Charley Steiner


The Making of Trump
As every day of Donald Trump's presidential campaign seemingly generates new headlines, this two-hour special examines the increasingly polarizing candidate's past. Included is rarely seen footage from Trump's interviews with Phil Donahue and his comments about politics from the floor of the 1988 Republican convention. Additionally, celebrities, politicians, and people described as "close to The Donald" weigh in, including former US Senator Al D'Amato (R-N.Y.), former Atlantic City mayor Jim Whelen, boxer Mike Tyson, and notorious "Apprentice" contestant Omarosa.
Os Queridinhos da América
Nevada Anchorman
Kiki (Julia Roberts) é uma mulher tímida que trabalha para Gwen Harrison (Catherine Zeta-Jones), uma grande estrela do cinema hollywoodiano que está em vias de se separar de seu marido, Eddie Thomas (John Cusack), que também é ator. Porém, como Eddie e Gwen são o casal mais badalado de Hollywood e estão prestes a lançar um novo filme juntos, eles precisam manter as aparências e deixar a impressão para o público e a imprensa de que são um casal feliz. Kiki é justamente a pessoa encarregada de evitar novos atritos entre Gwen e Eddie, mas aos poucos a amizade que possui com ele vai se tornando um romance. Enquanto isso Lee (Billy Crystal), o responsável pela divulgação do novo filme, precisa ainda contar com o casal de atores para desviar a atenção da imprensa de seu grande problema: o fato do diretor Hal (Christopher Walken) não querer liberar o filme.
A Billion for Boris
In this family-friendly sequel to Freaky Friday, teenaged Boris realizes that his television set is somehow receiving broadcasts from the future, so he starts betting piles of cash on horse races and making himself outrageously rich. Boris is on top of the world...until he discovers that something this good doesn't come without a price.
The Best We've Got: The Carl Erskine Story
From the dirt-poor alleys of Anderson, Indiana, to a record-breaking career on a legendary team on the grandest stage in sports, Carl Erskine has lived the American dream — and spent a lifetime giving it to others. His life as a famed Brooklyn Dodger and human rights advocate is featured in this inspiring new documentary.