getting out of prison, a Latino criminal tries to go straight.
O Último Hurrah
Ward Heeler (uncredited)
Em um mundo em mudança onde a televisão se tornou a principal fonte de informação, um jovem jornalista testemunha como seu tio, Frank Skeffington, um político veterano e honesto, prefeito de uma cidade da Nova Inglaterra, tenta ser reeleito enquanto banqueiros e empresários conspiram na sombra para colocar um candidato fraco e manejável no conselho da cidade.
Chorei por Você
Wedding Guest (uncredited)
Prohibition-era nightclub crooner Joe E. Lewis has his career and nearly his life cut short when his throat is slashed as payback for leaving the employ of Chicago mob boss Georgie Parker. A broken alcoholic, Joe is brought back from the abyss by his faithful piano player, Austin Mack, who helps turn the former singer into a successful stand-up comedian. But Joe's demons plague his romantic life even as he reaches new heights of success.
O Assassino Anda Solto
Bus Passenger (uncredited)
Um desequilibrado criminoso cuja mulher, acidentalmente foi morta por um detetive da polícia durante sua prisão, pretende vingar-se matando a esposa do policial.
Eles e Elas
Truck Driver on Street (uncredited)
Comédia musical ambientada no submundo de Nova York, entre pequenos furtos e jogadores profissionais. Marlon Brando é o jogador Sky Masterson e Jean Simmons, uma voluntária do Exército da Salvação. Frank Sinatra completa o trio como o banqueiro Nathan. A história começa quando Brando é desafiado a levar a missionária Simmons para Havana. A aposta funciona até que eles se apaixonam. Oportunidade de se ver e ouvir Marlon Brando cantando "Luck Be A Lady", enquanto Sinatra entoa "Guys And Dolls" e "Adelaide".
Romance de Minha Vida
Cabbie (uncredited)
On Christmas Eve, suffering from a case of writer's block, screenwriter Mark Christopher and his gofer Virgil get an unexpected visit from Sergeant Maizel. Knowing Christopher is working on a juvenile delinquent script, the sergeant brings by delinquent Susan thinking she will inspire Christopher while providing a place for her to spend the holidays outside of juvenile hall.
Duffy of San Quentin
San Quentin's new warden crusades for reform and for a framed inmate who loves a nurse.
Região do Ódio
Miner (uncredited)
Em 1896, Jeff Webster (James Stewart) vê o início da corrida do ouro de Klondike como uma oportunidade para consguir uma fortuna no ramo do gado. Ele leva um rebanho de gado do Wyoming para Seattle, e depois para Skagway. Lá, ele e seu parceiro Ben Tatum (Walter Brennan) vendem o gado e passam a trabalhar com o ouro. Os problemas vão começar, pois duas mulheres começam a disputar o seu coração e várias pessoas ambiciosas estão de olho no seu dinheiro, e de tudo farão para roubá-lo.
The Twonky
Cop (uncredited)
A college professor, left alone by his wife for the weekend, discovers his new TV set is not only alive, but determined to take control of his entire life.
O Promotor de Encrencas
Boxing Match Spectator (uncredited)
Wally Hogan has things going his way. He is the manager-trainer of Bullet Bradley, a fighter who has just won the lightweight championship. However, life suddenly takes a not-so-happy turn when Bullet gets drafted.
Os Quatro Desconhecidos
Policeman (uncredited)
Foster projeta um exuberante esquema para assaltar um carro forte de Kansas City. Ele recruta três dos mais cruéis e impiedosos criminosos para empreender o assalto, chantageando-os com incriminantes provas de outros "trabalhos". Foster obriga cada criminoso a usar máscaras, a fim de esconderem suas identidades um dos outros e prevenir o velho perigo de traição. O assalto é realizado sem problema, até que a polícia captura Joe Rolfe que não participou do assalto. Com o tempo, Rolfe é solto, mas fica inconformado. Finalmente, e por coincidência, encontra um dos criminosos no México, quase o mata de pancada, e então assume sua identidade. Aí, as coisas realmente se complicam.
