Jeff Phillips


Junk Food
Green Tie
Following a diamond heist, freelance spy Denny McDonald confronts his man-child temptations while staying confined in his employers' safe-house.
Dia da Independência
B-2 Pilot
Quando extraterrestres chegam à Terra e ameaçam exterminar toda a raça humana, apenas uma mão-cheia de sobreviventes, armados unicamente com tecnologia inferior, engenho e coragem, podem impedi-los.
Bonanza: Under Attack
Adam 'A.C.' Cartwright Jr.
After a rogue band of Pinkerton detectives led by ruthless Charley Siringo bushwhacks reformed outlaw Frank James, he seeks sanctuary on the Ponderosa with the next generation of Cartwrights and his former Civil War compatriots. Will Frank's comrades come to his aid or turn their backs on him? Richard Roundtree also stars in this made-for-TV sequel to the popular Western series.