Herbert Evans

Herbert Evans

Nascimento : 1882-04-16, London, England, UK

Morte : 1952-02-10


Herbert Evans


Thunder on the Hill
Villager (uncredited)
Sister Mary presides over a convent where a convicted murderess, who is being escorted to Death Row, is stranded by bad weather. She is slowly becoming convinced that Valerie is innocent so Sister Mary sets about to clear the girl and bring the real killer to justice.
O Tirano
The wicked Alain plots an elaborate revenge against his younger brother Edmund, leading to a deadly confrontation in his dungeon deathtrap.
Alma Sem Pudor
Charity Ball Guest (Uncredited)
Christabel Caine has the face of angel and the heart of a swamp rat. She'll step on anyone to get what she wants, including her own family. A master of manipulation, she covertly breaks off the engagement of her trusting cousin, Donna, to her fabulously wealthy beau, Curtis Carey. Once married to Curtis herself, Christabel continues her affair with novelist Nick Bradley, who knows she's evil, but loves her anyway.
Cada Vida... Seu Destino
Wedding Doorman (uncredited)
The wedding of Ellen and David is halted by a stranger who insists that the bride is already married to someone else. Though the flabbergasted Ellen denies the charge, the interloper produces enough evidence that his accusation must be investigated. Ellen and David travel to the small coastal town where her first wedding allegedly occurred. There, they meet a number of individuals whose stories make Ellen question her own sanity.
Vagabond Loafers
Wilkes The Butler
The stooges are the "Day and Night" plumbers. Called out to a fancy mansion where a society party is going on, they cross the electrical and water systems and generally ruin the place. Despite their incompetent plumbing, they save the day by recovering a painting stolen by a pair of thieves masquerading as party guests.
Sky Liner
Sir Harry
Travellers board a flight, unaware that other passengers might be spies and counterspies, complete with secret documents, poison and elaborate plans to engage in international espionage!
The Hot Scots
The Earl
The stooges apply for job as 'Yard Men' at Scotland Yard, thinking they'll become detectives, but instead wind up as gardeners. When they learn that detectives are need to guard a Scottish castle where valuables have been disappearing, they masquerades as Scotsmen to get the job. After a spooky night in the castle, the boys expose the servants as the crooks.
The Miracle of the Bells
Nobleman in 'Joan of Arc'
The body of a young actress is brought to her home town by the man who loved her. He knows that she wanted all the church bells to ring for three days after she was buried, but is told that this will cost a lot of money. The checks that he writes to the various churches all bounce, but it is the weekend and, in desperation, he prays that a miracle will happen before the banks reopen. It does, but not in the way he hoped.
Jiggs and Maggie in Society
Maggi continues her forever-ever efforts to crash Manhattan's top society, while Jiggs still mingles with his old construction cronies at the bar of Dinty Moore on 10th Avenue.
Monsieur Verdoux
Garden Party Guest Getting Sprayed (uncredited)
Monsieur Verdoux (Charles Chaplin) é um assassino em série golpista. Ele casa com senhoras ricas e logo depois as mata para ficar com toda a herança. Esse dinheiro ele usa para sustentar sua verdadeira família, que se encontra em dificuldades financeiras desde que Verdoux se deu mal nos negócios.
Fleming's Butler
Um serial killer em Londres está assassinando jovens mulheres, que encontra através das colunas pessoais de jornais; ele anuncia cada um de seus crimes à polícia, enviando-lhes um poema enigmático. Depois de uma dançarina desaparecer, a polícia convoca uma amiga americana dela, Sandra Carpenter, para responder aos anúncios nas colunas pessoais e assim atrair o assassino.
Estratagema da Juventude
Barton (Uncredited)
Shy, destitute Peter Porter meets equally impoverished Nancy Crane at a Florida beach. Inspired by Peter's belief that a person can acquire wealth simply by creating an aura of success, the outgoing Nancy convinces Peter to join her in impersonating a confident and eccentric wealthy couple. The experiment works, and the couple secure a stunning wardrobe and a lavish room at a resort. Peter panics, however, when he gets a fantastic job offer.
Jeffries (uncredited)
Family drama about a young farm girl, suddenly orphaned, who must give up her beloved dog when she's sent to live with her aunt in Boston.
A Likely Story
Train Passenger (uncredited)
A shell-shocked young GI mistakenly believes he is dying, and a young artist takes it upon herself to prove to him that he's not.
