Ernest Gold

Nascimento : 1921-07-13, Vienna, Austria

Morte : 1999-03-17


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Ernst Sigmund Goldner (July 13, 1921 – March 17, 1999), known professionally as Ernest Gold, was an Austrian-born American composer. He is most noted for his work on the film Exodus produced in 1960. Career NBC Orchestra performed Gold's first symphony in 1939, only a year after he moved to the United States. In 1941, he composed a symphony that was later played at Carnegie Hall in 1945. Gold moved to Hollywood in the same year to work with Columbia Pictures, his first significant role being the score for the melodrama Girl of the Limberlost (1945). After this opportunity, Gold wrote scores for other minor films. For the next ten years, he continued to work on B movies, mainly orchestrating and arranging music for western movies and melodramas. He was asked by Stanley Kramer to orchestrate Not as a Stranger (1955). The music for the film was written by George Antheil. This production opened the door for Gold to work with other scores written by Antheil and to orchestrate more of Kramer's films. Gold worked on almost every film Kramer made, including A Child Is Waiting and It's a Mad Mad Mad Mad World. Gold produced his first original film score in 1958 for Too Much, Too Soon. His big break came in 1959, when he was asked to score On the Beach (1959 film) after Antheil became ill and he recommended Gold for the job. Gold is most widely recognized for his work on Exodus (1960). He was contracted by Otto Preminger and, atypically, was able to watch the filming of the movie. Gold spent time in Israel to write the score. In 1968, Gold wrote a Broadway musical called I'm Solomon. He also wrote music for television including Fun with Dick and Jane. In his later life, Gold was the musical director of the Santa Barbara Symphony Orchestra. He also founded the Los Angeles Senior Citizens Orchestra. His concert works include a piano concerto, a string quartet, and a piano sonata. Ernest Gold's "Fight for Survival" from Exodus was sampled by Moby in his song Porcelain. Gold's contributions were recognized with Academy Award nominations and Golden Globe nominations. He won a Golden Globe in 1960 for Best Motion Picture Score for 1959's On the Beach. This film was also nominated for a Music Academy Award that same year. In 1960, Gold's Exodus was nominated for a Golden Globe under the Best Original Score category. The film won an Academy Award for Best Music and a Grammy for Best Soundtrack Album. For his contributions, Gold had his name engraved in the Hollywood Walk of Fame. He was the first composer to receive this honor.


The Victory of Charity
A music professor facing redundancy and a serious hoarding habit is pushed to extremes when he discovers his girlfriend has given a treasured 1960s band jacket to charity. He enlists a young ambitious musicologist to accompany him on a mission to retrieve the jacket.
Passion & Poetry: Sam's War
In Memory Of
A documentary about Sam Peckinpah's Cross of Iron, shot in Yugoslavia in 1976.
Dreams of Gold: The Mel Fisher Story
Original Music Composer
The true story of treasure hunter Mel Fisher, who spent much of his life--and his fortune--hunting for sunken Spanish treasure galleons off the coast of Florida.
Safari 3000
Original Music Composer
Reporter J.J. wants to write a story about an Afrika rallye, 3000 km across desert and steppe. Unfortunately her driver and car get lost only days before the start, so she hires ex-stuntman Eddie and buys a wreck of a car from her last money. Eddie can help her to a new motor - by stealing it from the ruthless count Borgia, who from now on is their hardest and meanest competitor in the rallye.
Tom Horn
Original Music Composer
Um famoso ex batedor do exército é contratado por fazendeiros para caçar ladrões, mas se vê sendo julgado pelo assassinato de um menino quando estava realizando o seu trabalho muito bem. Tom descobre que as habilidades simples que ele domina não são de nenhuma ajuda para lidar com as ambições de fazendeiros e funcionários corruptos e nem com a marcha do progresso sobre ele e o velho oeste.
Letters from Frank
Original Music Composer
When aging newspaper Editor Frank Miller is fired after decades of service and replaced by a computer, he cannot take this fate quietly. Frank becomes enraged and starts writing letters to his son, Richard, expressing his fury.
The Runner Stumbles
Original Music Composer
Dick Van Dyke stars as a priest accused of murdering a nun. Directed by Stanley Kramer, this 1979 drama also features Kathleen Quinlan, Maureen Stapleton, Ray Bolger, Beau Bridges and Tammy Grimes.
