Martin Troakes

Martin Troakes


Martin Troakes


Liga da Justiça de Zack Snyder
Welsh Tavern Barkeep
Determinado a garantir que o sacrifício final do Superman não foi em vão, Bruce Wayne alinha forças com Diana Prince com planos de recrutar uma equipe de metahumanos para proteger o mundo de uma ameaça de proporções catastróficas que se aproxima.
Liga da Justiça
Welsh Tavern Barkeep
Impulsionado pela restauração de sua fé na humanidade e inspirado pelo ato altruísta do Superman, Bruce Wayne convoca sua nova aliada Diana Prince para o combate contra um inimigo ainda maior, recém-despertado. Juntos, Batman e Mulher-Maravilha buscam e recrutam com agilidade um time de meta-humanos, mas mesmo com a formação da liga de heróis sem precedentes, poderá ser tarde demais para salvar o planeta de um catastrófico ataque.
Rosamunde Pilcher: Wie von einem anderen Stern
Since the death of her parents, Natalie has been taking care of her younger brother John, who has gone wrong due to this tragic loss.
Thicker Than Water
Debbie and Jo are identical twins. After Jo is killed in a car accident, Debbie starts to act increasingly like Jo. Mysterious circumstances lead Jo's widower Sam to suspect that the accident wasn't an accident at all.
Sticky Wickets
Andrew Thomas
It's a big night at the New Dragon Inn when a coach of distinguished Germans arrives. But disaster looms - it's the local cricket team's annual fancy dress bash and the theme is the Second World War.
Chief Supt. Jones
Britain in the mid-1990s: a divided, violent nation where civil disorder and urban terrorism are on the increase. Scotland Yard detective Commander Jack Bentham is seconded to Wales to look into a series of shootings by police officers, and uncovers a complex web of deceit and corruption