Booth Savage

Booth Savage


Booth Savage


A Maldição de Isabelle
Clifford Kane
O sonho de um jovem casal de começar uma família se quebra enquanto eles caem nas profundezas da paranóia e precisam lutar para sobreviver a uma presença maligna que não quer nada além de suas próprias vidas.
Canada Russia '72
Paul Henderson
In 1972, a historical ice hockey game series is arranged where the cream of Canadian's professional star players of the National Hockey League against the best of the Soviet Union. Although Canada and the USSR have faced off repeatedly on the amateur level before, most of Canada is smugly convinced that the Soviets will be no match for the pros. However, that assumption is forcefully shot down when Team Canada is soundly trounced in the first game by the skilled Soviet Union team. What follows is a bitter struggle as Team Canada fights to recover in a series that would change Canadian hockey's self-image and history forever.
O Ataque das Vespas Mutantes
Agent Doug Heydon
Imagine você ser atacado por um enxame de vespas mutantes, que foram criadas - meio que por acidente - no laboratório de um estudioso de insetos. Pois bem: os moradores de uma pequena e pacata cidade americana conheceram, na pele, a fúria dessas vespas assassinas. Elas têm sede. De sangue humano.
Cecil Mitchum
Um caso sobre a morte de um policial morto é reaberto depois que um novo suspeito é identificado e Tellis (Jason Patric) ganha um parceiro, o detetive Oak (Liotta), que era o responsável pelas investigações antes do trancamento do caso. Oak é o típico policial durão. Arrisca-se em todas e quase sempre usa de violência exagerada, tendo que "quebrar as regras", conforme ele mesmo justifica. Tellis é um sujeito também durão, mas um tanto mais contido. Os dois terão que interagir para desvendar o nome do culpado, o que pode ser surpreendente para um deles.
O Garoto de Harvard
Steve Jensen
College has always been a time for experimentation, sexual, cultural and otherwise. "Harvard Man" plays out against a background of love, sex, basketball, crime and experimentation. Action and philosophy in young people's quest to discover their true identity.
Sheriff Bill Duer
A famous photographer, Jo Ellen Hathaway, has been being stalked for quite some time. She returns to the island she grew up on in an effort to get away from the stalker and get some well-needed relaxation time. On the island, she meets up with old friends and boyfriends and works on relationships with her family. However, she can't shake the feeling that she's still being watched.
Thanks of a Grateful Nation
Gary Wall
An examination of the aftermath of Desert Storm and how servicemen and women were affected by it medically.
Survive The Night
On their way home from Brooklyn, psychiatrist Vic, daughter Julie and sister Stacey run short of gas. They leave the highway to search for a petrol station - but end up erring around in South Bronx. A youth gang led by the sadistic Ice stops their car and starts terrorizing them. Without fuel, the 3 women soon have to flee by foot and defend their life with all means possible.
Samuel Lount
Edward Kennedy
Back in 1837 in the Northwoods of Canada and beyond, a movement was started among the colonialists to demand the right to own property in the New World. This interesting docudrama follows the tragic outcome of that movement for one of its leaders, the pacifist and nearly beatific Samuel Lount (also the great-great-great uncle of producer Elvira Lount). The orator and journalist William Lyon Mackenzie stoked up the fire among the property-deprived, and a march on Toronto was begun. Lount was convinced to join the rebellion much against his better judgment -- he belonged to the Children of Peace religious sect. Lount's own pacifism meant nothing to the authorities; they executed Lount for treason after crushing the rebellion. R.H. Thomson plays the title role in this low-budget but high-energy effort.
O Último Pesadelo
Amanda's Boyfriend
Six young actresses auditioning for a movie role at a remote mansion are targeted by a mysterious masked murderer.