Dimitris Polyzos


Arm Wrestler
An arm wrestler who lives in the countryside, upset with the mentality of the small community, decides to return to Athens. In this journey of adulthood, he will face in a "bras de fer fight" the most difficult opponent, his pure self.
Magnetic Fields
Having met by chance on the way to an island, a woman and a man decide to wander around together in search of a good place to bury a metallic box.
MÍR: Hundred Years of Revolution
During the 1950s, very much in the spirit of the day, some progressive-minded Icelanders founded an association that would cultivate good relations with the USSR – by showing films, among other activities. Now the superpower is gone, but their Icelandic friends are still showing Soviet movies once a week.
Off Sides
Assistant Editor
When the junior ice hockey team from the small town of Náchod, in the Czech Republic, sets off in a bus to Morocco to play the away game in an exchange programme, the players and their coach expect an easy victory and a cultural shock: “bring ear plugs”, the coach suggests them with a touch of undisguised condescendence, so as not to hear the call to prayer early in the morning. Both on and off the ice, Rozálie Kohoutová and Tomáš Bojar’s camera focuses on a few teenagers and their exchanges, simultaneously funny and cruel, in a clumsy English.
Bratři Okamurovi
Assistant Editor
The Bark Beetle of Šumava
In the National Park of Šumava, in the south of Czech Republic, an invasive species of insect, the bark beetle, is eating the wood of the spruce tree, causing serious damage to the forest since the early 2000s. The forest, already weakened by the intensive spruce monoculture that was going on in Šumava during decades, couldn’t resist to the invasion of beetle. The extent of the destructions leads in 2011 to a large political controversy opposing the administration of the park to some environmental NGOs – two conception of the relation between man and nature were facing eachother. Meanwhile, the beetle gather his strenght and fight for his survival…
The City of Children
Editorial Production Assistant
The arrival of children, as seen through the stories of four different couples, just when a pregnancy comes along and conflicts with their lives. A marital crisis becomes a family tragedy; a mad man's gun forces a young couple to reconsider a premature pregnancy; a long struggle of in-vitro fertilizations brings together and forces apart two sterile women who have shared the same man; and a young Iraqi immigrant, all alone in her apartment, is forced to give birth to her child with the help of her Greek stalker and next door neighbor. The stories unfold within a day and collide in a violent and fatal incident.