Carlo Monni

Carlo Monni

Nascimento : 1943-10-23, Campi Bisenzio, Tuscany, Italy

Morte : 2013-05-19


Ha esordito con spettacoli nei locali e nelle feste paesane della sua zona. In tali occasioni ha avuto la possibilità di incontrare Roberto Benigni, col quale ha stretto un lungo sodalizio artistico ed umano. Nel 1976 Monni e Benigni fanno "il grande salto" di notorietà approdando sulla seconda rete: i due comici fingono di disturbare le frequenze della RAI con una fantasiosa tv, Onda Libera, che trasmette da "una stalla di Capalle" (e la scenografia contempla anche alcune mucche). Nel 1978 è nel programma di Roberto Benigni, Vita da Cioni. Da questo anno in poi è chiamato a recitare in diversi film di stampo toscano che gli daranno la notorietà. Continua a presenziare a spettacoli pubblici (ormai oltre 100) e nel 1998 contribuisce al successo dello spettacolo di Massimo Ceccherini Fermi tutti questo è uno spettacolo le cui repliche continuano ancora oggi. Nonostante questo successo, come da lui espresso durante una poesia nello spettacolo di Ceccherini, Carlo Monni ama dedicarsi al verseggiare libero, nella tradizione della sua terra natia, che preferisce alla popolarità della TV.


Carlo Monni


Sogni di gloria
Uscio e bottega
A criticized anchor-man, a lively octogenarian guest on a tv show that spares no one, friends from home watching it on TV, with an unpredictable ending.
Saluti e baci da Champs sur le Bisence
La brutta copia
Fabio Lombardelli
I delitti del BarLume - Il re dei giochi
Ampelio Viviani
The King of Games - when a car accident results in death, the uncles suspect fowl play and want to investigate. Massimo is asked by the detective covering the case to keep a watch on the uncles and prevent them from interfering in the investigation.Tiziana, Massimo's server, is having second thoughts about her upcoming marriage. Massimo figues it out and shares his theory with the Detective.
La mia mamma suona il rock
Don Carlo
Cristiano and Franco are the owners of a fashion house and a couple. Cristiano is obsessed with the idea of having a child, to make him happy Franco think of kidnapping Massimo and treating him like a son
Opinioni di un clown - Roberto Benigni
Sé stesso
A documentary about the career of Roberto Benigni with many rare and funny sketches.
Gli intrepidi
Ridere fino a volare
boss dei barboni
As Idades do Amor
Ettore Michelacci
Roberto é um advogado jovem e ambicioso, que vai casar com Sara. Toda a sua vida é perfeitamente planejada mas durante uma expropriação que ele é o responsável, encontra-se Micol, uma mulher linda e provocante de uma pequena vila na Toscana. É aí que as coisas começam a ficar complicadas... Fabio, um apresentador famoso, foi o marido perfeito por 25 anos. Em uma noite, numa festa, ele conhece Eliana, uma 'femme fatale' cheia de surpresas. Este caso de uma noite revela-se mais do que ele esperava quando ela se recusa a deixá-lo... Adrian (De Niro)é um professor de história de arte americano que se mudou para Roma, depois de seu divórcio. Ele é amigo de Augusto, porteiro do prédio, cuja filha Viola (Monica Bellucci) está prestes a interromper sua existência pacífica e reacender seu fogo...
10 ragazze
Cenci in  Cina
The Early Bird Catches the Worm
Padre di Marco
Marco Baldini is a young man determined to become the voice of a major radio; he alternates between his job at Radio Deejay and his gambling addiction, that slowly consumes his life, his relationship with his girlfriend and his work skills.
Non c'è più niente da fare
Papà Ivan
Il pugno di Gesù
Meu Caso com o Imperador
Notaio Bonci Bacelli
Ilha de Elba, 1814. A comunidade local está eufórica. Tudo por que o glorioso Napoleão Bonaparte se exila na ilha logo após abandonar o título de Imperador. Todos os moradores, a maioria pessoas simples, veem a chegada de Napoleão como um presente dos deuses. O professor Martino é o único morador que não está contente com essa história, pois vê como uma ameaça. Por ironia do destino, Napoleão acaba contratando Martino como seu secretário particular e ele fica responsável por escrever as memórias do homem que ele mais odeia. Em meio a um romance com a bela Emília, ele se verá em uma difícil situação, já que, terá chance de assinar o imperador, mesmo sabendo que sua admiração por Napoleão, cresce cada vez mais.
