While trick-or-treating, Francine meets an elderly woman with a very mysterious past; Binky finds himself at Mr. Ratburn's amazing haunted house; and Arthur, Buster and Ladonna fear the tree house may be haunted.
Bob Dylan (Christian Bale / Cate Blanchett / Heath Ledger / Marcus Carl Franklin / Richard Gere / Ben Whishaw), ícone musical, poeta e porta-voz de uma geração. Sempre viveu em constante mutação ao longo da vida, especialmente durante os anos 60. Musicalmente, fisicamente, psicologicamente, as alterações do seu personagem público dialogaram com acontecimentos sociais e ocasionaram múltiplas repercussões culturais. De jovem menestrel a profeta folk, de poeta moderno a roqueiro, de ícone da contracultura a cristão renascido, de caubói solitário a popstar.
Connecticut high school students Max Doyle and Jessica Carpenter fall in love and feel making love isn't enough, so they brave everyone's objections and get married.
When the prospect of an Elwood City concert by the Backstreet Boys drives everyone else into a frenzy, a disgusted Francine decides to counter with an "anti-cute" band of her own called U Stink. But things don't go quite the way she had planned.
When the joker Tommy Tricker plays some practical jokes on some of his friends, his best friend Ralph, a stamp collector, discovers the secret of "stamp travel" to make him travel around the world on a stamp to bring back the mysterious Charles Merriweather, who never returned on a stamp for 75 years.