A highly romanticized dramatization of the life of Rocky Marciano, the only heavyweight champion to have retired with a perfect record.
Good Luck, Miss Wyckoff
Original Music Composer
An abusive sexual relationship between a white spinster schoolteacher and a young black janitor in 1956 Kansas complicates her struggle to come to grips with her sexuality and emotions.
Adivinhe Quem Vem Para Roubar
Original Music Composer
Dick and Jane formam o casal de vida tranquila. Acabaram de construir a piscina da casa e são felizes por isso. Mas Dick inesperadamente perde o emprego. Endividados e sem ter como esconder a condição dos vizinhos, os dois decidem se tornar ladrões.
A Cruz de Ferro
It is 1943, and the German army—ravaged and demoralised—is hastily retreating from the Russian front. In the midst of the madness, conflict brews between the aristocratic yet ultimately pusillanimous Captain Stransky and the courageous Corporal Steiner. Stransky is the only man who believes that the Third Reich is still vastly superior to the Russian army. However, within his pompous persona lies a quivering coward who longs for the Iron Cross so that he can return to Berlin a hero. Steiner, on the other hand is cynical, defiantly non-conformist and more concerned with the safety of his own men rather than the horde of military decorations offered to him by his superiors.
A Cruz de Ferro
Original Music Composer
It is 1943, and the German army—ravaged and demoralised—is hastily retreating from the Russian front. In the midst of the madness, conflict brews between the aristocratic yet ultimately pusillanimous Captain Stransky and the courageous Corporal Steiner. Stransky is the only man who believes that the Third Reich is still vastly superior to the Russian army. However, within his pompous persona lies a quivering coward who longs for the Iron Cross so that he can return to Berlin a hero. Steiner, on the other hand is cynical, defiantly non-conformist and more concerned with the safety of his own men rather than the horde of military decorations offered to him by his superiors.
The Wild McCullochs
Original Music Composer
A story about the rich McCulloch Family, their overbearing father and the children's misguided blaming him for everything that doesn't go right.
Original Music Composer
Wealthy widow Helen Mercer hires a young woman, Gretchen Addison, to act as her personal assistant and companion. Unfortunately, Helen is a poor judge of character, as Gretchen is part of a murderous extortionist duo with her boyfriend, Jay. However, Gretchen has second thoughts when she develops genuine affection for Helen. When Gretchen informs Jay that she wants to call off their plot, he refuses and carries on with the plan. Now both Helen and Gretchen may be in grave danger.
Original Music Composer
A football coach is hired by a small college to shape up its football team, and he finds himself in trouble with local gamblers who don't want the team to improve.
O Segredo de Santa Vitória
Original Music Composer
Bombolini é um bêbado bastante inútil na pequena cidade italiana de Santa Vittoria nos últimos dias da Segunda Guerra Mundial. Quando chega a notícia de que o governo fascista se rendeu, ele sobe na torre de água para derrubar a bandeira. Depois que subiu fica com medo da altura e não consegue descer. Então alguém da multidão começa a gritar o seu nome para lhe dar confiança. O conselho fascista da cidade ouve isso e acredita que ele é o novo líder da cidade. Eles se rendem a ele e o transformam no novo prefeito. Ele assume o cargo e quando descobre que os alemães planejam ocupar sua cidade e tomar seu vinho (mais de um milhão de garrafas), ele cria um plano para esconder todas as garrafas.
A Nau dos Insensatos
1933: Um transatlântico pertencente a uma empresa alemã de segunda categoria está fazendo uma viagem de 26 dias partindo de Veracruz, México, para Bremerhaven, Alemanha. Ao longo do caminho ele vai parar em Cuba para pegar um grande grupo de trabalhadores agrícolas espanhóis que estão sendo enviados para casa e que serão alojadas como gado na terceira classe. Vão também pegar La Condesa, uma condessa espanhola. Vão parar em Tenerife, onde os trabalhadores agrícolas irão desembarcar e onde La Condesa será enviado para uma prisão alemã por suas atividades "traidoras" em Cuba. Esta viagem será a última de três para o médico do navio, Willi Schumann, que tem uma doença cardíaca grave e que pensou que poderia encontrar algum sentido para sua vida através deste trabalho. Willi e La Condesa se apaixonam e o capitão do navio Thiele, que é o melhor amigo de Willie a bordo, acreditando que a viciada em drogas La Condesa está apenas usando-o para obter suas doses.