Via Varsavia
Fave (Quelli di Pinocchio)
Mani molto pulite
13 at a Table
Giulio, a divorced middle-aged man, returns to the family villa in Tuscany where he spent his childhood holidays with his entire family, to arrange, with his brothers and cousins, for its sale. The house brings back memories of his youth and of the beautiful Anna, whom all her brothers pursued--but he was the one who ultimately won her over. Overcome with emotions, and now aware of the significance of the property, Giulio decides to buy all his relatives' shares and move back to the villa with his family.
Andata e ritorno
Sara and Samuele are two simple guys who take care of a community of elderly people. One day Samuele discovers that one of these has bequeathed him four billion lire. All this money changes the life of Samuele who begins to neglect friends and girlfriend to attend more high-ranking environments, begins to make investments with alleged friends and in the end he loses everything. Suddenly he comes up with an idea to get the money back together with his real friends, but it won't be an easy task.
Né terra né cielo
Caruso, zero in condotta
Lorenzo Caruso is a piscologist who lives in a provincial town with his daughter Giulia, the only company since the death of his wife. Suddenly Lorenzo's life is upset by the discovery that Giulia is part of a baby gang: she steals in supermarkets, she has already collected several complaints. Everything Lorenzo has always believed in: communication, understanding, freedom with your daughter is in crisis.
Fughe da fermo
Pino's father
Red-haired, sex-obsessed manchild Lucio lazes all day long with his friend Pino until he falls for the beautiful head of the local loony bin. A retelling of 'Pinocchio' from the perspective of a Candlewick-like character.
Fermi tutti questo è uno spettacolo, Pinocchio
Tutti giù per terra
Walter's father
The vicissitudes of Walter – a dissatisfied and disenchanted 20-year-old on-and-off philosophy student without a job, a girlfriend or any real beliefs – who reluctantly returns to his native Turin to live with his irascible blue-collar father and his mother, almost mute due to a severe nervous breakdown.
Grazie di tutto
Ritorno a casa Gori
Gino Gori
Matriarch Adele's death prompts an unexpected and often incendiary reunion for the large Gori family – unaware that inside her coffin lie also the stolen goods of a robbery by her son Danilo.
3 - Tre
At the end of the 18th century, a couple of libertine Tuscan aristocrats welcome in their villa (and into their bedroom) an handsome young revolutionary, hoping to rekindle their marriage.
Al centro dell'area di rigore
1942: A group of Roma fans, Carletto, Renato, Tina and Mozzicone, organize a trip to Turin to support their team in the decisive match for the Scudetto. They are joined by Roberto, Renato's brother-in-law, and Biagio, Renato's friend from Lazio. One of them has to acquire a precious document in the hands of an anti-fascist teacher.
Albergo Roma
Don Urbano
Miracolo italiano
7 segments about life in 1990s Italy: two MPs from the opposite sides of the political spectrum spend the night together; during their honeymoon, a woman cheats on her husband with her favorite soap opera star; a married man pretends to be ill to seduce his younger nurse; a family discovers that their son's beautiful fiancée is transgender; an unsatisfied single woman is duped by her celebrity crush for Kevin Costner; two best friends want to have fun; a couple on a tropical holiday is fascinated by their indigenous masseuse.
A che punto è la notte
In Turin, a fanatic priest dies falling from the pulpit, killed by the explosion of a candle. A second assassination, that of a Carabinieri Marshal, complicates the investigation - but before he died, the Marshal managed to wrote down the word "Topos". Commissioner Santamaria now has to unravel the problem.
Bonus Malus
The life of a rootless insurance agent starts falling apart.
