Nimmy March

Nimmy March

Nascimento : , Kingston upon Thames, Surrey, England, UK


Nimmy March


Grace Kelly: The Missing Millions
David Attenborough's Global Adventure
David Attenborough exports the rise of life on our plant, from the explosion of first life on seabeds hundreds of millions of years ago to life today.
Onde Fica o Paraíso
Mrs. Darling
Com Gemma Arterton. Durante a II Guerra Mundial, uma pesquisadora durona e solitária abriga um menino fugindo dos bombardeios em Londres. Aos poucos, ela acaba por abrir seu coração em uma emocionante jornada de amizade e imaginação.
Dreaming Rivers
A bittersweet and nostalgic short drama illustrating the spirit of modern families touched by the experience of migration. Miss T., from the Caribbean, lives alone in her one-room apartment, her children and husband having left her to pursue new dreams. When she dies her family and friends gather at her wake. The tapestry of words that interweave the drama convey the fragments of a life lived, but only partly remembered.