Haien Qiu


Su realidad
Uma viagem de dois artistas pela Europa que mistura travessia e surrealismo.
A Infiltrada
Complicated and bizarre story of Ana (Haien Qiu), a chinese born in Argentina which, unexpectedly, is pursued by the danger. Accidentally she becomes involved in an affair of the Chinese triads established in Argentina, they confuse her with one of their own. To get rid of them flee the country, but what is not known is that in the meadow, things have changed, is desert. All she find are rabbits, not anyone, but some mutants turned into bloodthirsty carnivores.
Estranhos na Noite
Casal de músicos que costuma passar dificuldades para pagar seu aluguel gosta de inventar histórias com os barulhos que escutam no prédio. Numa certa noite eles ouvem sons que pensam ser de um assassinato no andar de cima e investigam o caso.