Cantando na Chuva
Policeman in "Singin' in the Rain" Number (uncredited)
Em 1927, Hollywood, está um verdadeiro rebuliço com a transição do cinema mudo para o falado. Don Lockwood e Lina Lamont, o casal mais querido do cinema mudo, se prepara para rodar um musical. Mas, infelizmente, Lina não só não sabe cantar como tem uma voz horrível. A estreante, Kathy Selden, é chamada a emprestar sua voz à estrela. As gravações são uma confusão, mas tudo piora quando Don se apaixona pela doce Kathy. Ao lado de seu inseparável amigo, o compositor Cosmo Brown, ele tenta mostrar ao mundo o talento de Kathy.
Cruéis Dominadores
Federal Agent (uncredited)
A small-town reporter investigates a mysterious group holed up in a country lodge.
The Lady and the Bandit
Pub Customer
Highwayman Dick Turpin rides 200 miles to save his wife from the gallows in 18th-century England.
The Screen Director
A documentary short film depicting the work of the motion picture director. An anonymous director is shown preparing the various aspects of a film for production, meeting with the writer and producer, approving wardrobe and set design, rehearsing scenes with the actors and camera crew, shooting the scenes, watching dailies, working with the editor and composer, and attending the first preview. Then a number of real directors are shown in archive footage (as well as a predominance of staged 'archive' footage) working with actors and crew.
Gasoline Alley
Police Officer (uncredited)
A young man tries to get rich by opening a diner. Comedy based on the popular comic strip.
Stage Passenger (uncredited)
Frenchie Fontaine sells her successful business in New Orleans to come West. Her reason? Find the men who killed her father, Frank Dawson. But she only knows one of the two who did and she's determined to find out the other.
California Passage
Townsman (uncredited)
A series of reversals bring two desperate people together. When a saloon owner is framed by his partner for a stagecoach robbery, he fights to secure an acquittal.
Trágico Destino
Customs Officer (uncredited)
A young doctor falls in love with a disturbed young woman and apparently becomes involved in the death of her husband. They head for Mexico trying to outrun the law.
O Que a Vida Me Negou
Policeman (uncredited)
A petty crook moves to an Ohio town and courts a factory owner's disabled daughter.
Union Station
Policeman (uncredited)
Police catch a break when suspected kidnappers are spotted on a train heading towards Union Station. Police, train station security and a witness try to piece together the crime and get back the blind daughter of a rich business man.
A Patrulha da Morte
Policeman (uncredited)
Rocky and Dan, war buddies, are prowl car cops on night duty. Dan is a cynic who views all lawbreakers as scum; Rocky feels more lenient. Both are attracted to the radio voice of communicator Kate Mallory; but in person, Kate proves reluctant to get involved with men who just might stop a bullet. By lucky chance, Rocky and Dan cause big trouble for murderous racketeer Ritchie Garris; but when he swears vengeance, Kate's fears may prove justified.
Três Palavrinhas
Policeman on Street (uncredited)
A história da bem sucedida dupla de compositores Bert Kalmar e Harry Ruby, da famosa editora musical Tin Pan Alley, é contada de forma leve e solta. O Cantor-Dançarino Bert Kalmar (Fred Astaire) não pode continuar sua carreira no palco após sofrer uma lesão, então ele tem que ganhar a vida fazendo letras para músicas. Por sorte ele conhece o compositor Harry Ruby (Red Skelton) e a primeira música da dupla é um sucesso. Ruby arranja o casamento de sua ex-parceira Jessie Brown (Vera-Ellen) com Kalmar, e Kalmar e Jessie impedem Ruby de se casar com as garotas erradas. Mas devido ao fato de Ruby causar a saída do financiador de uma peça de Kalmar, eles acabam rompendo suas relações.
711 Ocean Drive
Boulder Dam Tourist (uncredited)
The Horatio Alger parable gets the film noir treatment with the redoubtable Edmund O’Brien as a whip-smart telephone technician who moves up the ladder of a Syndicate gambling empire in Southern California until distracted by an inconveniently married Joanne Dru and his own greed. Ripped from the headlines of the 1950 Kevaufer Organized Crime Hearings, this fast-moving picture is laden with location sequences shot in Los Angeles, the Hoover Dam and Palm Springs including the famous Doll House watering hole on North Palm Canyon Drive!
Trigger, Jr.