The Fabulous Suzanne
Suzanne, a waitress, comes up with a sure-fire method for winning at the racetrack and, later, when she inherits a fortune from a customer of the restaurant, she use the same system for investing her money. Her stock broker tries to dissuade her, but she persists and her investments increases her wealth.
English Cartel Member (uncredited)
Na Argentina, Johnny Farrell é um jogador de dados que se vê numa situação de roubo e é salvo por Ballin Mundson, um proprietário de um casino. Johnny começa a trabalhar para Ballin como seu braço-direito. A situação muda com a chegada de Gilda, sua amante no passado e que recentemente se casou com Ballin.
Pardon My Past
Burch, the Butler
Eddie York (MacMurray) is mistaken for playboy Francis Pemberton and gets into trouble.
Footman (uncredited)
Pickpocket Kitty's life changes when painter Thomas Gainsborough makes her portrait. The artwork gains the attention of Sir Hugh Marcy, who later decides to use her for his benefit.
The Brighton Strangler
Manby's Butler (Uncredited)
After suffering a head injury during the Blitz, John Loder, a theatre actor comes to believe himself to be the Brighton Strangler, the murderer he was playing onstage.
O Coração Não Envelhece
Miner in Bar (uncredited)
When a teacher reads an essay written by Morgan Evans, one of the boys, moved by his rough poetry she decides to hold classes in her house and believes that Morgan is smart enough to attend Oxford.
Abroad with Two Yanks
Michael, Stuart's Butler
Biff and Jeff, two American G.I.'s on furlough in Australia during The Second World War, are enjoying their time the way most soldiers on leave do. When they meet the beautiful Joyce, however, they both fall head over heels for her, and start competing for her attentions. As their R&R time begins to run out, the schemes they each come up with to win her affection and foil the other's plans to do the same become more and more outrageous.
A Fig Leaf for Eve
Sardams's Butler
A nightclub dancer, raised in an orphanage, learns she might be the long-lost heiress to a hair tonic fortune.
Escola de Sereias
Backstage Manager (uncredited)
O compositor de canções românticas Steve (Red Skelton) ingressa numa faculdade feminina para tentar reconquistar sua esposa Caroline (Esther Williams), uma treinadora de natação. A partir daí começam muitas confusões, risadas garantidas e memoráveis balés aquáticos. Skelton em ótima forma e Esther Williams abalando os corações com seu corpo escultural, sem contar com inúmeras beldades como alunas da bela Williams. Uma comédia deliciosa.
Speakeasy Patron (uncredited)
A popular e bela Fanny Trellis é forçada a um casamento sem amor com um homem mais velho, o banqueiro judeu Job Skeffington, a fim de salvar seu amado irmão Trippy de uma acusação de peculato e as consequentes complicações previsíveis. (e 10 - Estimado 10 Anos)
Footman (uncredited)
American Susan travels with her father to England for a vacation. Invited to a society ball, Susan meets Sir John Ashwood and marries him after a whirlwind romance. However, she never quite adjusts to life as a new member of the British gentry. At the outbreak of World War I, John is sent to the trenches and never returns. When her son goes off to fight in World War II, Susan fears the same tragic fate may befall him too.
Entre a Loura e a Morena
Club New Yorker Patron (uncredited)
Cantora conhece um sargento mas este deve cumprir uma missão no Pacífico. Após o reencontro, ela descobre que ele é rico e está prestes a se casar. Enquanto isso, Dorita usará todo seu charme e ousadia para resolver a situação. Filme conhecido pela cena em que Carmen Miranda dança com algumas frutas sobre a cabeça.
Arrisca-te, Mulher!
Uma bancária de Nova York, Mollie Truesdale (Jean Arthur), no final dos anos 1930, acha que seu sonho de fazer uma viagem de ônibus de 17 dias com todas as despesas pagas para a costa do Pacífico e voltar, pode não ser tudo o que ela acha que deveria ser... até que ela chega ao Oregon e um bronco enfurecido joga em cima dela um cowboy de rodeio e a derruba. Duke Hudkins (John Wayne), a título de pedido de desculpas, a leva para conhecer as vistas de Fairfield, Oregon, e ela perde seu ônibus, briga com um Duke perplexo, pede carona pelo deserto... e um romance nasce.
Missão em Moscou
Courtroom Spectator (uncredited)
Ambassador Joseph Davies is sent by FDR to Russia to learn about the Soviet system and returns to America as an advocate of Stalinism.
