Jack Rogers
An elderly sex shop owner's attraction to a younger woman leads him to an erectile dysfunction doctor whose treatment reveals an alluring but treacherous alternate reality.
Executive Producer
Pouco antes do Natal, a jovem Zoe, seu irmão Franklin e sua família se mudam para uma mansão isolada com um passado sombrio. Enquanto os adultos se concentram na renovação do local, as crianças entediadas encontram um baú de brinquedos escondido no sótão e ficam maravilhados quando os brinquedos lá dentro ganham vida. Mas eventos bizarros logo começam a acontecer – eventos que ameaçam a vida da família. Conforme o dia especial amanhece com presentes empilhados sob a árvore, a contagem de corpos aumenta e o sangue começa a fluir. Este “conto assustador” original vai fazer as crianças gritarem pelas férias!
Pouco antes do Natal, a jovem Zoe, seu irmão Franklin e sua família se mudam para uma mansão isolada com um passado sombrio. Enquanto os adultos se concentram na renovação do local, as crianças entediadas encontram um baú de brinquedos escondido no sótão e ficam maravilhados quando os brinquedos lá dentro ganham vida. Mas eventos bizarros logo começam a acontecer – eventos que ameaçam a vida da família. Conforme o dia especial amanhece com presentes empilhados sob a árvore, a contagem de corpos aumenta e o sangue começa a fluir. Este “conto assustador” original vai fazer as crianças gritarem pelas férias!
Executive Producer
Frenemies and veteran comedians Dana Gould and Bobcat Goldthwait, having learned very little from their near-fatal car accident, get back on the road and journey throughout the American South. The documentary captures the duo as they carefully navigate highways and their decades-old contentious friendship; reflecting upon their careers and relationship with comedy. Buckle up.
Frenemies and veteran comedians Dana Gould and Bobcat Goldthwait, having learned very little from their near-fatal car accident, get back on the road and journey throughout the American South. The documentary captures the duo as they carefully navigate highways and their decades-old contentious friendship; reflecting upon their careers and relationship with comedy. Buckle up.
Monty Python’s influence on comedy has been compared to the Beatles’ influence on music, a pivotal moment in the evolution of television humor. Celebrating the cultural legacy and influence of the troupe, this special pairs their original material with new and entertaining commentary from celebrities who consider Monty Python hugely significant, both personally and to the history of screen satire. Celebrity humorists discuss, laugh, and reminisce about various Python segments and bring a fresh perspective to the material, connecting Monty Python’s work to today’s most successful television humor. In a time when a few moments of escape and laughter couldn’t be more sought after, this special reminds viewers of Python’s cultural impact, and that PBS introduced them to American viewers.
A small-town couple finds the perfect apartment in the big city, except there's one catch: the apartment is home to the ritualistic suicides of a deranged cult.
Fifty years after its release, the special effects makeup team behind Planet of the Apes reflect on making the iconic film.
In the history of “The Simpsons,” few characters outside the title family have had as much cultural impact as Apu Nahasapeemapetilon, the Springfield convenience store owner. Comedian Hari Kondabolu is out to show why that might be a problem.
A feature documentary about the enduring appeal of the character King Kong, and how he has inspired so many of the great filmmakers and artists since 1933.
Terror antológico reúne curta-metragens dirigidos por cultuados diretores, onde um subúrbio americano é aterrorizado por fantasmas, extraterrestres e assassinos na noite de Halloween.
Raymond Kensington
Cinco contos de terror entrelaçados se desdobram ao longo de uma estrada deserta. Em um trecho desolado do caminho, vários viajantes cansados – dois homens fugindo de seu passado, uma banda em seu caminho para o próximo show, um homem lutando para chegar em casa, um irmão em busca de sua irmã perdida e uma família em férias – são forçados a confrontar seus piores medos e segredos mais obscuros.
Upcoming documentary directed by Adam Smith focusing on Portland Oregon's annual Bridgetown Comedy Festival and the Portland stand-up comedy scene.
