Daniel Herrera

Daniel Herrera

Nascimento : 1903-03-01, Mérida, Yucatán, Mexico

Morte : 1983-09-29


Daniel 'Chino' Herrera was born on January 3, 1903 in Merida, Yucatan, Mexico as Daniel Herrera Bates. He was an actor, known for El bolero de Raquel (1957), ¡A volar joven! (1947) and El gendarme desconocido (1941). He died on September 29, 1983 in Mexico City, Mexico.


Daniel Herrera


The White House: Inside Story
Additional Narration
The White House is one of America’s most iconic buildings; it is a symbol of shared national history and is home to the most powerful person on Earth. Here, the president charts the course for the country, and the First Family lives in the spotlight. It's a home, an office, and a museum. It's a bunker in times of war, a backdrop for command performances or state visits, and the heart of the American body politic.
O Ministro e Eu
Huésped de Yucatán
Mateo Melgarejo (interpretado por Mario Moreno "Cantinflas") é um notário e escreve para o analfabeto de Santo Domingo, um bairro ao norte do Zócalo da Cidade do México. Um amigo invasor pede sua ajuda na negociação com o escritório do censo de terras para regularizar um título de propriedade. Depois de uma grande frustração com a burocracia do governo, ele escreve uma carta ao ministro, conquistando uma audiência com ele. O ministro contrata Melgarejo para reformar o escritório e o designado passa a dar uma conferência aos funcionários sobre seus deveres em uma sociedade democrática. No final, ele deixa o cargo, regressando a Santo Domingo para ajudar os seus pobres moradores.
Cruz de amor
Mother works as a servant to send her daughter to an expensive private school. Naturally, the daughter meets the son of her mother's employer at a mixer...
La muerte es puntual
Pancho Villa Chong
Lurid crime drama about drug traffic.
Lupe Balazos
Cowgirl gets her man. After all the entanglements run their course.
La garra del leopardo
Variation on Zorro. Lawyer disguises himself to fight crime, using his secret identity to work on clearing a client and himself of criminal charges.
Jugándose la vida
Police procedural, structured like a TV cop show with three independent half-hour episodes.
Vuelven los Argumedo
The Argumedo cousins have their clothes stolen while taking a shower, and they must find it at all costs, because there's a winning lottery ticket in their pockets.
El Misterio de Huracán Ramírez
Maestro Katsuga (as Chino Herrera)
Hurricane Ramirez is the new manager of the arena and champion of the ring. He must battle with The Prince, a ruthless criminal who will try to end with his life.
Si yo fuera millonario
White-collar criminals conspire to prevent a shmuck from collecting an inheritance.
Cazadores de asesinos
Don Lucas (as Chino Herrera)
Gritty-western (B&W/1962 style) about bounty hunters.
Servicio secreto
El 338
Two secret agents are after a couple of car thieves who belong to a band of criminals headed by Ernesto. The band has kidnapped the son of Daniel, a boxer who is about to fight for the world title. The agents must destroy Ernesto's band and rescue Daniel's son before the fight so Daniel doesn't lose his chance at the title under the kidnapper's threats.
O Analfabeto
El Poca Luz
Inocêncio Prieto y Calvo recebe uma carta dizendo que ele é o herdeiro da fortuna de seu tio de dois milhões de pesos. Não sendo capaz de ler, ele não faz ideia de quem enviou a carta ou o seu conteúdo. Então ele vai à farmácia porque o farmacêutico pode ler-lhe a carta. Mas enquanto espera para ser ajudado, ele vê que uma menina sabe ler. Ele então acha que precisa descobrir o conteúdo da carta sozinho, então decide guardar a carta e ir à escola para aprender a ler.
Juan Polainas
Pathetic shmuck loser tries to rival his twin brother's exploits in the Mexican Revolution.
Los pistolocos
Papa and the butler try to find an acceptable husband for daddy's spoiled little girl.
La cigüeña dijo sí
Newlywed couple wait for their first baby, but the mother/in-law gets pregnant first.
Gloria sells dolls in benefit of UNICEF and is interested in putting on an international show. In a hotel in Acapulco the ranchero Javier, the Muslims Mustafa and Ali, the Brazilian Mr. Carioca and the charro José Lorenzo meet to carry out the project. Among the men there will be a series of entanglements to dispute the love of the young woman.
El superflaco
Mad scientist gives Atomic Powers to a 98 pound weakling.
La marca del cuervo
Masked avenger on horseback, one of a series.
Los muertos no hablan
Bandit crew with mysterious masked leader is doing lots of crimes. Mauricio Rosales and his sidekick ride into town all incognito and stuff to set things right.
Las tres pelonas
Pseudo-historical drama about a semi-civilian who decides to run guns across the border for Villa's troops.
Ay... Calypso no te rajes!
Nightclub owners cash in on new musical fad.
Tres desgraciados con suerte
Three cowboy party-boys, posing as highway bandits, meet three women who want to reform them.
La cama de piedra
O Bolero de Raquel
Cantinflas, fica com a responsabilidade de cuidar de Chavita, o filho do seu melhor amigo, que faleceu num acidente. Empenhado em satisfazer o grande desejo de Chavita, em ter uma enorme e bonita bola, vê-se obrigado a procurar emprego. Cantinflas decide ir à escola com Chavita, para se instruir, mas enamora-se perdidamente pela bela professora.
Especialista en señoras
Frenetic rom-com about doctors overwhelmed with amorous female patients.
Adventures of a New Rich Man
Novia a la medida
Door-to-door salesman falls for a young woman, implements hare-brained schemes to separate her from her fiance.
Young woman breaks up with her fiance to shack up with her sister's husband.
Vamos Voar, Moço!
Um dia de folga na Academia Militar de Aviação é a ocasião perfeita para Cantinflas visitar sua namorada e falar com seu ex-chefe. No entanto, o dia vira uma tortura após o patrão tentar obrigá-lo a se casar com a filha.
Ángel o demonio
Wealthy young gentleman falls in love with a cabaret girl of no breeding; he overcomes his prejudices and accepts her in spite of her past... will she live up to his expectations of her?
The Last Adventure
All of Mexico asks the same question, who has won the lottery jackpot of five million pesos? If the lucky person who won them does not show up soon to collect the prize, it will have to be raffled again.
Cantinflas, o Evadido
Dois porteiros da margem de uma pequena cidade encontram a porta aberta e o guarda inconsciente ao chegar ao trabalho. Então eles ouvem uma forte explosão. A polícia prende-os como suspeitos do evento e conseguem escapar da prisão para encontrar os verdadeiros ladrões.
The Jungle of Fire
Juan Le (as Chino Herrera)
A beautiful woman awakens passions in the workers of a camp deep in the jungle.. Venice Film Festival 1947
El gendarme desconocido
Comandante Bravo
Cantinflas captura uma gangue que havia assaltado um banco na noite anterior. Considerado um herói, torna-se membro da força de missões especiais por causa de sua capacidade de se disfarçar de muitas formas diferentes.
Cantinflas jengibre contra dinamita
Ele nos mostra um pobre Cantinflas como um rato que anda com um chapeleiro triste e acaba em um bar onde ele terá um confronto com o bandido perigoso "Ojo Tapado" (Olho Tapado).
The Night of the Mayans
A white man seduces a local girl in an isolated Mayan village, which makes gods unhappy.