James Thornton


The Last Witch
Rick Ellis
A young woman abruptly moves into an elderly lady's house. Strange things start to happen and soon it becomes clear witchcraft is involved.
Elephant Juice
The story of Billy, Will, Jules, Daphne and Dodie, a group of people who prove that there are no secrets between friends. It all comes out in the end.
Os Saqueadores
Will Plunkett e o capitão James Macleane são dois homens de diferentes classes sociais em plena Inglaterra do século XVIII, que se conhecem na prisão. Will Plunkett é um dos salteadores mais procurados de toda a Inglaterra e James Macleane é um aristocrata falido. Um é esperto, o outro influente, mas ambos precisam de dinheiro para realizarem seus sonhos. A partir daí decidem usar seus talentos em assaltos a carruagens da rica aristocracia.
Among Giants
A manager hires Ray, off the books, to paint all the power towers in a 15-mile stretch of high-tension wires outside Sheffield. Ray's crew of men are friends, especially Ray with Steve, a young Romeo. Into the mix comes Gerry, an Australian with a spirit of adventure and mountain climbing skills. She wants a job, and against the others' advice, who don't want a woman on the job, Ray hires her. Then she and Ray fall in love. He asks her to marry him, gives her a ring. Steve's jealous; Ray's ex-wife complains that he spends on Gerry, not his own kids, and she predicts that Gerry won't stay around. Plus, there's pressure to finish the job fast. Economics, romance, and wanderlust spark the end.