Deu a Louca no Mundo
Após um longo tempo na prisão, homem cai de carro num precipício. Antes de morrer, ele conta às pessoas que tentam socorrê-lo onde escondera uma grande fortuna. Inicia-se então uma louca corrida ao tesouro. Oscar de Efeitos Sonoros.
Deu a Louca no Mundo
Original Music Composer
Após um longo tempo na prisão, homem cai de carro num precipício. Antes de morrer, ele conta às pessoas que tentam socorrê-lo onde escondera uma grande fortuna. Inicia-se então uma louca corrida ao tesouro. Oscar de Efeitos Sonoros.
Minha Esperança é Você
Original Music Composer
Num colégio para crianças especiais, uma professora de música inexperiente aplica um novo método de ensino a um aluno autista abandonado pela família, a quem se afeiçoou, e entra em conflito com o exigente diretor da instituição.
Tormentos D'Alma
Num presídio, o chefe de psiquiatria ouve as reclamações de um auxiliar seu querendo desistir do caso de um garoto negro. Ele acha que o chefe, por ser negro, poderá cuidar melhor desse cliente. O chefe então lhe conta sobre um dos seus primeiros pacientes, que conhecera no início da carreira em 1942 (mostrado em flashback). Esse paciente fora condenado a três anos por rebelião, por ser um admirador de Hitler e seguidor da ideologia nazista. Além disso, tem sérios problemas psicológicos por causa de uma infância problemática, sofre de insônia, ataques e alucinações. O doutor o ajuda a melhorar de seus vários problemas e ele se torna um prisioneiro exemplar. As autoridades do presídio querem dar a condicional ao prisioneiro, mas o doutor se nega, pois acha que ele é um homem "perigoso". As autoridades desconfiam de que o médico está tomando uma atitude "parcial", devido o prisioneiro ser abertamente racista e detestava negros e judeus). (e 14 - Estimado 14 Anos)
Julgamento em Nuremberg
Original Music Composer
Após a 2ª Guerra Mundial, um juiz americano é convocado para chefiar o julgamento de quatro juristas alemães responsáveis pela legalização dos crimes cometidos pelos nazistas durante a guerra. À medida que surgem provas de esterilização e assassinatos de judeus, a pressão política vai-se tornando cada vez maior, pois a Guerra Fria está chegando e ninguém quer mais julgamentos como os da Alemanha. Além disso, os governos aliados querem fortemente esquecer o passado, mas a coisa certa a ser feita é a questão que esse tribunal tentará responder. Baseado em fatos reais, principalmente no caso Katzenberger, o último julgamento dos Processos de Guerra de Nuremberg, que ocorreram depois da Segunda Guerra Mundial para julgar os criminosos nazistas.
O Último Pôr-Do-Sol
O caubói Brendan O'Malley (Kirk Douglas) chega à casa da formosa Belle Breckenridge (Dorothy Malone), casada com bruto beberrão John Becheridge (Joseph Cotten). O casal está se preparando para iniciar uma jornada com o gado até o Texas.Na cola de O'Malley está o policial Dana Tribling (Rock Hudson), que tem razões pessoais para capturá-lo. Ambos se juntam ao casal em sua jornada, mas as tensões aumentam quando John nota o crescente interesse de dana por sua mulher e de Brendan por sua filha...
A Fever in the Blood
Original Music Composer
A judge, a district attorney and a U. S. senator--each hoping to be elected the next governor--attempt to manipulate a murder trial to advance their own political ambitions. Director Vincent Sherman's 1961 drama stars Efrem Zimbalist Jr., Don Ameche, Jack Kelly, Angie Dickinson, Herbert Marshall, Jesse White, Parley Baer, Carroll O'Connor, Ray Danton, Andra Martin, Rhodes Reason and Louise Lorimer.