Johnny Doughboy
As sixteen year old Ann Winters begins a relationship with an older actor to further her career, lookalike fan Penelope Ryan is recruited by a group of former child stars to perform in a USO show.
Englishman Questioning Casino's Honesty (uncredited)
Durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial, muitos fugitivos tentavam escapar dos nazistas por uma rota que passava pela cidade de Casablanca. O exilado americano Rick Blaine encontrou refúgio na cidade, dirigindo uma das principais casas noturnas da região. Clandestinamente, tentando despistar o Capitão Renault, ele ajuda refugiados, possibilitando que eles fujam para os Estados Unidos. Quando um casal pede sua ajuda para deixar o país, ele reencontra uma grande paixão do passado, a bela Ilsa. Este amor vai encontrar uma nova vida e eles vão lutar para fugir juntos.
Rosa de Esperança
Com o início da segunda guerra mundial, Vin, o filho mais velho, regressa da universidade e se apaixona por Carol Beldon, neta de Lady Beldon, uma aristocrata de Beldon Hall, uma mansão vizinha. Apesar de discordâncias iniciais, se casam. Com a iminente ameaça de ataques aéreos à Inglaterra, Vin decide fazer sua parte e se junta à Força Aérea Real como piloto. É enviado para uma base localizada perto da casa dos pais. Clem ajuda na Operação Dynamo com o barco a motor da família. Sozinha em casa, a Sra. Miniver encontra um piloto alemão ferido em seu jardim. Ela o alimenta, o desarma calmamente e avisa às autoridades locais.
Eagle Squadron
Air Raid Warden
An American joins the British Royal Air Force just before Pearl Harbor is attacked, and falls in love with a beautiful English girl.
What's Cookin'?
J. P. Courtney wants to update the music on the radio program he sponsors, but his wife, Agatha Courtney, is the final authority and addicted to the classics and won't allow him to replace Professor Bistell and his symphonic orchestra. Conspiring with his daughter Sue and her friends, Marvo the Great, the Andrews Sisters, Anne Payne and bandleader Woody Herman, they devise a sabotage plot that gets rid of Professor Bistell, and a new sound is soon heard on the program.
Road to Happiness
Evans - Rankin's Butler (uncredited)
A struggling singer, devoted to his young son, fears the child's super-spoiled, unloving but wealthy mother will gain custody of the boy.
O Homem Que Quis Matar Hitler
British hunter Thorndike vacationing in Bavaria has Hitler in his gun sight. He is captured, beaten, left for dead, and escapes back to London where he is hounded by German agents and aided by a young woman.
The Green Archer
Columbia's 12th serial of 57 total (following 1940's "Deadwood Dick" and ahead of 1941's "White Eagle") is another of director's James Horne's "classics" where he evidently figured that the same reactions that served him well in Laurel and Hardy films would work well in action serials where he has all hands, heroes and villains alike, doing some kind of over-the top "take", no matter the situation. This loose adaptation of an Edgar Wallace story finds Michael Bellamy (Kenne Duncan in his Kenneth Duncan period) inheriting Garr Castle, but his brother, Abel Bellamy (James Craven, as usual making Oil-Can Harry look smooth), has him imprisoned unjustly and moves into the castle himself. When Michael's wife, Elaine Bellamy (Dorothy Fay), fails to return after visiting Abel, her sister Valerie Howett (Iris Meredith), accompanied by their father,
Correspondente Estrangeiro
Parking Valet (uncredited)
Johnny Jones (Joel McCrea) é o correspondente de um jornal de Nova York que viaja para a Europa usando o pseudônimo de Huntley Haverstock, quando a 2ª Guerra Mundial era uma realidade cada vez mais iminente. Inicialmente ele vai para Londres mas logo está em Amsterdã, onde juntamente com várias pessoas testemunha o assassinato de Van Meer (Albert Bassermann), um diplomata holandês. Entretanto, logo ele toma consciência que quem morreu foi um sósia e que Van Meer na verdade foi sequestrado por agentes do inimigo, que querem arrancar do diplomata importantes segredos. Assim sua situação fica desesperadora, pois sua história é em princípio absurda e, além disto, estão querendo matá-lo.
Andy Hardy e a Grã-Fina
Betsy's Butler (uncredited)
O juiz Hardy leva sua família para Nova York, onde Andy rapidamente se apaixona por uma socialite. Ele acha a vida da alta sociedade muito cara e, eventualmente, decide que ele gostou mais de voltar para casa.