Private Crimes
Padre di Paolo
This Italian TV mini-series (4 episodes) is directed by giallo great Sergio Martino and stars some of the most recognizable stars of Italian genre cinema, including Edwige Fenech, Ray Lovelock, and Alida Valli. Story: Sandra Venturi, studying to be a singer at the conservatory of music in the Italian town of Lucca, has a promising career in opera ahead of her. On the eve of her nineteenth birthday, during a thunderstorm, the young singer leaves the apartment she shares with her mother Nicole Venturi, a journalist. Sandra is on her way to a secret rendezvous with a married man. He is murdered shortly before Sandra arrives at the deserted villa outside the town which they had chosen as their meeting point. When Marco's corpse is discovered the next morning, Nicole senses that reporting this case will make her famous outside her local region. What she doesn't know is that her daughter is also missing ...
Daddy, Don't Blush
Tullio Venturini, a retired widower, has a daughter, Anna, who is an actress. However, he is the only one not to know that she works in the porn industry.
The More I See You
the Italian
Paul, on receiving a phone call from his girlfriend, tears himself away from his workaholic life and sets off for Italy. On the road he settles down at the wheel, listens to the hum of the tires on the asphalt and enjoys the journey. But he is held up by a breakdown. By the time he arrives, his girlfriend has already left. Longing to see her he lingers on, and while he passes the time he experiences moments of unexpected delight. His waiting turns into a voyage of indulgence. His longing grows and tantalizes.
Benvenuti in casa Gori
Gino Gori
Musica per vecchi animali
Il Gatto Fantasma
Running Away
Remake of the famous 1960 "La Ciociara" movie.
Caruso Pascoski (di padre polacco)
L'uomo che russa
Psychiatrist Caruso is arguably as nutty as his patients. He can remember at two years old being completely besotted by the charms of a naked girl. Even today, he can think of little else besides sex, sex, sex.
Dial: Help
A psychic finds herself tapping into the "energy" of a deceased phone operator. She also finds that her friends soon begin dying mysteriously. An investigator determines to track down the cause.
Snack Bar Budapest
Padre della Barista
A lawyer, wanting to give meaning to his life, transforms an amusement park into an out-of-season health spa.
The Last Minute
My First 40 Years
Marina is a woman who never says men, money and fame! Determined to climb the social ladder, she works her way up from a marriage of a millionaire prince. At last, she's living the life of wealth and glamour she's always dreamed of. Then Love comes along and ruins everything! A starving artist steals her heart and seduces her away to his bohemian world. Will Marina manage to stay happy living a lifestyle out of the fast lane?
Let's Hope It's a Girl
Let's Hope It's a Girl is a multifaceted exploration of the pointlessness of sexual stereotypes. Liv Ullmann is a countess who, after her divorce, takes over the family farm. Realizing that she can't rely on the patriarchal society structure for assistance, Ullmann runs the farm herself with the help of her female servants and relatives. When the Count (Philipe Noiret) comes back into her life, he and his male buddies find themselves outclassed by the expertise of the ladies.
Mamma Ebe
Based on the story of the woman recently brought to trial on charges of moral plagiarism and witchcraft.
Casablanca, Casablanca
il barista
Francesco forgot billiards because now he lives with Chiara. She is a musician and she would like to become famous. Francesco is different: he found in her the reason of his life. But when she accepts a job far from home, Francesco comes back to billiards.
Só Nos Resta Chorar
Um professor (Saverio) e um bedel (Mario) são dois amigos que de alguma forma se perdem em um lugar da Itália e voltam no tempo. Eles se veem no final do século 15. Sendo assim, eles tentam mudar a história, ensinando Leonardo da Vinci a jogar cartas. Também tentam parar Colombo, cantam uma canção dos Beatles etc ...
Chi mi aiuta
Paolo and Carlo are good friends. The first introverted, disillusioned and intellectual, while the other is happy if shallow. Despite their differences they share accommodation. Paolo runs an “alternative” kind of library; Carlo plays the violin in a little band. Their lives go on peacefully, when suddenly Paolo falls in love with one of his a customers - Lili, an amateur actress - whom he decides to take home. Carlo doesn’t react well to the fact he’s got to share with a third person, so he comes up with a weird idea - he flirts with the new girl and manages to seduce her. Paolo thinks his best friend is now guilty of a real betrayal, while Lili is undecided: she’s attracted by both the culture of Paolo and the physical attraction of Carlo. This love triangle ends when Paolo tries to commit suicide, Carlo feels guilty and Lili leaves them both, returning to her previous life and still hoping to find her one true love.
