Lawrence Montaigne

Lawrence Montaigne

Nascimento : 1931-02-26, Brooklyn, New York, USA

Morte : 2017-03-17


Lawrence Montaigne


Mr. Diamond
John Dakota is young bum with a hidden past. He meets a nice family and works on their ranch. He soon becomes a good friend of the disabled son and helps them overcome local problems.
Benção Mortal
Matthew Gluntz
Um antigo membro de uma seita secreta morre de forma misteriosa depois de um acidente com um trator. Sua viúva acaba sendo perseguida pelos membros remanescentes da seita, que parecem ter desígnios maléficos para ela.
Why Did You Pick On Me?
Military Sergeant
Following the events of The Sheriff and the Satellite Kid, Sheriff Hall and H-725 (using the official identity of Charlie Warren) still get no rest from the military - because the little alien has not yet grasped the meaning of keeping a low profile. They are constantly on the move, and H-725's father has had to pick them out of a tight spot too many times already.
The Ordeal of Dr. Mudd
Judge Holt
This is the story of the doctor whose farm John Wilkes Booth went to after assassinating Abraham Lincoln
The Visitor
An ancient intergalactic warrior arrives on Earth to put a stop to a demonic child's plot to reproduce Satan's next generation of evil.
The Million Dollar Dixie Deliverance
A Confederate officer kidnaps for a $1,000,000 ransom five well-to-do children from a Yankee boarding school; a wounded black Union soldier helps them escape after they perform the necessary surgery to remove the bullet from his leg. But they are captured again, and it takes a lucky Union army attack to save them.
Young Lady Chatterley
Carl - Chauffeur
Cynthia inherits a large estate and moves in. She reads her aunt's diary and finds out how she was taught in the ways of love by her gardener in 1901 at the age of 21. She decides to continue the fruitful relationship and gets it on with the handsome young gardener herself.
Madrugada de Vingança
Deputy Allison
Joe Don Baker plays a gambler who is framed for a crime he did not commit. A corrupt legal system leads him into a plea bargain and four years behind bars. By the time he gets out of prison, he's determined to put together the pieces of his frame-up and dole out the justice he was denied to those responsible.
A Montanha Enfeitiçada
Tony e Tia Malone são órfãos com dons especiais. Suas habilidades motivam o cruel milionário Aristotle Bolt a atraí-los para sua mansão e explorar seus poderes mágicos. Quando tentam escapar, os irmãos começam a desvendar o mistério sobre seu nascimento.
The Underground Man
Leo Broadhurst
A private detective goes after the kidnappers of his ex-girlfriend's son and becomes involved in a series of murders.
The Psycho Lover
Kenneth Alden
A psychiatrist plots to murder his wife, but with a new twist: he will brainwash a patient he is treating into committing the crime.
Russian Agent (uncredited)
André Devereaux é um homem contratado para checar rumores de mísseis russos em Cuba durante a Guerra Fria. Além disso, ele deve descobrir tudo sobre um espião da Otan chamado Topázio, o que nos leva à mortes, traições e um suspense para sabermos se ele irá conseguir ou não expôr o agente.
The Power
One by one members of a special project team are being killed by telekinesis - the ability to move things with the power of the mind alone. The race is on to determine which of the remaining team members is the murderer and to stop them.
Setembro 1942 - Com o Afrika Korps de Rommel em marcha através do Egito, uma unidade de Comandos Britânicos, composta de judeus-alemães e ingleses, apesar do ressentimento mútuo entre eles, resgatam o oficial canadense Donald Craig, topógrafo de companhia petrolífera na vida civil, que é mantido prisioneiro pelos franceses de Vichy na Argélia. O oficial Donald Craig, deverá guiar esses comandos por 800 milhas do Saara para ajudar um planejado desembarque anfíbio de tropas que atacarão a enorme base de armazenamento de combustível alemão em Tobruk. Uma missão que enfrenta um obstáculo após o outro, e que descobre uma despercebida força blindada alemã pronta para ganhar a batalha do Egito.
Os Ressuscitados
The Greek
A dramatization of the goings on at a drug rehabilitation home. Filmed at the original Synanon House in Santa Monica, California.
A Grande Evasão
Haynes ('Diversions')
Para reduzir o risco de fugas, a Luftwaffe decidiu transferir para um campo de prisioneiros de segurança máxima uma parte dos seus mais audaciosos prisioneiros de guerra Aliados, quase todos com um longo currículo de fugas fracassadas. Decididos a não baixar os braços e a, pelo menos, provocarem a maior confusão possível entre os captores Alemães, um grupo de prisioneiros decide organizar uma fuga em massa de 250 prisioneiros numa só noite.
Os Valentes Damon e Pítias
Flute Player
Damon is a thief who begins to question his beliefs after he meets Pythias, a liberal Athenian who believes all men are brothers.
Os Mongóis
Prince Stefan's ally
During the Mongol invasion of Poland, a conflict between Mongol Emperor Genghis Khan and his oldest son Ogotai ensues when the former aims for peace and the latter itches for war and conquest.