Evil Grant Withers lets a killer horse loose to ruin valuable horses on nearby ranches. He hopes to shake down the ranchers for his "protection". Roy tracks down the bad guys, but is suddenly trapped by them. Peter Miles, a boy terrified of horses, overcomes his fear and rides for help to save the day.
O Papai da Noiva
Moving Man (uncredited)
Stanley Banks, um orgulhoso pai, lembra o dia em que sua filha, Kay, se casou. Desde quando ela anuncia seu noivado até o dia do casamento propriamente. Veremos todas as surpresas e desastres que podem ocorrer ao longo desse sinuoso caminho.
The Good Humor Man
Police Detective (uncredited)
Biff Jones is a driver/salesman for the Good Humor ice-cream company. He hopes to marry his girl Margie, who works as a secretary for Stuart Nagel, an insurance investigator. Margie won't marry Biff, though, because she is the sole support of her kid brother, Johnny. Biff gets involved with Bonnie, a young woman he tries to rescue from gangsters. But Biff's attempts to help her only get him accused of murder. When the police refuse to believe his story, it's up to Biff and Johnny to prove Biff's innocence and solve the crime.
Buccaneer's Girl
A New Orleans performer loves a pirate who robs only from the shipowner who ruined his father.
A Costela de Adão
Court Clerk (uncredited)
Casal de advogados se vê em lados opostos em um caso no qual a ré disparou contra o marido, ao encontrá-lo com a amante. No início marido e mulher mantêm as discussões durante o julgamento, mas em virtude da cobertura dada pela imprensa o casal não expõe suas posições apenas no tribunal e isto gera algumas confusões.
Easy Living
Policeman (uncredited)
A football halfback has a heart condition, a nagging wife and a team secretary who loves him.
Um Passo em Falso
Policeman (uncredited)
Catherine Sykes disappears after a midnight drive with Professor Andrew Gentling . When she's presumed murdered, his friend Martha convinces him that he's a prime suspect and should investigate before he's arrested.
A Vida é um Jogo
Traffic Cop (Uncredited)
When he learns that a gangster has taken over his nightclub and murdered his partner, returning WWII hero Joe Miracle steals the money from the club's safe and hides in a settlement home, while the mob is on his tail.
Todas as Primaveras
Umpire (uncredited)
A scientist discovers a formula that makes a baseball which is repelled by wood. He promptly sets out to exploit his discovery.
Johnny Allegro
Treasury Department officials recruit a florist (Raft) to lead them to a wanted criminal (Macready); but once he gets too close, he finds he's the hunted.
Trooper (uncredited)
Carson e Drake descobrem uma caverna de ouro que pertence aos índios que não sabem disso, então eles tentam fomentar uma guerra que vai acabar com os nativos americanos e reivindicar o metal amarelo.
The Stratton Story
Star major league pitcher Monty Stratton loses a leg in a hunting accident, but becomes determined to leave the game on his own terms.
Ninguém Crê em Mim
Police Officer (Uncredited)
Tommy tem nove anos e vive inventando grandes histórias. Em uma noite de calor, ele decide dormir na escada de incêndio de seu apartamento e acaba testemunhando um assassinato. Ao revelar o que viu, seus pais e a polícia acabam não acreditando nele.
Punhos de Campeão
Fight Spectator (uncredited)
Expecting the usual loss, a boxing manager takes bribes from a betting gangster without telling his fighter.
A Rua Sem Nome
Officer (Uncredited)
After two gang-related killings in "Center City," a suspect (who was framed) is arrested, released on bail...and murdered. Inspector Briggs of the FBI recruits a young agent, Gene Cordell, to go undercover in the shadowy Skid Row area (alias George Manly) as a potential victim of the same racket. Soon, Gene meets Alec Stiles, neurotic mastermind who's "building an organization along scientific lines." Stiles recruits Cordell, whose job becomes a lot more dangerous.
Souvenirs of Death
Murdered Policeman (uncredited)
This MGM John Nesbitt's Passing Parade series short tells the story of how a Mauser pistol used on the battlefield by Germans during WWII makes its way into the hands of an American gangster.
