Alain Dion

Alain Dion


Alain Dion


Je la rencontrerai
Off Ice
While his father lies sick in a hospital room, Albert and his family try to get on with their lives. Their world seems suddenly divided in two: what happens inside the hospital, and the universe outside.
Comment c'est loin
Le père d'Arielle
After ten years of doing nothing, Orel and Gringe are in their mid 30s and they struggle to finish their first rap album. Their texts are mostly sex jokes and booze stories and reflect the everyday life they have in a small town from France. The problem is that they never really finished a song and when their producers want to meet, they have to face a new challenge : finish their first song in the next 24h. Their old issues, the fear of failure, their alcoholic friends and annoying girlfriends won't help them to do so, or will they ?
Sinais Vermelhos
Office worker
Num fim-de-semana de Verão, Antoine e Hélène decidem ir buscar os filhos à colónia no sul de França onde estão a passar férias. Como Hélène está atrasada, Antoine bebe enquanto espera. No carro, exasperado com o calor e o trânsito, Antoine decide sair da auto-estrada e parar num bar. Sob o efeito do álcool começa a conduzir de forma cada vez mais perigosa. Acaba por discutir com Hélène, que decide abandoná-lo e seguir a pé, sozinha na noite. Entretanto, a polícia anda à procura de um criminoso em fuga e Antoine, enquanto procura a mulher, cruza-se na estrada com um estranho indivíduo...