Title Graphics
The arrival of children, as seen through the stories of four different couples, just when a pregnancy comes along and conflicts with their lives. A marital crisis becomes a family tragedy; a mad man's gun forces a young couple to reconsider a premature pregnancy; a long struggle of in-vitro fertilizations brings together and forces apart two sterile women who have shared the same man; and a young Iraqi immigrant, all alone in her apartment, is forced to give birth to her child with the help of her Greek stalker and next door neighbor. The stories unfold within a day and collide in a violent and fatal incident.
Visual Effects
Uma enfermeira, um paramédico, uma ginasta e o seu treinador fundam um grupo de apoio, denominado de Alps, no qual, contratados por familiares e amigos, eles substituem pessoas falecidas recentemente. Apesar do regime disciplinado imposto pelo líder do grupo, a enfermeira começará a ignorar as regras deste estranho grupo.