Sangue de Heróis
Officer at Dance (uncredited)
O Tenente-Coronel Owen Thursday (Henry Fonda), herói da Guerra Civil Norte-Americana, é enviado para o Forte-Apache, um quartel perto da fronteira mexicana. Após os apaches fugirem, Thursday vê a chance que procurava para iniciar a ação. Porém, o Capitão Kirby York (John Wayne), aposta em uma saída pacífica para a situação.
April Showers
Man in Audience (uncredited)
A married couple who have a song-and-dance act in vaudeville are in trouble. Their struggling act is going nowhere, they're almost broke and they have to do something to get them back on top or they'll really be in trouble. They decide to put their young son in the act in hopes of attracting some new attention. The boy turns out to be a major talent, audiences love him and the act is on its way to the top. That's when an organization whose purpose is to stop children from performing on stage shows up, and they're dead set on breaking up the act.
Morrerei Onde Nasci
Sheriff (uncredited)
James Craig is torn between his criminal career as the masked bandit named the "El Paso Kid," and the life of a law-abiding citizen with his long-suffering wife Zoe. He repeatedly tells Zoe, "just one more time," but he is unable to stop which angers her greatly. However, he does have brief moments of heroics such as when he helps the Widow Weeks save her farm.
O Romântico Defensor
Cole Armin vai para Albuquerque trabalhar com seu tio John. Cansado das táticas de John, Cole resolve ficar ao lado de Ted Wallece e sua irmã Celia, rivais de seu tio.
Three Daring Daughters
Cabbie (uncredited)
Three young girls try to help their divorced mother find the right husband.
Estranha Fascinação
Frankie Madison retorna a Nova York depois de 14 anos de prisão. Noll Turner, ex-parceiro de Frankie em contrabando, é agora um rico gerente de boate, e Frankie está esperando que ele honre um acordo verbal de 'meio-a-meio' que eles fizeram quando ele foi pego e Noll escapou. Chance gorda! Será que Frankie, que conhece apenas os métodos violentos da Lei Seca, vai vencer no Big Business? Vai ser difícil... mesmo com a improvável ajuda da cantora Kay, a ex-namorada de Noll. (e 16 - Estimado 16 Anos)
Inferno nos Trópicos
Foreman with Holden at Fiesta (uncredited)
O competente e correto engenheiro Johnny Munroe (John Wayne) é contratado para construir uma perigosa estrada de ferro numa montanha dos Andes.
Véspera de Natal
Policeman (uncredited)
The greedy nephew of eccentric Matilda Reid seeks to have her judged incompetent so he can administer her wealth, but she will be saved if her three long-lost adopted sons appear for a Christmas Eve reunion. Separate stories reveal Michael as a bankrupt playboy loved by loyal Ann; Mario as a seemingly shady character tangling with a Nazi war criminal in South America; Jonathan as a hard-drinking rodeo rider intent on a flirtatious social worker. Is there hope for Matilda?
O Homem de 8 Vidas
Cop (uncredited)
Em Nova York, o desajeitado Walter Mitty é o editor de ficção barata na Pierce Publishing propriedade de Bruce Pierce. Ele vive com sua mãe dominadora e nem sua noiva Gertrude Griswold, nem sua mãe e nem seu melhor amigo Tubby Wadsworth o respeitam. Walter é um sonhador e vive em um mundo de fantasia muitas vezes ao longo do dia. Quando Walter está no trem ele tropeça com a linda Rosalind van Hoorn que usa Walter para escapar de seu perseguidor. Walter involuntariamente se envolve em um perigoso jogo de espiões que estão buscando um livro preto com notas sobre um tesouro escondido.
Terra de Paixões
Ranch Hand (uncredited)
Pistoleiro “Brazos” Kane (Randolph Scott) deixa de lado suas armas “para sempre” quando é forçado a atirar em seu melhor amigo, e decide juntar-se a um outro amigo, Bob Tyrell, como vaqueiro no rancho Inskip. Ao chegar lá, encontra o corpo de Tyrel crivado de balas. Ele carrega o corpo para o rancho Banner, o maior do território, e lá é acusado de assassinato por Banner.
