Luigi Maria Burruano

Luigi Maria Burruano

Nascimento : 1948-10-20, Palermo, Sicily, Italy

Morte : 2017-09-10


Luigi Maria Burruano
Luigi Maria Burruano


Delitto di mafia - Mario Francese
Domenico Di Marco
Quel bravo ragazzo
don Ferdinando Cosimato
Boris Giuliano: Un poliziotto a Palermo
Cavalier Buttafuoco
The Wait
Vincent Cavallo
A mafia killer accepts to take the identity of his last victim in order to redeem his past. Two games of chess - one with his victim, the other with his boss - will stress the turning points of this change. The killer meet his victim on a ship that carries back together in Sicily 40 years after their departure. Only one will arrive in Sicily, but he'll chose to change his life and complete the destiny of the other one.
La madre
Don Quirico
The Ideal City
Avv. Scalici
Actor turned director Luigi Lo Cascio stars as the talented architect and fervent environmentalist Michele who has moved from Palermo to his ideal city, Siena. He holds a successful job and is living out a dream experiment of functioning one year without running water or electricity. Not surprisingly, he also displays a passionate opposition to cars and driving. One evening, after being forced to borrow his boss’ car in order to collect a colleague for a work function, Michele’s life takes an unexpected turn. In the blinding rain Michele hits something he cannot identify. After leaving a note on a parked car he believes he damaged, he continues down the road only to come across a dead body a few miles down which he later discovers belongs to one of Siena’s most important luminaries. Michele immediately calls the police, but in doing so, he unwittingly brings intense suspicion on himself as his uncertainty raises more questions than he has answers for.
Everything Everything Nothing Nothing
Cetto and its city council were arrested, but in prison the conspiratorial former mayor makes no earning name as the gratitude of the powerful secretary. These decide to replace some MPs mysteriously killed precisely with Cetto and two other characters: Rodolfo Favaretto and Frengo Stop
Don Cimino
O mafioso David sofreu um gravíssimo acidente que resultou em perda de memória. Pouco a pouco, porém, ele começa a se lembrar do passado e dos crimes que cometeu enquanto fazia parte da máfia. Para agravar sua situação, David não demora em recordar que traiu a família da qual fazia parte. Ele tenta se redimir, mas acaba não vendo outra opção senão fugir. David parte em uma jornada em busca de suas origens italianas.
Corrupt and sleazy entrepreneur Cetto La Qualunque comes back to Italy and "jumps into politics" lest his law-abiding opponent, Giovanni De Santis, is elected as mayor.
Le ultime 56 ore
Napoli, Napoli, Napoli
Um retrato cru de Nápoles, onde os trabalhadores sociais e políticos não conseguem lidar com o lado negro da sociedade urbana — o que torna o trabalho da Camorra ainda mais fácil.
Baarìa - A Porta do Vento
Na Itália de 1930, Peppino viveu uma infância problemática. Quando ficou mais velho e viveu no período fascista, descobriu uma grande paixão pela política, entrando para o comunismo. Após a guerra, ele encontra um grande amor.
Blood of the Losers
Mario Vagagini
Milano-Palermo: Il Ritorno
giudice Conti
At the End of the Sea
Todor, a Serbian smuggler in Trieste, Italy, earns his daily bread by smuggling fake brand cigarettes. He sails out in a small boat to collect his freight if there is enough mist to make his illegal mission possible. One day he reluctantly accepts a much larger cargo. In the crate he finds a wounded and drugged woman. Todor decides not to deliver the freight and takes the woman home with him. He takes a chest full of stones to his client and it soon becomes apparent that he has got himself into big trouble with this manoeuvre. Todor takes care of the woman, who slowly but surely overcomes her fear of him. By the time he manages to get her a passport, an unbreakable bond has silently grown between them and he asks her to go away with him. Fate decides otherwise.
Baciami piccina
7th September 1943. The honest and reliable carabiniere Umberto is sent to escort the flamboyant con man Raoul Nuvolini from Terni to Venice. Umberto's fiancée Luisa follows him against his will.
Tre giorni di anarchia
Don Mimì
...e se domani
Police Chief
Mimì reunites after many years with Caterina, with whom he has always been secretly in love. When her husband dies, Mimì decides to become part of her life.
Eccezzziunale... veramente - Capitolo secondo... me
Don Calogero Calì
The Milanese Donato returns from Spain, animated by the serious intention to go back to being the "ras della fossa". Second chapter of the famous 80s cult.
Concorso di Colpa
Ispettore Di Nunzio
Quo Vadis, Baby?
Il capitano
A private detective investigates her sister's suicide 16 years earlier.
Miracolo a Palermo!
One day in Palermo and in the life of young boy Toto who is madly in love with the beautiful teenager Lina.
Te lo leggo negli occhi
The Return of Cagliostro
Carmelo La Marca