Original Music Composer
Based on Leon Uris' novel, this historical epic provides a dramatic backstory to the creation of the state of Israel in 1948, in the aftermath of World War II. Ari Ben Canaan, a passionate member of the Jewish paramilitary group Haganah, attempts to transport 600 Jewish refugees on a dangerous voyage from Cyprus to Palestine on a ship named the Exodus. He faces obstruction from British forces, who will not grant the ship passage to its destination.
O Vento Será Tua Herança
Original Music Composer
Numa cidade marcada pela forte presença da comunidade religiosa, professor é preso por ensinar a Teoria da Evolução de Darwin. O caso vai para o tribunal, onde acontece uma série de inflamados debates ideológicos, que mexem com a localidade e com seus habitantes. Baseado em caso real ocorrido em 1925, com os debates entre Clarence Darrow e William Jennings Bryan reconstruidos a partir das transcrições do julgamento real.
A Hora Final
Depois de uma guerra nuclear global, os residentes da Austrália deve chegar a termos com o fato de que toda a vida será destruída em questão de meses. Um submarino dos EUA está em patrulha quando o Hemisfério Norte é destruído pela guerra atômica. Eles aportam em Melbourne, na Austrália, onde vivem com o resto da cidade que tem menos de 12 meses de vida. Eles viajam de volta para a costa oeste dos EUA e testemunham o holocausto.
O Moço da Filadélfia
Original Music Composer
Up and coming young lawyer Anthony Lawrence faces several ethical and emotional dilemmas as he climbs the Philadelphia social ladder. His personal and professional skills are tested as he tries to balance the needs of his fiance Joan, the expectations of his colleagues and his own obligation to defend his friend Chester on a murder count.
Tarzan e a Tribo Nagasu
Original Music Composer
Dr. Sturdy is trying to establish a modern hospital in the jungle. His efforts are strongly opposed by Futa, the witch doctor, and Ramo, a native warrior.
Original Music Composer
John 'Joker' Jackson e Noah Cullen são dois condenados presos um ao outro por uma corrente e que se odeiam. Depois de um acidente com o caminhão da prisão que os transportava, eles fogem e são perseguidos pela polícia. Enquanto eles estão acorrentados, os dois são dependentes um do outro. Quando eles finalmente se livram de suas correntes, sua hostilidade já tinha se alterado para companheirismo e respeito.
Wink of an Eye
A chemist in a perfume factory (Jonathan Kidd) seems to have killed his wife, cut her up, and stuck her remains in the freezer.
Too Much, Too Soon
The daughter of iconic actor John Barrymore becomes reunited with her father after a ten year estrangement and engages in his self-destructive lifestyle.
O Grito da Caveira
Filme de culto da época de ouro do cinema fantástico bagaceiro: uma jovem recém-casada que perdera os pais num acidente é atormentada com visões da primeira mulher falecida do seu marido e perseguida pelos gritos de uma misteriosa caveira.
O Grito da Caveira
Original Music Composer
Filme de culto da época de ouro do cinema fantástico bagaceiro: uma jovem recém-casada que perdera os pais num acidente é atormentada com visões da primeira mulher falecida do seu marido e perseguida pelos gritos de uma misteriosa caveira.
Testemunha de Acusação
Quando Leonard Vole (Tyrone Power) é preso sob a acusação de ter assassinado uma rica viúva de meia-idade, Sir Wilfrid Robarts (Charles Laughton), um veterano e astuto advogado, concorda em defendê-lo. Sir Wilfrid está se recuperando de um ataque do coração quase fatal e "supostamente" está em uma dieta, que o proíbe de ingerir bebidas alcoólicas e de se envolver em casos complicados. Mas a atração pelas cortes criminais é algo muito forte para ele, especialmente quando o caso é bem difícil. O único álibi de Vole é o testemunho da sua esposa, Christine Vole (Marlene Dietrich), uma mulher fria e calculista. A tarefa de Sir Wilfrid fica praticamente impossível quando Christine Vole concorda em ser testemunha, não da defesa, mas da acusação.
Affair in Havana
Original Music Composer
While in Havana, a musician gets involved with a crippled man and his beautiful wife... with deadly results.
The Young Don't Cry
An orphaned teen gets involved with some chain-gang convicts.