Milagre na Rua 34
Guard (uncredited)
Quando um velhinho agradável que afirma ser Papai Noel é acusado de insanidade, um jovem advogado decide defendê-lo, argumentando no tribunal que ele de fato é Papai Noel. No desfile do Dia Ação de Graças da Loja de Departamentos Macy's, o ator que interpreta Papai Noel é flagrado por ter bebido por um homem velho bigodudo. Doris Walker, o maluco diretor de eventos especiais da loja, convence o velhinho a assumir o trabalho. O velhinho revela-se uma sensação e é rapidamente recrutado para ser o Papai Noel da saída da principal Macy's. Embora bem sucedido, Walker investiga e descobre que ele se chama Kris Kringle e que ele afirma ser o verdadeiro Papai Noel. Apesar das garantias do médico de que Kringle é inofensivo, Doris ainda tem dúvidas, especialmente porque ele tem cinicamente convencido à si mesmo e especialmente à sua filha, Susan, para rejeitar todas as noções de crença e fantasia.
Minha Morena Linda
Policeman Leaving Stationhouse (uncredited)
Baby photographer Ronnie Jackson, on death row in San Quentin, tells reporters how he got there: taking care of his private-eye neighbor's office, Ronnie is asked by the irresistible Baroness Montay to find the missing Baron. There follow confusing but sinister doings in a gloomy mansion and a private sanatorium, with every plot twist a parody of thriller cliches.
Undercover Maisie
Detective Lieutenant Franklin (Uncredited)
Maisie Revere, a showgirl stranded in Los Angeles, decides to join the local police department on the persuasion of Lieutenant Paul Scott who wants to use her as an undercover agent to expose a conman.
Dama, Valete e Rei
Junto a outro sócio, Johnny é proprietário de um cassino que passa por dificuldades, e para tentar resolver os problemas pede ajuda a um policial corrupto.
That Brennan Girl
Furniture Moving Man
Raised by Natalie Brennan, a flamboyant and irresponsible mother, Ziggy Brennan gets involved in hustling men at a young age. She hangs around with a wild crowd and learns gets her "street smarts" first from her mother, who wants everyone to think they are sisters, and then from Denny Reagan, an older man. He starts teaching her his tricks of the trade and she falls right in line with his crooked ways. Then one night she meets Martin J. 'Mart' Neilson, a tall, handsome, honest farmer boy who's a sailor and they fall in love. While he's away fighting the war, she discovers she's pregnant.
Do Céu Caiu Uma Estrela
Man in Fantasy (uncredited)
Com tanto problemas a atormentá-lo, George Bailey está decidido em acabar com tudo de vez, embora seja véspera Natal. Enquanto os Anjos conversam sobre George, a sua vida passa em retrospectiva. Mas quando George está prestes a saltar de uma ponte, é salvo por Clarence, o seu Anjo da Guarda, que lhe mostra como seria a cidade se ele não tivesse feito tantas coisas boas. Será que Clarence consegue convencer George a regressar à sua família e esquecer o suicídio?
Nunca Me Digas Adeus
Policeman (uncredited)
Phil and Ellen Gayley have been divorced for a year, and their 7-year old daughter, Flip, is very unhappy that her parents are not together. Flip starts a correspondence with a Marine, sending a picture of her beautiful mother as the author of Flip's flirtatious letters. When the Marine shows up to meet his pen pal, Ellen takes the opportunity to make her ex-husband jealous.
The Strange Woman
Poster's Workman
Isaiah, a 19th-century businessman, has his eye on the beautiful and very young Jenny. Finally of age, she accepts his marriage proposal, but their love affair quickly turns sour. Ephraim, Isaiah's college-age son, comes for a visit, immediately striking up a chemistry with Jenny. She promises marriage -- if he murders his father first. But Jenny also swoons for John, the fiancé of her best friend, Meg.
Sonhos Dourados
Audience Member
Washington, início do século XX. Garoto judeu prefere cantar a seguir os estudos religiosos, conforme desejo de seu pai. Torna-se artista do vaudeville, encanta-se com o jazz, junta-se a uma companhia de blackface, casa-se com uma não judia, atinge o estrelato, deixa crescer o ego, estraga a vida... mas não abandona o show biz.