Uma Mulher Original
David (uncredited)
A flighty socialite neglects her family to promote a new religious group.
A Ponte de Waterloo
Commissionaire (uncredited)
Em Londres, durante os bombardeios da Primeira Guerra, o oficial Roy e a bailarina Myra se conhecem na ponte de Waterloo e logo se apaixonam. Porém, Roy precisa partir para o front de batalha. Myra promete esperá-lo. Meses depois, ela recebe a notícia da morte de Roy. Desiludida e sem recursos, Myra toma uma decisão drástica. Mas será que o seu grande amor realmente morreu?
Little Old New York
Livingstone's Footman
Inventor Robert Fulton receives support from a tavern owner and a shipyard worker to help realize his dream of a high-powered steamboat.
O Pássaro Azul
Mytyl e Tyltyl são irmãos que acabam sendo levados em uma encantadora viagem pelo passado, presente e futuro. Eles conhecem os poderes da natureza em busca do pássaro azul da felicidade.
Dois Palermas em Oxford
Professor Crampton (uncredited)
The boys get jobs as a butler and maid (Stan in drag) for a dinner party. When that ends in disaster, they resort to sweeping streets and accidentally capture a bank robber. The thankful bank president sends them to Oxford to get an education. Predictable results ensue.
We Are Not Alone
Patient with Straw Hat
A British doctor and his son's Austrian governess have an affair and are accused of killing his wife.
E As Chuvas Chegaram
Indian aristocrat Rama Safti returns from medical training in the U.S. to give his life to the poor folk of Ranchipur. Lady Edwina and her drunken artist ex-lover Tom Ransome get in the way, but everyone shapes up when faced by earthquake, flooding, and plague.
O Vendedor de Milagres
Nightclub Patron
A maker of illusions for magicians protects an ingenue likely to be murdered.
Man About Town
Englishman (uncredited)
Producer Bob Temple, who's brought an American show to London, loves his star Diana, but she won't take him seriously as a lover. To show her, he picks up stranger Lady Arlington, whose financier husband neglects her. On a weekend at the Arlington country house, Bob is used by both Lady A. and her friend to make their husbands jealous; this works all too well, and Bob is in danger from both husbands.
This classic family drama stars Shirley Temple as young orphan Susannah Sheldon, the sole survivor of a brutal Indian attack who's befriended by Canadian Mountie Angus Montague (Randolph Scott) and his girlfriend, Vicky (Margaret Lockwood). The couple takes Susannah under their wing and soon learn that having a precocious child around can come in handy; when the Indians return, the girl uses her charm to broker peace.Shirley is the orphaned survivor of an Indian attack in the Canadian West. A Mountie and his girlfriend take her in...
A Princesinha
Orderly Chasing Sara
Garota é deixada em escola interna inglesa pelo pai, um oficial do exército. Ela recebe a notícia de que ele morreu, não se conforma e foge para tentar encontrá-lo em algum hospital.
Álibi Nupcial
Fagin - the Carson Butler
Spies force former jewel thief Michael Lanyard to steal defense secrets in Washington.
Patrulha da Madrugada
Scott's Mechanic
In 1915 France, Major Brand commands the 39th Squadron of the Royal Flying Corps. The young airmen go up in bullet-riddled "crates" and the casualty rate is appalling, but Brand can't make the "brass hats" at headquarters see reason. Insubordinate air ace Captain Courtney is another thorn in Brand's side...but finds the smile wiped from his face when he rises to command the squadron himself. Everyone keeps a stiff upper lip.
Gangster's Boy
A popular high school valedictorian and star athlete becomes a pariah when it's discovered that his father is a former bootlegger.
Difícil de Apanhar
Richards' Chauffeur (uncredited)
When spoiled young heiress Maggie Richards tries to charge some gasoline at an auto camp run by Bill Davis, he makes her work out her bill by making beds. Resolving to get even, she pretends to have forgiven him, and sends him to her father to get financing for a plan Bill has. What happens next was not part of her original revenge plan.
A young heiress moves away from home, takes a job in a Chicago department store and weds a co-worker who's unaware of his bride's wealthy background.
Everybody's Doing It
Gangsters are attempting to control the solutions (and winning) of the puzzles in a national newspapers picture puzzles contest craze.
