Illona Wieselmann

Illona Wieselmann


Illona Helen Wieselmann var en dansk skuespiller af østrigsk oprindelse. Hun kom efter 1. verdenskrig til Odense i1921 som "wienerbarn" og forblev i Danmark. Hun optrådte allerede som 11-årig på Odense Teater og fik sin egentlige debut på teatret i 1926. I årene 1926 – 1932 spillede hun ved turnéteatre, indtil hun kom til Det kongelige Teater, hvor hun var ansat frem til 1953. Hendes glansrolle på dette teater var som Esther i Indenfor murene. Hun medvirkede kun i tre film, nemlig De bør forelske Dem (1935), Afsporet (1942) og Så mødes vi hos Tove (1946).


Illona Wieselmann


Strange Harbor
"Strange Harbor " - A Swedish cargo ship is in the winter of 1938 at the dock in Gdynia in Poland, waiting to depart with coal to Sweden. In a tavern in the port a Polish dockworkers tries to tell something to the Swedish sailors, but is rudely turned away by the tavern owner. Later in the evening the port worker is found dead. That same evening one of the Swedish sailors, meets a Jewish woman who has fled Nazi Germany.
We Meet at Tove's
Eight old school friends meet at Tove's to discuss what has happened in the last 10 years. Some have made careers, others have become homemakers, some are married and others alone. The community is intact, but what no one knows is that Tove is hiding a big, unhappy secret.
Esther Berthelsen
A young woman of good family is driven into one of thieves and prostitutes and ends in suicide.
De bør forelske Dem