Sergio Newman


When Heroes Die
Executive Producer
The story of a group of American commandos assigned to kidnap General Rommel. But the soldiers are caught by the Germans who decide to use their plan against them. Replacing the American soldiers with German soldiers, and with the help of a fake "kidnapped" Rommel, they plan to kill General Eisenhower
Hell Commandos
Executive Producer
Members of a German tank crew become trapped behind enemy lines.
As Três Espadas do Zorro
The masked avenger of 1830s California leads his two swashbuckling children into battle against a tyrannical governor.
Autopsy of a Criminal
Executive Producer
As if It Were Raining
Delegated Producer
A writer stumbles into a job as a mob enforcer.
O Terrível Dr. Orloff
Executive Producer
Dr. Orlof, um médico da antiga prisão, rapta mulheres bonitas de boates e tenta usar suas peles para reparar o rosto de sua filha destruída pelo fogo. Auxiliado por Morpho, uma monstruosidade deformada que se deleita em morder suas vítimas. Orlof tinha que se apressar, embora pois um inspetor de polícia jovem e sua namorada bailarina investigam suas práticas sádicas.
La mestiza
Mañana cuando amanezca