High Flyers
Mr. Hartley
Two men running a carnival airplane ride are hired to fly to retrieve what they think are photos for a reporter. Actually, they are retrieving diamonds stolen from a noted gem dealer. As it turns out, their plane crashes on the very estate of the dealer. Thinking the duo are police officers, the dealer offers his home for their convalescence from the accident. Meanwhile, the diamonds have been snatched by a kleptomaniac dog and buried on the estate. When the smugglers track down the pair, they try to convince the dealer that they are officials from an institution from which the two have escaped. Before long, the carnival fellows, the crooks, the gem dealer and his family, along with a platoon of cops, are tearing up the grounds to find where the dog has buried the diamonds.
The Westland Case
Simmons - Butler
A detective must solve a case where a girl was murdered in a room--and all the doors and windows were locked from the inside.
A Donzela de Salém
Townsman (Uncredited)
When a young woman named Barbara Clarke has an affair with adventurer Roger Coverman, it causes a scandal in the Puritanical town of Salem, Massachusetts. After a meddling girl arouses their suspicions, the town's elders accuse Barbara of being a witch. She is tried, convicted of sorcery and sentenced to death. As the townspeople prepare to burn Barbara at the stake, Roger tries desperately to save the woman he loves.
Echo Mountain
Mr. Rayford
Echo Mountain (1936) is a color musical short where they sing their songs in a mountains setting.
The White Angel
Porter (uncredited)
In mid-nineteenth century England the medical establishment does not recognize the value of skilled nurses, cleanliness, nutrition and kindness. Florence Nightingale's heroic measures slowly changes all of this.
And Sudden Death
An heiress with a penchant for speeding runs afoul of a traffic cop. Romance develops between the two, but it's soon complicated when he believes she is responsible for killing someone due to reckless driving.
Charles (uncredited)
Musical about dingaling millionaire businessman Cedric Ames and his various employees
The Widow from Monte Carlo
In this romantic comedy, an aspiring socialite heads for a vacation in Monte Carlo where she befriends a wealthy widowed duchess and then begins blackmailing her after she steals a scandalous letter.
O Lobisomem de Londres
Detective Evans (uncredited)
Homem é atacado por estranho animal. Agora, ele precisa conviver e tentar se livrar da maldição de ser lobisomem.
Sangue Cigano
Peter Tosh
The stoic, proper Rev. Gavin Dishart, newly assigned to a church in the small Scottish village of Thrums, finds himself unexpectedly falling for one of his parishioners, the hot-blooded Gypsy girl Babbie. A village-wide scandal soon erupts over the minister's relationship with this feisty, passionate young woman, who holds a secret about the village's nobleman, Lord Milford Rintoul, and his role in an increasingly fractious labor dispute.
The Gay Bride
British Official (uncredited)
Mary wants to marry a gangster because that is where the money is. Unfortunately, the life expectancy and finances of a gangster are unstable.
Shrimps for a Day
A magic lamp lets a young couple become kids again and exposes a mean old man who runs his orphanage like a prison.
Great Expectations
A young boy, Pip, encounters an escaped prisoner, Magwitch, and steals food for him. After the convict is captured, Pip meets the reclusive Miss Havisham and her niece, Estella, eventually becoming friends with the girl. Wealth comes to Pip via a mysterious benefactor and he goes off to London for an education. As adults, Pip and Estella become romantic, and Pip learns the identity of his patron.
Student Tour
English Coach
A philosophy professor accompanies his school's rowing team on a worldwide tour.
Service with a Smile
Walter Webb, thinking his gas station has been destroyed, describes a "super-deluxe" gas station run by chorus girls to his insurance agent.
Brief Moment
A high living society playboy marries a nightclub singer, and she soon realizes that, though they're genuinely in love, the husband's endless partying completely dominates and is destroying their marriage.
Ship of Wanted Men
Duke Finley
A shipful of fugitives from justice pulls up on a Pacific Island where there are no extradition laws. The island is a magnet for the scum of the earth, as well as a few honest guys who were framed. Into this den of iniquity swims socialite Dorothy Sebastian, who jumped off a yacht after apparently murdering her lecherous host. To remain on the Island, Sebastian is told that she must pay $5,000 to head honcho Fred Kohler -- and if she hasn't got the money, it is implied, there are other methods of collection.
Reunion in Vienna
Count Von Stainz
An exiled archduke (John Barrymore) tries to renew romance with a former lover (Diana Wynyard) now wed to a psychiatrist (Frank Morgan).