In the Sicily of the late 1940s, two brother sculptors, tired of selling madonnas to the local churches, finally realize their dream, and set up a Sicilian production company, thanks to the help of a local bishop. They start producing one box-office failure Z-movie after the other, all with terribly bad local non-pros as actors. Covered in debts, they finally have their great chance, when a local nobleman obsessed by magic decides to invest all his wealth in the making of a movie about Cagliostro, just one year after Orson Welles' Black Magic (1949). They hire a famous American actor (Robert Englund) and start shooting "The Return of Cagliostro".
Cuore scatenato
In Sicily, in a time not yet forgotten, in the heart of a small secluded town populated by cicadas, ticks and venomous snakes, that which made a man a real man was not riches or power, but his honor. He had to defend his dignity against insults and village gossip. It took little to stoke the fire once lit, and no one was immune. One of the worst humiliations a man can suffer was to have an adulterous wife. A man so disgraced would bear the mark of shame, with all eyes of the community upon him. It was said that "his horns were sticking out" for all to see.
O Vulcão Ginostra
Ettore's Uncle
Matt Benson é um agente do FBI que é enviado para Sicília, na Itália, para investigar o assassinato de uma família vítima de um atentado terrorista, cujo único sobrevivente é o menino Ettore, de 11 anos de idade. Preocupado com a segurança do garoto, ele resolve trazê-lo para sua bela casa, localizada de frente para o vulcão Ginostra, onde vive com sua mulher Jessie e uma filha de cinco anos. Matt só não sabia que, ao abrir a porta de sua casa para a única testemunha daquele crime brutal estava também transformando sua vida num verdadeiro iferno. Um inferno cujas matérias primas são o perigo, o medo e o inesperado despertar do vulcão, cujas chamas ameaçam a vida de todos.
Break Free
Directed by Gian Tavarelli, Liberi (Break Free) centers on the freckle-faced Vince (Elio Germano), whose life in a Roman mountain village is unfulfilling, to say the least. His father Cenzo (Luigi Maria Burruano) lost his job after a local chemical plant closed; shortly afterward, Cenzo's wife Paola (Anita Zagaria) dumped him for a politician. Fed up, Vince travels to the beach town of Pescara and lands a job as a junior cook at a tourist resort. While there, he falls in love with Genny (Nicole Grimaudo), a waitress plagued by a phobia of traveling. Just as the romance begins to take off, Cenzo appears at Vince's doorstep demanding that his son help him get Paola back. ~ Tracie Cooper, Rovi
Il trasformista
Father Gabriele
Fiery, dark-haired Stella, an intense auto mechanic, and nervous, blonde Eleonora are young and in love. They operate a gas station peacefully, until Eleonora's mother appears and voices her disapproval of their romance.
Salomon Goldman
In a country (alluded to be Chile) under dictatorship, a police night raid comes up with a few usual anti-regime suspects. They are sent to a camp in the middle of nowhere. Their friends on the outside start to plan their escape.
Nati stanchi
don Ciccio Milazzo
Salvo and Valentino are two happy Sicilian friends, who do not want to work, because they know that if they find a permanent job, their girlfriends will ask them to marry them.
Santo Antônio de Pádua
Nascido numa família nobre portuguesa, Antônio desafiou o pai, ao se negar a participar das cruzadas contra os mouros. Converteu-se ao Catolicismo em 1220, abdicando de toda sua riqueza para viver como um frade franciscano. Esta produção mostra as passagens mais importantes de sua vida: seu encontro com São Francisco, sua viagem ao Marrocos, os milagres e, sobretudo, sua pregação da Palavra de Deus. Um programa recomendado para todas as famílias cristãs.
Leoluchino Barone
The investigations of the Italian Police antimafia Branch searching the murderers of judge Giovanni Falcone.
And now sex
Eight episodes vaguely inspired to real events. The "fil rouge" is the relationship between the Italians and sex in the first years of 2000s. From prostitution to virtual sex all the categories are represented in a funny way that anyway tries to investigate this kind of reality.
Os Cem Passos
Luigi Impastato
Cinisi é uma vila na província de Palermo, conhecida pelo aeroporto de Punta Raisi, que os chefes mafiosos locais utilizam para seus negócios. Aqui vive o pequeno Peppino Impastato, a cem passos da casa do chefe Tano Badalamenti, com quem sua família tem um relacionamento próximo, marcado pela lei do silêncio.
Operazione Odissea
Sante Parvitano
Amore a prima vista
Don Antonio
A man falls in love with a dude after a corneal transplantation.
Luciano Leggio
Determinado a quebrar o reinado da máfia na Itália, Giovanni Falcone, um advogado corajoso, ousou desafiar a Cosa Nostra.
La fame e la sete
zu Alfiu
Oltremare - Non è l'America
Bakunin's Son
Based on a novel of Segio Atzeni. By a lot of interviews, usualy contradictory, it discovers the many lifes of Tullio Saba, a Sardinian miner, thief, singer, union organizer, rebel...
Luna e l'altra
Luna is an endearingly prudish teacher in Milan, who lives with her grumpy father. Often teased by students and co-workers alike, her only ally is the janitor, Angelo, who harbors a secret crush on Luna. When a carnival comes to town, Luna meets a man who possesses a magic lamp, which he uses to free her "shadow self." This doppelganger is Luna's polar opposite, whose presence poses both a problem and an opportunity for Luna.
