Vanja Timer


Slow Motion
A 40 year old former football star and idol of his generation feels that there's a gap between him and the rest of his peers. In order to cross divides over, he makes 20th anniversary party for his school friends he graduated with, only to find out that things are more complicated than he first thought.
Tomova gazdarica
Pajo is a hardworking, lonely but also very rich farmer. His son Toma was, however, bored with country life and tried to seek fortune in the city. Short on money, Toma returns to the farm for a handout while Pajo tries to convince him to stay.
Quem Canta Seu Mal Espanta
susjeda Bajs
Situado na Zagreb pré-Segunda Guerra Mundial, a história é vista através dos olhos de Perica Šafranek de 6 anos de idade (interpretado por Tomislav Žganec). Um dândi de Zagreb, Fulir (interpretado por Relja Bašić), começa a flertar com a mãe de Perica durante um piquenique familiar. No início, o pai de Perica não percebe nada, mas quer se casar com a tia de Perica, então ele convida o homem para sua residência. Depois de vários encontros, o pai de Perica toma consciência das tentativas de Fulir de seduzir sua esposa.
Master of His Own Body
Due to negligence that caused the death of a family cow, an extremely poor but handsome young man Iva must obey his father's demands to marry an unattractive and limping daughter of wealthy villagers.
Biography of Vatroslav Lisinski, 19th century Croatian composer and the author of the first Croatian opera.