Lord Hurley
In the 1860s, Mary Marlowe defies her father's wishes to marry a British lord and runs away with clerk John Carlton as he heads West to make his fortune. Mary and John endure the difficult journey and settle into a small cabin, then face the hostilities of a cattle rustling gang, as well as the tragic loss of their only son. With Mary's help, John defeats the gang, which propels him to political power that, over the years, gradually erodes the once-happy marriage.
Million Dollar Legs
Mata's Butler (uncredited)
A small country on the verge of bankruptcy is persuaded to enter the 1932 Los Angeles Olympics as a means of raising money.
O Expresso de Shanghai
British Railway Officer (uncredited)
Estrangeiros cruzam a China de trem quando começa a guerra civil. A sensual Shanghai Lily e uma antiga paixão sua, o capitão Donald Harvey, estão entre os passageiros. Ela usa seu poder de sedução para salvá-lo das maldades de um militar chinês. (e 14 - Estimado 14 Anos)
British Soldier at the Front (uncredited)
Two brothers, Jack and Tom, are in love with the same woman, Molly. While the two brothers go off to war and Molly does her part in the effort, Tom believes that Rose is waiting for him, while in fact, she loves Jack and only turned to Tom on the rebound. Jack and Molly meet while he is on leave, and when he returns to battle, he doesn't know how to handle the situation with his brother.
Newly Rich
Tiffany Chauffeur (uncredited)
Two small town widows bring their children to Hollywood, where their children become competing film stars. The girl is sweet, the boy is a killjoy sissy. For publicity, the rival families go to London to meet a middle European boy King. The three kids decide they need to escape their stifling lives and run away to the docks and join a gang.
O Diabo Que Pague
Racing Fan at Derby (uncredited)
Spendthrift Willie Hale again returns penniless to the family home in London. His father is none too pleased, but Willie smooth-talks him into letting him stay. At the same time he turns the charm on Dorothy Hope, whose father is big in linoleum and who, before Willie's arrival, was about to become engaged to a Russian aristocrat.
Way for a Sailor
Ship's Officer
A devoted sailor jeopardizes his love life for love of the sea.
O Ás da Velocidade
Restaurant Manager (uncredited)
Depois de perder seu emprego, Speedy começa a trabalhar como motorista de táxi. Ele descobre um esquema da companhia de trens para acabar com os bondes puxados a cavalo. Os bondes pertencem ao pai da sua namorada, então Speedy organiza os moradores mais antigos do bairro para tentar impedir os planos da companhia de trens.
The Third Degree
Robert Underwood
An expose of the methods used by a police-department to extract a confession from a suspect, regardless of innocence or guilt, and the effect and consequences on a family when an innocent member breaks under the interrogation methods and confesses to a crime he did not commit.
A Daughter of France
Fritz von Meyring
During World War I, Louise, a French girl, refuses to leave her château after the invading Germans take it over for use as their headquarters. A German officer, Col. von Knorr, makes repeated advances on her, but she rebuffs him.
Who Loved Him Best?
George Steele
Motion picture actress Doria Dane (Edna Goodrich) gives up her career to play muse to sculptor George Steele (Herbert Evans). With Doria's help, Steele overcomes his Bohemian excesses and stays away from the influence of the jealous but wealthy Mrs. Schuyler (Miriam Folger). He finally achieves success, but he also begins to neglect Doria. When she catches him kissing the dreaded Mrs. Schuyler, Doria decides to leave him. But when she goes to his studio to drop off her farewell note, she discovers another sculptor, Harry North, copying one of Steele's masterpieces. Later she comes over to Steele's studio and, in front of a crowd of people, smashes the statue to bits. Then she takes them over to North's studio and explains that she switched the two statues, and reveals North as a fraud. At the base of the real statue she has left a letter of reconciliation to Steele.
The Wild Girl
A dying stranger abandons a baby girl in a gypsy camp, with a note explaining that on her eighteenth birthday, she is to inherit a Virginia estate. The gypsy chief, aware of the girl's value, instructs Sabia, the tribe's matron, to dress and rear her as a boy. Years later, while the tribe is traveling in Virginia, Vosho, the chief's son, discovers the true sex of the girl, now called Firefly, and demands to marry her.
The Heart of a Hero
William Howe
This is a visualization of the life of patriot Nathan Hale which is based on a play by Clyde Fitch. Robert Warwick plays Nathan (and does a fine job) and Gail Kane the girl whom he loves (Alice Adams).