Se Eu Fosse Feliz
Politician on Stage at Rally (uncredited)
Sem trabalho uma banda de swing monta um show trabalhando para uma campanha política, atraindo e entretendo potenciais eleitores em comícios. O candidato é realmente um fantoche de um grupo político corrupto que descobre que o cantor bonito e atraente da banda daria um fantoche muito melhor. Enquanto isso, o romance floresce entre os cantores da banda. Quando o dia da eleição se aproxima, o cantor da banda quer sair da campanha, mas a grupo político ameaça esfarrapá-lo, e a seus amigos da banda, se ele parar.
Badman's Territory
Deputy Marshal (uncredited)
After some gun play with a posse, the James Gang head for Quinto in a section of land which is not a part of America. Anyone there is beyond the law so the town is populated with outlaws. Next to arrive is Sheriff Rowley, following his brother whom the Gang have brought in injured. Rowley has no authority and gets on well enough with the James boys but is soon involved in other local goings-on, including a move to vote for annexation with Oklahoma which would allow the law well and truly in.
O Destino Bate à Porta
Officer (uncredited)
Em suas andanças sem rumo, Arthur Keats acaba parando em Twin Oaks, um restaurante à beira da estrada, onde conhece Cora Smith. Cora cuida do lugar com seu marido, com quem vive um casamento medíocre. Arthur e Cora acabam envolvendo-se em um romance apaixonado, mas para conseguirem a felicidade deverão dar fim à pedra no caminho - o marido de Cora.
Just Before Dawn
Policeman (uncredited)
In the 7th film of the "Crime Doctor" series based on the radio program, Dr. Robert Ordway is summoned to take attend a diabetic, and gives an injection of insulin taken from a bottle in the patient's pocket. The man dies and Ordway discovers that what he thought was insulin was really poison. Oops! Two other people are murdered before Ordway discovers who replaced the insulin with poison and what the motive was
Anjo ou Demônio?
Honky Tonk Dance Customer (uncredited)
An unemployed drifter, Eric Stanton wanders into a small California town and begins hanging around the local diner. While Eric falls for the lovely waitress Stella, he also begins romancing a quiet and well-to-do woman named June Mills. Since Stella isn't interested in Eric unless he has money, the lovelorn guy comes up with a scheme to win her over, and it involves June. Before long, murder works its way into this passionate love triangle.
Girls of the Big House
Deputy Sheriff
A women's prison provides the setting for this drama that centers around a naive small-town woman framed by a man whom she met in a nightclub in the big city. She is not welcomed by the inmates and immediately the prisoners are divided.
The West Side Kid
Millionaire Sam Winston is an unhappy man. His wife Constance lives a gay life, devoting all her time to parties; his daughter Gloria is in one scandal after another, changing husbands as often as her moods, and son Jerry spends his time getting drunk and chasing women. Sam hires gangster Johnny April to bump him off but Johnny, liking the old man, defers the killing and sets about making the family appreciate Sam.
Lucky Legs
Chorus girl Gloria Carroll inherits one million dollars from Broadway playboy Herbert Dinwiddle. Producer Ned McLane persuades her to advance him the money on a production called "Lucky Legs" that will star her. Unfortunately, the money has "made the rounds" prior to reaching Gloria and several less-than-scrupulous characters set out to separate Gloria from her inheritance.
Capitulou Sorrindo
Joe (uncredited)
A crooked politician finds himself being accused of murder by a gangster from whom he refused help during a re-election campaign.
Sabotage Squad
Unspecified Policeman
A police lieutenant and a patriotic professional gambler, rivals in life and love, combine efforts to corner a gang of Nazi saboteurs operating out of a barber shop, in which their mutual girlfriend works, and unmask its secret leader.
Grand Central Murder
Police Officer (uncredited)
Conniving Broadway starlet Mida King has plenty of enemies, so when she's found murdered at Grand Central Station, Inspector Gunther calls together a slew of suspects for questioning. Mida's shady ex-flame, Turk, seems the most likely culprit, but when smart-mouthed private eye Rocky Custer -- also a suspect himself -- begins to piece together the crime, a few clues that Gunther has overlooked come to light.
The Remarkable Andrew
Joe, Policeman
When Andrew Long, hyper-efficient small town accountant, finds a $1240 discrepancy in the city budget, his superiors try to explain it away. When he insists on pursuing the matter, he's in danger of being blamed himself. In his trouble, the spirit of Andrew Jackson, whom he idolizes, visits him, and in turn, summons much high-powered talent from American history...which only Andrew can see.