O Homem das Estrelas
Flirtatious Client
The adventures and deceptions of a photographer who travels through small villages of 1950s Sicily pretending to work for the big film studios in Rome.
S.P.Q.R. 2000 Anos e 1/2 Atrás
No antigo Império Romano, a rivalidade entre um juiz sedento por justiça e um senador desonesto gera uma disputa sem limites e muitas situações engraçadas.
The Whores
Scenes from the lives of 7 hookers. Five are women. One is a man, and one is a transvestite.
The Escort
The film shows the difficulties of an honest, imperiled judge and his bodyguard of four men, trying to clean up a Sicilian town. Corrupt local politicians, working hand-in-hand with the Mafia, will stop at nothing to prevent exposure of their rackets.
On the Dark Continent
Domenico Spatola
In the 1950s, a big stir was made by a book (and its corresponding movie) called The Ugly American. Its subject was the grievous damage done to local cultures by well-meaning but essentially clueless (and frequently arrogant) representatives of the U.S. Since then, the phenomenon of cultural damage cause by arrogant tourists and visitors has been demonstrated to be something everyone is capable of. In this thoughtful, comic drama, the subject is Italians overseas. In this film, Malindi Kenya is the playground of rich Italians.
Acla's Descent into Floristella
Aclà's father
Set in Sicily in the 1930's, Aurelio Grimaldi's feature debut chronicles the harsh story of twelve-year-old boy, Aclà, sold into slavery by his destitute parents to work in the underground Floristella sulfur mines. Overworked and underfed, Aclà toils from Monday to Saturday in the steamy, candle-lit labyrinths. Repeatedly beaten and abused by his "owner" and with constant threats of being raped, Aclà plots his escape to the sea...
Boys on the Outside
Franco D'Annino
Young men with no future have little in the present as well. Natale is released from prison: he takes up with his friends again but none can find work. Claudio, from Palermo, gets out of juvenile detention in Naples and he's met by Vita, a girl who's come from home to run away with him. Where can they go? A young dad, whose potato stall at the market is shut down because he has no permit, takes his two small children to the beach and yells at them. Mario, gay, a prostitute in drag, gets a visit from his mom; he offers tea, then finds the water to his apartment is shut off. Social workers drop by, parole officers file reports. What hope is there? What options besides crime?
Mary Forever
Franco D'Annino
A teacher discovers his calling. Marco relocates to Palermo from Milan and takes a job teaching in a reform school while he waits for a high school position. He tries to understand and motivate his handful of students, reading them colloquial poetry, encouraging them to stand up for their rights, finding out about their histories. Natale, in for murder, enamoured of the Mafia, the King Rat within the group; Mery, a drag queen, arrested for assault when defending himself, in love with Mario and, in daylight, rejected by all; Pietro, illiterate, muscular, believing his destiny is set; the callow Claudio, vulnerable, learning to harden himself. What can Mario learn and do in such a short time?
The Sicilian Connection
Mario (Placido), an Italian American who manages a pizzeria in NYC, is charged with an assassination of a judge in Palermo. He leaves the States, comes back to Sicily and recruit Michele, his younger brother, for some help. Michele is a good guy not involved with the Mafia, that is trying to build his life on honesty and hard-working. Michele needs some money to give freedom to a prostitute he is in love, and Mario promise his help in change of an hands to set up his trap for the judge. Anyway Michele isn't made with the same "pasta" of Mario, he couldn't never be a real Mafioso and this causes many between the two brother and the Mafia. There is only a way for Mario to save his brother. A way that Mafia could like.
This and That
il carabiniere che parla con Giulio
Two episodes. The 1st is 'Amore impossibile' (Impossible love). Giulio is a comic book draftsman. He is passing through a creativity depressed period. One day his editor makes him meet a blond nice girl. Immediately Giulio fall in love and starts to draw his impossible love story into a new comic book. The 2nd is 'Quello dal basco rosso' (the one with the red beret). Sandro, a mature man, meets one of his former girlfriend and her daughter Daniela. Daniela couldn't have sex with her boyfriend because of a childhood remembrance. In fact she always remember her mother having sex with a man wearing a red beret. She discovers that man is Sandro, makes love with him and soon recovers from her obsession.
Conjugal Love
In a well appointed villa in Bagheria, near Palermo, a couple, Silvio and Leda Pataneo, spend their days attempting to complete a novel, making love, and caring for a citrus grove that the local townfolk want to acquire. All framed against a political backdrop of class and cultural differences.
Un santo senza parole