John Normington

John Normington

Nascimento : 1937-01-28, Dukinfield, Cheshire, England, UK

Morte : 2007-07-26


John Normington


Desejo e Reparação
Em 1935, no dia mais quente do ano na Inglaterra, Briony Talles e sua família se reúnem num fim de semana na mansão familiar. O momento político é de tensão, por conta da 2ª Guerra Mundial. Em meio ao calor opressivo emergem antigos ressentimentos familiares. Cinco anos antes, Briony, então aos 13 anos, usa sua imaginação de escritora principiante para acusar Robbie Turner, o filho do caseiro e amante da sua irmã mais velha Cecília, de um crime que ele não cometeu. A acusação na época destruiu o amor da irmã e alterou de forma dramática várias vidas.
Mr. Greene
No século 18, depois de muitos desastres marítimos devido a erros de navegação por não conseguirem determinar a Longitude, o Parlamento Britânico estabeleceu um prêmio substancial para quem encontrasse uma solução. A história principal do filme é a do artesão John Harrison que construiu um relógio que faria o trabalho, o que agora chamaríamos de cronômetro marinho. Mas o Conselho de Longitude foi tendencioso contra essa solução e alegou que o prêmio não era uma questão tão simples. Em paralelo é contada a história do século 20 de Rupert Gould, para quem restaurar o funcionamento normal dos relógios de Harrison tornou-se primeiro um hobby e depois uma obsessão, o que ameaçava destruir sua vida. Duas versões de duração: - 200 min = USA - 250 min = Em 2 partes
Henry Wilt is a more or less failed teacher who fantasizes about murdering his dominant, non-attentive wife Eva. At a party who gets stuck in an inflatable doll and makes a complete fool of himself. Eventually, he dumps the doll in a hole at a building site. However, he has been witnessed getting rid of the doll and when his wife disappears on the night after the party, the police and Inspector Flint have strong suspicions on Mr Wilt.
Work Experience
Senior Floor Manager
Work Experience is a 1989 short film directed by James Hendrie. It follows Terence who is caught in a vicious circle. He cannot get a job because he has no experience, but he cannot gain experience without getting a job! The film won an Oscar for Best Live Action Short Film.
Doctor Who: The Happiness Patrol
Trevor Sigma
The TARDIS arrives on the planet Terra Alpha, where the Seventh Doctor and Ace discover a society in which sadness is against the law - a law enforced zealously by the brightly uniformed Happiness Patrol. The planet is ruled by Helen A with the aid of her companion, Joseph C, and her carnivorous pet Stigorax, Fifi.
Mary Rose
Mr Moreland
A young woman vanishes on a visit to an island with her husband and child, only to turn up decades later apparently unchanged in age or appearance and her once infant son is now older than she is…
Espelho da Vida
Twin sisters trade places with unexpected results.
A Polícia de Hitler: Um Retrato do Mal
Heinrich Himmler
The two-part TV movie Hitler's SS: Portrait in Evil crystallizes that evil by concentrating on two Berlin brothers. In 1931, Helmut Hoffman a brilliant student and self-styled opportunist, joins Hitler's SS. At the same time, his younger brother Karl, a top athlete and idealist, becomes a chauffeur for the "S.A.".
A Private Function
In the summer of 1947, Britain prepares to commemorate the wedding of Princess Elizabeth and Prince Phillip. To get around food-rationing laws, Dr. Charles Swaby, accountant Henry Allardyce and solicitor Frank Lockwood are fattening a black-market pig for the big day. Egged on by his wife, meek Gilbert Chilvers steals the swine, but the couple must conceal it from inspector Morris Wormold.
OVIR Clerk
Biography of Russian physicist & dissident Andrei Sakharov focuses on his first acts in his civil rights.
Doctor Who: The Caves of Androzani
Arriving on the barren world of Androzani Minor, the Doctor and Peri find themselves embroiled in a long running, literal underground war. At the heart of the conflict is a substance called Spectrox - both valuable and deadly! The Doctor & Peri wind up being poisoned by the material, which is killing them slowly and painfully unless they can find a cure. As the conflict heats up and the situation gets more desperate, the Doctor realises time is running out - both for Peri and himself...
The Oresteia
Agamemnon returns home from the Trojan war and is murdered by his wife, setting off a chain of revenge that stretches across this trilogy of play. Directed by Peter Brook for the National Theatre, this is an all-male performance with masks.