Running Target
Original Music Composer
In the Colorado Rockies, Sheriff Scott, heads a posse that is after four escaped convicts, and thought it is his sworn duty to return the men dead or alive, he is, as always, reluctant to kill his fellow man. He is accompanied by Jaynes, a tavern owner, who takes much delight in his telescopic rifle, and by "Smitty," a gas station held up the escapees and more than ready to show she can be as tough as any man, although she seems to have some other motive for getting to the leader of the convicts, Kaygo.
Edge of Hell
Original Music Composer
In this heart-warming drama, a beggar and his performing dog, Flip, struggle to eke out a living upon the cruel streets. He is hired to perform at a rich kid's birthday party. There, the beggar is offered $500 for his beloved dog. He refuses and again hits the streets. Soon he becomes so impoverished that he can no longer provide food for his four-legged friend; he sells him for $20. The beggar is then beaten and robbed. Later he learns that Flip died. The man soon follows the dog to heaven where they begin performing for God.
O Salário do Pecado
To make an honest woman of his pregnant sister, Rosalie, callous New York mobster Phil Regal intimidates witnesses and bribes a store clerk to get Rosalie’s condemned boyfriend, Nicky Bradna, out of prison. But Regal’s meddling deeds soon backfire.
The filmed record of an expedition to the African interior, with scenes of animal life and native customs and practices.
The Other Woman
Original Music Composer
Bit player Sherry Stewart gets miffed when director Walter Darman turns her down after she reads for a small part in his picture. She and her boy friend, Ronnie, devise a plan to lure Darman to her apartment, where she gives him a drugged drink. She tells Darman they had been intimate and blackmails him for $50,000. More than a little distracted by his situation, his wife senses something is wrong and he gets into a violent argument with his father-in-law who owns the producing company Darman works for, and discontinues the picture. Sherry informs Darman she is going to tell his wife all about them. Darman tells his secretary that he is going to work late and is not to be disturbed, sets the moviola runnings, and exits by the back door and hot-foots it to Sherry's apartment.
Original Music Composer
A young woman is hired to take care of an eerie old mansion, where she finds herself entangled with an enigmatic murderer.
The Assignation
Long considered lost, The Assignation was Curtis Harrington's first color film. It was shot in Venice, Italy, and follows a masked figure through the labyrinthine canals of the city, building to a spectacular climax.
Unknown World
Original Music Composer
With the cyclotram, an atomic-powered rock-boring vehicle, Dr. Jerimiah Morley leads an expedition into a subterranean world.
Insurance Investigator
Original Music Composer
When a businessman who has had a double indemnity policy taken out on him dies mysteriously, his insurance company sends an undercover investigator to town to determine exactly what happened.
O Crime Não Compensa
Jovem e atraente, um desajustado descendente de italianos é preso como o principal suspeito da morte de um policial. Apesar dos esforços de seu advogado, um homem que superou os obstáculos de uma origem humilde, ele logo está no crime outra vez e com poucas chances de ser absolvido.
Balas Traiçoeiras
Original Music Composer
On vacation at his ranch, western actor Roy quickly finds himself involved with a horse rustling operation and a boy ward of one of the rustlers, leading to the kidnapping of Roy's trick horse Trigger by the gang with a demand for ransom.
The Gay Ranchero
Original Music Composer
Manzanita Springs ia a combination small airline and spa and Vance Brados wants it. He pays their mechanic to have the planes run out of fuel so his men can rob the gold shipments and kill the pilots. After Sheriff Roy Rogers catches the mechanic, Roy plans one more gold shipment to get proof and this time his men will be ready. But it looks like Roy's plan will fail when Brados suspects a trap and call off the raid.
Original Music Composer
A private eye (Adele Mara) and her sidekick solve the case of a dead client.
Philo Vance's Secret Mission
Original Music Composer
Philo Vance is hired to write a true-crime mystery... but when the facts about an unsolved crime are about to be brought out into the open a murder takes place.
Os Sinos de Santo Angelo
Original Music Composer
Roy Rogers vive um guarda de fronteira que suspeita de uma mina clandestina no México, e investiga seus desonestos exploradores, até que descobre uma passagem secreta entre a mina e o território americano.
Fragment of Seeking
A young man desperately seeks out the fleeting image of a female companion, and though he never quite catches her, he discovers much more through the surreal explorations of his own sexuality.