Nazi Agent
Radio Operator (uncredited)
Humble stamp dealer Otto Becker has little to do with international politics, so when he receives a surprise visit from his estranged twin brother and Nazi spy, Baron Hugo von Detner, his world is thrown into turmoil. Threatening Becker with deportation, Hugo forces him to use his shop as a front for espionage.
Herdeiro em Apuros
Flintwood Policeman (uncredited)
The operators of 'Silver Haven', a cultish group bilking gullible rich people out of money, is set to inherit a large sum after the deceased woman's heir also dies. Leader Joesph Jones decides to hurry the process along and kidnaps Wally Benton, his fiancé, and a friend, to further this goal. Wally, 'The Fox', is a radio sleuth who solves murders on the air. Jones wants him to devise a perfect murder, and isn't above killing others sloppily along the way to get his foolproof murder plot.
Marinheiros de Água Doce
Cop at Stage Door (uncredited)
Popular crooner Russ Raymond abandons his career at its peak and joins the Navy using an alias, Tommy Halstead. However, Dorothy Roberts, a reporter, discovers his identity and follows him in the hopes of photographing him and revealing his identity to the world. Aboard the Alabama, Tommy meets up with Smoky and Pomeroy, who help hide him from Dorothy, who hatches numerous schemes in an attempt to photograph Tommy/Russ being a sailor.
Love Crazy
Policeman (uncredited)
Circumstance, an old flame and a mother-in-law drive a happily married couple to the verge of divorce and insanity.
A Volta do Fantasma
Darryl - Police Officer (uncredited)
Topper is once again tormented by a fun-loving spirit. This time, it's Gail Richards, who was accidentally murdered while vacationing at the home of her wealthy friend, Ann Carrington (Landis), the intended victim. With Topper's help, Gail sets out to find her killer with the expected zany results.
Um Tiro Misterioso
When Charlie's old friend from Scotland Yard is murdered when they attend a police convention in New York, Chan picks up the case he was working on.
Charlie Chan no Museu de Cera
Detective Pete
A wax museum run by a demented doctor contains statues of such crime figures as Jack the Ripper and Bluebeard. In addition to making wax statues the doctor performs plastic surgery. It is here that an arch fiend takes refuge. The museum also houses a statue of Charlie. Frustrated number-two son kicks statue in rear; oops, number-two son wrong in his assumption
The Great Profile
Repo Man
An alcoholic film star attempts a comeback. Director Walter Lang's 1940 comedy stars John Barrymore, Mary Beth Hughes, Anne Baxter, John Payne, Lionel Atwill and Edward Brophy.
O Castelo Sinistro
Policeman at Boat Dock (uncredited)
After intrepid working girl Mary Carter becomes the new owner of a reputedly haunted mansion located on Black Island near the Cuban coast, a stranger phones warning her to stay away from the castle. Undaunted, Mary sets sail for Cuba with a stowaway in her trunk—wise-cracking Larry Lawrence, a radio announcer who helps Mary get to the bottom of the voodoo magic, zombies and ghosts that supposedly curse the spooky estate.
Phantom Raiders
In this second Carter mystery, a mysterious rash of cargo ships sinking in Panama leads insurers Llewellyns of London to hire vacationer Nick Carter and his eccentric associate Bartholomew to investigate. Nick recognizes influential nightclub owner Al Taurez as a shady operator, but getting the goods on him depends on slick diversions involving the heavyweight champ of the Pacific Tuna Fleet, a Panamanian bombshell armed with American slang, a young couple in love and a whole raft of crooks and cutthroats.
Free, Blonde and 21
Stories of women who live in an all-women hotel. One (Bari) works hard and marries a millionaire; another (Hughes) cheats and goes to jail.
Vigil in the Night
Court Bailiff
A good nurse ruins her career by covering up for her sister's careless mistake.
O Besouro Verde
Police Patrolman (uncredited)
A newspaper publisher and his Korean servant fight crime as vigilantes who pose as a notorious masked gangster and his aide.
