Segundo homem mais poderoso do FBI, Mark Felt crê que irá assumir a organização após a morte de J. Edgar Hoover, mas tem seu tapete puxado pela Casa Branca. Incomodado com a intromissão da presidência em sua área, ele desobedece ordens engajando-se na investigação do escândalo de Watergate e se torna o principal informante da imprensa, o Garganta Profunda.
From 1971 to 1973, Richard Nixon secretly recorded his private conversations in the White House. This film chronicles the content of those tapes, which include Nixon's conversations on the war in Vietnam, the Pentagon Papers leak, his Supreme Court appointments, and more--while also exposing shocking statements he made about women, people of color, Jews, and the media.
In 2000, Illinois Gov. George Ryan ordered a moratorium on the death penalty after university students uncovered new evidence proving the innocence of 13 men on death row. This documentary follows the hearings held by a panel Ryan appointed to study the issue and interviews activists, scholars and prisoners, while examining the history of the American death penalty. As Ryan's time in office comes to an end, he must decide what steps to take to reform the judicial system.