Alex Steele

Alex Steele

Nascimento : 1995-07-03, Toronto, Ontario, Canada


Alex Steele


Círculo Vicioso
Um fracassado, cuja vida não é grande coisa, dá de cara com um grupo secreto de autoajuda para assassinos em série. Conseguirá ele combinar inteligência com cinco assassinos e sobreviver?
Friends Who Kill
Cassie Larson / Jennifer Smith
Hope sempre foi próxima de sua filha Lacy, mas desde que se divorciou do marido, Hope tem se preocupado com Lacy, que está lutando para lidar com a situação. Hope fica animada quando Lacy traz para casa uma nova amiga, Cassie, cujos pais também se divorciaram recentemente. Lacy e Cassie rapidamente se tornam melhores amigas, mas quando Cassie começa a causar intrigas entre Lacy e sua mãe, Hope começa a se perguntar se Cassie é a dádiva de Deus que ela imaginou inicialmente.
Level 16
Um autoritário e rígido sistema escolar para meninas esconde grandes mistérios. Após descobrirem informações perturbadoras, algumas alunas iniciam um motim.
Don't Talk to Irene
When Irene gets suspended, she must endure two weeks of community service at a retirement home. Following her passion for cheerleading, she secretly signs up the senior residents to audition for a dance-themed reality show to prove that you don't need to be physically "perfect" to be perfectly AWESOME.
When a college student starts having a reoccurring nightmare, she begins to believe that it's a suppressed memory. Her search to find the answers forces her to confront her past traumas, while at the same time, helps her unlock a mystery that may bring a killer to justice.
Jogo de Asfixia
Taryn finds herself gaining much-desired popularity when the charismatic new girl at school claims her as a “breath sister," teaching Taryn about the Choking Game. Hiding it from her ever-present mother, best friend, and teachers, Taryn sees choking as a way to build self-control and grab an easy high. But, as the stakes are raised through each subsequent ‘flight’, Taryn has no idea that she is actually putting her life in extreme danger.
Red Velvet Girls
Young Sienna
Red Velvet Girls is a darkly sensual coming of age story about love and rebellion. Julia is in love with the human she has grown up with and this has greatly influenced the way she feels about her own kind - Andalusian Vampires.