Torn by years in an abusive marriage, an emotional Ellie Rose arrives alone at the family cabin on the East Coast. Her story and motives for being there are unclear. Arriving unprepared and packed with few supplies she seems anxious at either leaving or someone else arriving. The cabin unused for years, still holds memories providing hints of a shattered family.
Iris Du Pré inspira o amor pela música nas suas filhas. A violoncelista Jackie ofusca a irmã flautista com sua fama internacional, enquanto Hilary constrói uma vida familiar feliz. Quando Jackie entra no mundo dos músicos clássicos de elite, ela recorre à irmã Hilary em busca de ajuda.
Jack Lawrence and Jimmy Dunne were once, briefly, enemies at opposite ends of a gun on the Irish border; now their lives have become inextricably mixed. They are together on a chat show whose host wants a sob story with a happy ending, but gets something entirely different.