Io con te non ci sto più
You Upset Me
The first movie directed by Roberto Benigni in four surreal short stories: "Durante Cristo" (During Christ), "Angelo" (Angel), , "In Banca" (At the Bank) and "I Due Militi" (The Two Soldiers). An excursus in Benigni's satirical views on man, religion and society.
The Paramedic
agente della Digos
At work, Mario Millio is the only male nurse not on strike. At home, his wife is more interested in calling the hot-line of a local TV-doctor. When Mario wins 15 million Lire in the lottery, he buys himself a new car and starts to live out his dreams in secret. All goes well until a criminal steals the car and Mario is blamed for the car thief's crimes
The Good Soldier
Giovanotto Torretta
As a young boy, Tommaso's (Gerard Darier) interest in women and in his cousin Marta (Mariangela Melato) in particular, inspired him to bore peep holes into her wall and vicariously partake of her forbidden private life, including her wedding day. Time goes by, and after living through many changes going on around him, Tommaso has grown up and is now a soldier in the military. When he sees cousin Marta at a train station one day, he jumps off his train, talks to her for awhile, and tries to give her some strength to face the various problems in her life. Both Marta and Tommaso suffer deceptions over the next crucial period -- Marta becomes estranged from her husband, and her daughter is more distant with each passing day.
No Thanks, Coffee Makes Me Nervous
commissario Barra
A mysterious killer eliminate the singers of a brand new music Festival in Naples. Some journalists will try to discover who is that murderer who seems to be obsessed by the song "Funiculi, Funicula".
I Carabbinieri
Walter Musante
The Soup
Rome, 1960. Four different people meet each other at the Olympics. They follow the games and become friends, talking about their sad lifes.
Alien - O Monstro Assassino
Dr. Turner
A former astronaut helps a government agent and a police detective track the source of mysterious alien pod spores, filled with lethal flesh-dissolving acid, to a South American coffee plantation controlled by alien pod clones.
Maschio, femmina, fiore, frutto
A pair of twins, Anna and Tony, leave their country to go to Rome to make their fortune. Anna knows how to sing and Tony knows how to dance. They suffer many setbacks, but they are willing to go the distance in order to succeed.
O Refúgio das Crianças
Roberto não é um educador como os outros. Este homem, cómico e lunático, está convencido de que a escola não está adaptada para as crianças. Além disso, receber os textos sacros que fazem parte da pedagogia institucionalizada, só lhe dá mais motivos para oferecer às crianças as experiências mais divertidas...
Lovers and Liars
American actress on vacation in Italy falls for her friend's married Italian lover.
Ciao Ni!
Pop singer Renato Zero is threatened by an anonimous letter while on tour and goes on a phycoanalitic quest to find the wannabe killer.
Rock'n Roll
Chico Molinari
Passionate rock'n roll dancer, Rodolfo has his partner Ornella as a partner. Frozen by the frivolous behavior of the boy, however, the young girl no longer wants to learn to dance with him. Finally, when Rodolfo had lost all hope of replacing it, Ornella, who has meanwhile accepted the court of a ballroom impresario, returns to her decision.
Il parolaio
Vita da Cioni
Berlinguer: I Love You
A young poet falls in love with a sophisticated woman who hates poetry. But the poet wants to win her with poetry — and a bit of help from his mum.
The Profiteer
In the city of Ostuni in Puglia, the mute seminarian Ercole is designated to be the driver and nurse of Parsifal, the paraplegic son in a rich and sanctimonious family of landowners. Ercole soon becomes the lover of his master's wife, the beautiful Baroness Clotilde. In a familial and social context where only money, sex and power count, everyone tries to take advantage of everyone, but the real saprophyte turns out to be Ercole.
L'altro enigma
Il commissario
I volontari