Tonya Williams

Tonya Williams

Nascimento : 1958-07-12, London, England, UK


Born in London, UK, she is an only child of Lloyd G. Williams a now deceased Supreme Court Justice of the British Virgin Islands and St. Kitts, and Korah H. Williams a retired Registered Nurse. Both Tonya's parents are Jamaican, but met in the UK at University and married there. When Tonya was 1 1/2 years old, she and her parents moved to Kingston, Jamaica where her father set up practice. At the age of 4 1/2 while in Jamaica she contracted Rheumatic Fever and was hospitalized for 6 months. Shortly after that her parents divorced and her Mother returned to the UK with her. They lived in Birmingham, UK where Tonya attended the private schools York House and then Greenmoore College. When she was 12 years old her Mother emigrated them to Oshawa, Canada, a city just outside of Toronto. It was during High School that Tonya began her career as an actress. At the age of 16 she booked her first TV commercial for the Bank of Nova Scotia and shortly after that she was on the Milk 'Wear A Moustache' commercial which catapulted her into a national campaign across Canada and made her a household name. After High School she enrolled at Ryerson University Drama Program in Toronto.


Tonya Williams


Empire of Dirt
Like many Native families, Lena Mahikan grew up in the cycle of abuse. Her father, a residential school survivor, was an alcoholic until he killed himself when Lena was 10. Her mother, only 14 years her senior, turned to the slots. By the time Lena was 15, she was pregnant and, before giving birth, was kicked to the curb by her mom. The cycle continues and Lena is now watching helplessly as her own daughter, Peeka, spirals out of control, landing herself in the hospital following a drug overdose. As a final attempt at survival, Lena decides to return home and face her own mother and a past she’s desperate to escape.
Double Wedding
Two sisters, no love lives. Both end up dating the same man, and inviting him to meet the family on December 17th. He doesn’t know there are two sisters or that he committed to two different dates on the same day.
O Round Final
Ruth Carvery
Após cumprir dez anos de prisão por ter espancado um garoto, culminando numa vida quase vegetativa por parte da vítima, Donnie Rose (Rossif Sutherland) retorna à liberdade. Inconformados com tal descisão judicial, a família da vítima une-se fortemente para tomar alguma atitude sobre o fato. E então o boxeador profissional Ossie Paris (Flex Alexander), primo da vítima, resolve promover uma luta entre ele e o algoz de seu ente querido, para vingar-se do ocorrido. Para surpresa de todos, o pai da vítima, George (Danny Glover, num papel bem executado), resolve treinar Donnie para o combate, a fim de que este consiga sobreviver ao massacre intencionado por Ossie.
Invasores do Espaço
Prepare-se para esta espetacular aventura intergalática, cheia de ação e efeitos especiais. Quando cinco Marcianos perdidos aterrisam por engano no planeta Terra, tem início uma sequência de cenas hilariantes e muita confusão. Na sua missão para conquistar o mundo, os cômicos integrantes da tripulação se preparam para atacar uma pacata cidadezinha. Você não vai conseguir parar de rir com as loucuras deste grupo.
A Very Brady Christmas
Almost 20 years after the start of the original "Brady Bunch" the kids are grown up and have kids of their own. Everyone is having a wonderful time back at the family house for Christmas, until Mike learns of a structural problem in one of the buildings he designed. As he is inspecting the problem, the building collapses, trapping him inside. As the whole family waits by the pile of rubble, they fear the worst. Will Dad be all right?
The Liberators
As Is
TV Commentator
Story of a homosexual man who finds out he has AIDS and how people react. Ex-lovers are brought together when the former is stricken with AIDS. Often humorous and never morose, author William Hoffman doesn't pull his punches with either his portrayal of a gay lifestyle or of the emotional toll the disease takes.