Jason Narvy

Jason Narvy


Jason Narvy


Ark Exitus
Set Dresser
Doppelgangers from a parallel universe have assumed the identities of their opposites. To stop the threat of a mass invasion of look-a-likes, Structure, a covert agency that polices interdimensional travel, has sent its best assassin.
Ark Exitus
Assistant Director
Doppelgangers from a parallel universe have assumed the identities of their opposites. To stop the threat of a mass invasion of look-a-likes, Structure, a covert agency that polices interdimensional travel, has sent its best assassin.
Ark Exitus
Doppelgangers from a parallel universe have assumed the identities of their opposites. To stop the threat of a mass invasion of look-a-likes, Structure, a covert agency that polices interdimensional travel, has sent its best assassin.
An expert plumber, on a quest to save an aging city fountain, learns that with a little faith, a single penny can make even the most unlikely of wishes come true.
Extreme Heist
Guile Lydon
A pair of small time thieves bungle their biggest heist, get pulled into a scheme of deadly deceit and ultimately stumble onto a second chance to redeem themselves.
Turbo: Power Rangers 2
Eugene 'Skull' Skullovitch
Uma nova geração dos Power Rangers, agora ainda mais poderosos, deve deter a perigosa Divatox. A maligna pirata espacial está prestes a libertar Maligore, preso há tempos num vulcão isolado, mas para isso precisa do auxílio do mago Lerigot, que decide buscar a proteção dos nossos heróis.
Power Rangers: O Filme
Eugene 'Skull' Skullovitch
Depois que uma equipe de construção acidentalmente quebrou um ovo gigante que aprisionou o maníaco Ivan Ooze durante séculos, os Power Rangers preparam-se para enfrentar seu mais formidável inimigo, o vingativo Ooze, o qual mata seu idoso mentor Zordon e, com ele, a fonte de energia dos Rangers. Atordoado pela morte de Zordon, os Rangers lutam para conter Ooze sem a ajuda dos Zords, os robôs gigantes mecânicos com quem eles sempre contaram na batalha.