An inspiring, triumphant and wickedly funny portrait of one of comedy’s most enigmatic and important figures, CALL ME LUCKY tells the story of Barry Crimmins, a beer-swilling, politically outspoken and whip-smart comic whose efforts in the 70s and 80s fostered the talents of the next generation of standup comedians. But beneath Crimmins’ gruff, hard-drinking, curmudgeonly persona lay an undercurrent of rage stemming from his long-suppressed and horrific abuse as a child – a rage that eventually found its way out of the comedy clubs and television shows and into the political arena.
Do you have to be miserable to be funny? More than sixty comedians—including stand-ups, writers, actors, and directors from the US, Canada, and abroad—take on this question, sharing anecdotes and insights with lively enthusiasm.
Though most people knew her as Vampira, a late-night, creature-feature host in Los Angeles, Maila Nurmi was so much more. From her relationships with James Dean and other Hollywood luminaries to her significant contributions to the eventual Goth craze, Nurmi was a multifaceted woman, with more than a few amazing stories to share. Having befriended Nurmi while she was still alive, Greene finds himself perfectly situated to give us the complete story on this fascinating individual, blending extensive interviews with remarkable found footage of Nurmi's long and varied career. Whether being groomed by a major Hollywood director or making a surprising foray into music, Nurmi proves herself to be so much more than a scream queen. Still, when it comes to snappy one-liners cracked at the stroke of midnight, it's certainly safe to say that no one did it better than Vampira.
Archibald Vandersloot
Before Lisa Lampanelli and Sarah Silverman shocked audiences with dirty jokes and raised questions of a woman's place in comedy, there was Mae West. And at the same time as Mae West, there was Margot Rourke, who nobody has heard of but who was responsible for the greatest dirty ditty of all time. This is her story — a short film about the first female fart comic.
Comedy stand-up special featuring the gifted comic, Dana Gould
Comedy stand-up special featuring the gifted comic, Dana Gould
The Documentary takes an unconventional journey through the life of one of America's most original comedic voices. Eddie Pepitone, "The Bitter Buddha", is looked at in this portrait of creativity, enlightenment and rage.
The Wolfman
A short comedy spoof about Universal Monsters and their everyday unconventional work done at their very own talent agency for their movies.
Through unprecedented backstage access and candid interviews, the film weaves through the absurd world of the working comedian and reveals a crazy and hilarious psychological profile of its practitioners. We also follow retired comic Ritch Shydner's attempt to climb back on stage after a thirteen-year hiatus. At the top of his game in the 1980's, Shydner had HBO specials, shot five pilot TV shows, and numerous late night appearances (Carson, Letterman, Leno, etc.) but the big time eluded him. Equipped with the collective wisdom and nutty musings of over 80 of his peers, he gives it another shot. Does Ritch have what it takes to connect with today's young crowds and still get the laughs?
Stand-Up comedian Dana Gould performs his one-hour comedy special at Chicago's famed Second City theatre.
Stand-Up comedian Dana Gould performs his one-hour comedy special at Chicago's famed Second City theatre.
Super High Me (trocadilho com o título do filme Super Size Me e high, "chapado" em inglês) é uma comédia apresentada em forma de documentário pelo comediante americano Doug Benson, que pretende mostrar no seu filme os efeitos causados pelo uso da maconha durante 30 dias, o dia todo, numa analogia ao filme lançado pelo também americano Morgan Spurlock, Super Size Me, onde Spurlock se propõe a apresentar os malefícios da rede de fast-food McDonald's, passando 30 dias apenas se alimentando apenas de produtos do estabelecimento.
It's a night of comic anarchy as 15 of today's edgiest comedians perform at Los Angeles' legendary Troubadour rock 'n' roll club! You're guaranteed to laugh, and occasionally gasp with shock, as new comic frontiers are crossed. Staring; Patton Oswalt, Brian Posehn, Zach Galifianakis, Maria Bamford, David Cross, Sarah Silverman, and many more.
