Andrea Cavalletto


Roubando Mussolini
Costume Design
Durante a guerra, uma empresária de Milão reúne um bando de desajustados com um elaborado plano para roubar um lendário tesouro de Mussolini.
Il Boemo
Costume Designer
The year is 1764. For over a year, Josef has been leading a precarious life in Venice. He hopes to become an opera composer. The city, full of talented and already-established composers, seems closed to him. Looking for work as a violinist, he comes into the orbit of a rich young woman. Thanks to her, he gets the opportunity to play at salons. But his real opportunity arises when he becomes the lover of a libertine marquise. She teaches him worldly manners, rids him of signs of a provincial upbringing and introduces him to a hedonistic existence free from religious intolerance. Thus transformed, Josef gets an incan incredible commission: to write an opera for the San Carlo, Europe's largest theatre.
Costume Design
Over the course of a day in September, three loosely related people realize their life is not the one they dreamt of.
The Tale of King Crab
Costume Design
Hoje, alguns ainda o chamam de santo, de pária ou de assassino: Luciano, alimentado por seu amor pela ardente Ema, defendeu sua liberdade até cometer o imperdoável. Exilado na distante e hostil Terra do Fogo, lá ele poderia encontrar seu caminho para a salvação em busca de um tesouro lendário.
Costume Design
In the near future, the southern Italian city of Taranto is surrounded by barbed wire that no one, not even the police, dares to cross. The poorest are left fighting for survival, while gangs compete for the territory. Two thirteen-year-old orphans who grew up together, dream of joining one of the gangs.
The Bad Poet
Costume Design
1936. Giovanni Comini, the youngest Federal in Fascist Italy, is summoned to Rome for a delicate mission: to surveil aging national poet Gabriele D'Annunzio, whose increasingly restless behavior Mussolini fears could damage his alliance with Nazi Germany. However, after spending time with D'Annunzio, Comini finds himself torn between loyalty to the Party and his fascination with the poet, who will put his burgeoning career at risk.
A Fera
Costume Design
Para resgatar a filha, um veterano das Forças Especiais entra em uma perseguição desesperada aos sequestradores e acaba virando suspeito do crime.
Almost Christmas
Costume Design
Three siblings find themselves in their childhood home. There is one thing the mother must say. These are the days before Christmas. There is also a girl, who finds herself living those days with them. It looks so familiar. There is an expectation and a forced closeness. A new fish for the aquarium and an engagement ring. Old school notebooks and a remote control that is no longer found. A ringing phone and an old story of Red Indian shamans. There are certain spirits in that house who are struggling to leave.
The Big Step
Costume Design
Ever since, at the age of six, Dario Cavalieri saw live images of the first moon landing, he has never stopped wanting to go there. Mario Cavalieri runs a neighborhood hardware store in Rome, until the day his existence is upset by the phone ring. His brother Dario is in prison. Mario finds himself being the only one who can take care of that brother he has seen only once in his life. The two brothers, as physically similar as they are different in character, will find themselves alone in the face of an impossible undertaking.
Costume Design
Martin Eden
Costume Design
O escritor Martin Eden entra em conflito com a burguesia. Encarando o novo, ele se apaixona e descobre como autores são vistos na sociedade aristocrática, enquanto se questiona sobre sua própria natureza como criador.
Scappo a casa
Costume Design
Michele é um homem superficial que só tem desprezo pelas outras pessoas e vive apenas para exibir sua riqueza nas redes sociais, até ser confundido com um imigrante norte-africano na Europa de Páscoa e deportado.
Il tuttofare
Costume Design
We are all equal before the law, but some are just more equal than others.
Where the Shadows Fall
Costume Design
Nurse Anna and her assistant Hans work in an old folks’ home that was once the orphanage where they were imprisoned as children, and they still seem trapped in time and space.
The Major Fisherman
Costume Design
In this fact-based drama, an ecology-minded fisherman is elected mayor of his corrupt seaside town and begins crusading against drugs and crime.
South Is Nothing
Costume Design
Set in a tiny seaside town, Fabio Mollo’s feature debut is a quietly evocative drama about a family’s attempts to cope with the loss of their son, and the impact of his absence on his teenaged sister Grazia.
Dá pra fazer
Assistant Costume Designer
Nello, um sindicalista afastado do sindicato por suas ideias avançadas, se vê dirigindo uma cooperativa de doentes mentais, ex-pacientes dos manicômios fechados pela Lei Basaglia. Acreditando firmemente na dignidade do trabalho, ele convence os sócios a substituir as esmolas assistencialistas por um trabalho de verdade, inventando para cada um, uma atividade incrivelmente adaptada às respectivas capacidades, mas indo também de encontro às inevitáveis e humanas contradições.