O Clube dos Monstros
A vampire attacks a horror author on the street and then invites him to a nearby club as a gesture of gratitude, which turns out to be a meeting place for assorted creatures of the night. The vampire then regales him with three stories, each interspersed with musical performances at the club.
Dr Simpson
Play on the problems of alcoholism.
Coming Out
Letter Writer
Lewis, a gay writer of romantic novels, writes an article on gay issues under the pseudonym of "Zippy Grimes." The reason for this is that he hasn't come out yet and he doesn't want to alienate his mainly female fan-base. The article is a great success and leads to a huge amount of reactions, mainly from other gay men who are leading a double life. He decides to meet a number of these letter writers and eventually is forced to come out.
Afternoon Off
Lee, a Chinese man, works as a waiter in a hotel in England, despite speaking very little English. Told that a girl called Iris might be interested in him, on his afternoon off work he buys a box of chocolates and sets off to find her.
School Play
Michael Bland
Life in an English public school - with all the parts played by adults.
The Thirty Nine Steps
The year is 1914 and Richard Hannay, Mining Engineer who is visiting Britain for a short time before returning to South Africa, is shocked when one of his neighbours, Colonel Scudder, bursts into his rooms one night and tells him a story that Prussian 'sleeper' agents are planning to pre-start World War I by murdering a visiting foreign minister. However, Scudder is murdered and Hannay is framed for the death by the 'sleepers'. Fleeing to Scotland Hannay attempts to clear his name and to stop the agents with the aid of Alex Mackenzie but not only is he is chased by Chief Supt Lomas for Scudder's death but by the agents who are headed by Appleton who has managed to hide himself in a high-placed position in the British Government...
O Toque da Medusa
Mr. Copley
Suspense psicológico sobre um romancista telecinético que causa desastres simplesmente pensando neles.
Amazing Stories
Weird tale of a sci fi convention and a family who are apparently being taken over by vegetables.
Rollerball: Os Gladiadores do Futuro
Em uma sociedade futurista, as corporações têm substituído países e existe um jogo recreativo e violento conhecido como"Rollerball", o qual é controlado pelas organizações e jogado em todo o mundo. Em um determinado momento, Jonathan E., um dos jogadores, decide lutar por sua liberdade e deixa o controle da corporação em perigo.
Jim MacLaine is now enjoying the nomadic 'gigs and groupies' life on tour with his band. When he achieves all his wildest dreams of international stardom, the sweet taste of success begins to turn sour.
A Day Out
Arthur Ackroyd
Alan Bennett's debut play for television follows the members of a Halifax cycling club, on an outing from Halifax to the ruins of Fountains Abbey. Set in the summer of 1911 and projects an idyllic vision of Edwardian England .
Horatio Bottomley
Julius Elias
Alan Clarke's standalone film first appeared as an episode of the BBC series "The Edwardians" and concerns notorious bon vivant, swindler, MP, public speaker, founder of the Financial Times and publisher of John Bull magazine, Horatio Bottomley.
The Reckoning
Michael Marler, a successful business man in London, is about to make his way to the top. The death of his father brings him - after 37 years - back to his hometown Liverpool, where he is confronted with his lost Irish roots. He finds out that his father died because of a fight with some anglo-saxon teddy boys. It becomes "a matter of honour" for him, to take his revenge without involving the British police
Inadmissible Evidence
A lawyer's agonizing journey to the breaking point of his private and professional lives as he becomes more and more alienated from everyone connected with him.
The Wars of the Roses
Duke of Bedford
A 1965 BBC adaptation of William Shakespeare's first historical tetralogy (1 Henry VI, 2 Henry VI, 3 Henry VI and Richard III), which deals with the conflict between the House of Lancaster and the House of York over the throne of England, a conflict known as the Wars of the Roses. It was based on the 1963 theatre adaptation by John Barton, and directed by Peter Hall for the Royal Shakespeare Company.