Alan is a gambler desperate to erase the huge sports debt he owes to a cruel but quirky Chicago mobster.
Self - Writer / Producer
One hundred superstar comedians tell the same very, VERY dirty, filthy joke--one shared privately by comics since Vaudeville.
Nothing stirs up the competitive spirit in haggard Hollywood has-been Evie Harris like having to share a house with a younger actress like Varla. Especially since Varla happens to be the daughter of Evie's now-deceased rival! But even as their saner roommate, Coco, attempts to keep the peace, Evie's jealousy over Varla's burgeoning infomercial career is about to explode... in the most spectacular, showstopping way possible!
Mr. Moffitt
Após anos recebendo educação em casa, o não exatamente brilhante adolescente Harry Dunne finalmente entra para a escola pública e conhece outro aluno com dificuldades de aprendizado, Lloyd Christmas. A dupla acaba em uma classe para estudantes com necessidades especiais, criada pelo diretor Collins para tirar dinheiro dos pais e bancar seu apartamento no Havaí. A falcatrua é descoberta pela aluna Jessica, que pede ajuda a Harry e Lloyd para desmascarar Collins.
Na fictícia Champion City, o nobre super-herói Capitão Incrível conta com uma equipe de aspirantes a heróis para resgatá-lo de Casanova Frankenstein. O problema é que seus poderes especiais, como boliche e flatulência, podem não ser o suficiente.
Carnival Barker
A mental patient escapes from the looney bin in drag, robs a bank, and goes on the lam!
Herbie, o fusca mágico, foi transferido para um novo proprietário, chamado Hank Cooper. Juntos, eles têm uma batalha covarde contra o terrível Horace, uma versão maléfica do fusquinha Herbie.
Nick Hastings
Filmmaker Nick has decided to make a documentary about his best friend Courtney's love life. Courtney, a schoolteacher, has had a two-year on and off relationship with a guy who can't commit; she's also tried video-dating and a women's group. She never thought she'd have a problem finding the right guy and falling in love, but as she gets closer and closer to 30 she gets more and more desperate. Nick, on the other hand, is having as much trouble finding the right girl, and when his true feelings for Courtney come to light, they have to decide whether or not to stay just friends.
Room Service Waiter
Jack Lawrence é um advogado de sucesso, com uma esposa adorável e uma vida organizada. Seu único problema é não ter muita paciência com problemas. Dale Putley é um escritor que está desesperado em busca de trabalho e possui todos os tipos de neuroses da vida moderna. Dois homens completamente diferentes, cujos caminhos irão se cruzar por um único motivo: um deles é o pai do jovem Scott... e o garoto desapareceu! A mãe Colette não tem certeza sobre a paternidade do menino, então decide pedir a ajuda dos dois para encontrá-lo. Se descobrir por onde anda um filho na ensolarada Colifórnia já é difícil, imagine para essa dupla de pais novatos.
Sandwich Guy at Book Convention
Eles foram os homens mais poderosos do mundo, mas agora passam o tempo atrás de almoços não muito interessantes, campeonatos de golfe e até funerais do governo. Russel Kramer e Matthew e Douglas são dois ex-presidentes dos Estados Unidos. Dois inimigos mortais do passado que possuem apenas uma coisa em comum: o ódio que sentem um pelo outro. Mas eles foram envolvidos em um escândalo pelo atual presidente americano e suas vidas estão correndo perigo. Agora eles precisam juntar forças para escapar dessa confusão e provar que dois ex-presidentes ainda podem agitar as coisas em Washington.
Stand up special
Stand up special
HBO's "One Night Stand" spotlights comedian Dana Gould in this follow-up to his 1991 Showtime special "Panic, Lust and Confusion."
HBO's "One Night Stand" spotlights comedian Dana Gould in this follow-up to his 1991 Showtime special "Panic, Lust and Confusion."