Daniel Di Biase


The Sound of Tulips
Marcelo Di Marco is a writer turned journalist, who must return to the last steps of his father, Tonio Di Marco after he dies in strange conditions.
Crônica de Uma Fuga
Padre del Gallego
The true story of four men who narrowly escaped death at the hands of Argentina's military death squads in 1977. Claudio Tamburrini is a goalie for a minor-league football team when he is abducted by members of the Argentine military police and taken to an unofficial detention center on the false suspicion that he is a terrorist. As he is tortured by intelligence agents looking for information he doesn't have, Tamburrini fully expects to be killed. After many sessions of brutal torture, Tamburrini and his fellow captives Guillermo and Tano are being readied for execution when, in a final desperate act, Tamburrini dives out a window during a rainstorm.
Taxi Driver
Dean está perplexo há algum tempo em sua tentativa de produzir um acompanhamento de "I was a Teenage Speed Freak", sua novela gráfica incrivelmente bem-sucedida. Seus fãs esperam grandes coisas dele e sua editora, Louise, está perseguindo-o. Em vez de trabalhar, Dean passa o tempo procurando seu amante argentino Pablo, que saiu uma noite em busca de cigarros e nunca mais voltou.
Passionate People
Médico Oficina
Uma, tired of waiting for the man of her dreams to raise a family, decides that Nico, the boyfriend of her best friend Lucy, has all necessary features. So she asks her a favor: to lend her boyfriend once. In the middle of surprising situations, Uma convinces Lucia and Nico. That way it starts what first seems "a simple procedure"...
Pizza, Beer, and Cigarettes
A couple of friends work for a taxi driver to rob his passengers, but they feel like they're getting ripped off. They decide to plan their own robberies, but they are amateurs and things don't go too well. One of the youths, Cordoba, whose girlfriend Sandra is pregnant, just wants to get enough cash so they can leave Argentina and get to Uruguay to start a new life. He and his friends plan one last robbery, but things don't go as planned.
Cinzas do Paraíso
O respeitado juiz Costa Makantasis morre ao cair do topo do Palácio de Justiça de Buenos Aires. No mesmo dia, seus três filhos, Alejandro, Nicolás e Pablo declaram-se, separadamente, culpados pelo assassinato de Ana Muro, filha de um grande empresário. Cabe agora à juíza Beatriz Teller resolver esse sombrio quebra-cabeças, que envolve dinheiro, sexo e uma grande disputa pelo poder.
Deep within Buenos Aires's labyrinthine subway system, a train mysteriously disappears along with its 30 passengers. The subway officials are greatly troubled and call in topographer Daniel Pratt to help them find it. Unfortunately, the tunnels are so vast and complex, that Pratt needs his mentor Hugo Mistein to help him. Unfortunately, he too has vanished.