Fast and Furious
Policeman (uncredited)
Joel & Garda Sloan, a husband and wife detective team, who also sell rare books in New York, take a vacation to Seaside City. At Seaside, Joel's pal, Mike Stevens is managing and preparing for their beauty pageant. Joel is made one of the judges plus he has invested $5,000 in it, to Garda's dismay. Eric Bartell, promoter, arrives to dupe Stevens. When Ed Connors, New York racketeer arrives, Bartell is mysteriously murdered. Joel and Garda set out to investigate the murder.
Women in the Wind
Policeman at Cleveland Air Field (uncredited)
A famous aviator helps an amateur enter a cross-country air race for women.
The Lady and the Mob
Policeman in Bank
Hattie Leonard sets out to break a criminal gang controlling the dry cleaning business.
Quando Elas Teimam
Police Detective (uncredited)
When the murdered body discovered by beautiful, vivacious socialite Melsa Manton disappears, police and press label her a prankster until she proves them wrong.
Aviso Sinistro
Guard Outside Tent
Army Private Eddie Pratt smuggles his new bride into camp in hopes of having a happy wedding night. Instead they discover a murder. Colonel Rogers of Army Intelligence arrives to take over the case. The prime suspect, Jevries, is well-known to Rogers, who sets out to get a confession from Jevries even though there are plenty of other suspects.
Everybody's Doing It
Gangsters are attempting to control the solutions (and winning) of the puzzles in a national newspapers picture puzzles contest craze.
Uma Nação Em Marcha
A história sobre o desenvolvimento das comunicações entre os Estados Unidos, durante sua rápida expansão no século XIX. A história narra a vida de Ramsey McCay (Joel McCrea), empregado da recém criada associação entre Henry Wells e William Fargo, e de como graças a sua dedicação, a Wells-Fargo chega a converter-se em uma grande empresa de correios e transporte de mercadorias para o Oeste, presente nos maiores acontecimentos de época.
True Confession
Police Detective (uncredited)
A writer takes a job as a secretary because her scrupulous husband isn't bringing in the dough as an attorney. When her new employer is murdered, she can't seem to make up her mind as to whether she "dunnit" or not.
She Loved a Fireman
Fireman Conway
A young man with a checkered past struggles to make good as a fireman.
Bulldog Drummond's Revenge
Ship Officer
Captain Drummond is travelling to Switzerland to marry his girlfriend. However, when a cargo containing dangerous explosives goes missing from its place, Drummond is forced to delay his plans.
Loura do Outro Mundo
Milton (uncredited)
The third of nine Torchy Blane movies. Angry that police detective Steve McBride (Barton MacLane) is giving preferential treatment to his reporter-fiancée, Torchy Blane (Glenda Farrell), reporters from a rival newspaper plan a fake murder with the idea that Torchy's paper will print the story and look foolish. The tables are turned when the fake murder turns out to be the genuine article.
The Super Snooper
Two dimwitted detectives investigate the robbery of an express company.
Man Of The People
Policeman (uncredited)
An Italian immigrant studying the law gets mixed up with crooks.
That Girl From Paris
Police Detective (uncredited)
Nikki Martin (Lily Pons), a beautiful French opera star, stows away on an ocean liner in hopes of escaping her jealous fiancee. Once aboard, she joins an American swing band and falls in love with its leader, who, after hearing her sing, eventually comes to reciprocate her feelings.
O Galante Mr. Deeds
Policeman (uncredited)
O simplório e honesto Longfellow Deeds, de Mandrake Falls - Vermont, acaba herdando uma fortuna imensa. Ele precisará ir para a cidade grande, mas lidará com pessoas que só pensam em se aproveitar de sua fortuna e humildade. Uma delas é a repórter Babe Bennett, que fica amiga de Deeds somente porque está procurando uma boa história para seu jornal.
O Segredo de Charlie Chan
Um navio afunda-se fora de Honolulu e Allen Colby, herdeiro de milhões, é dado como morto... mas o detetive Charlie Chan não tem tanta certeza e voa para San Francisco para investigar mais profundamente após encontrar um diário. De alguma forma, Colby reaparece... mas é assassinado antes que possa reivindicar sua herança. Mais eventos giram em torno da espiritualista Sra. Lowell, sua família de suspeitos e a mansão assustadora de Colby.