Elmer Davis
Uma nave espacial pousa em Washington DC trazendo o alienígena Klaatu e seu robô Gort. Eles trazem um ultimato aos líderes da Terra para que acabem com as guerras e a corrida armamentista, o que estaria preocupando os habitantes de outros planetas. Logo no desembarque, Klaatu é baleado por um soldado que o julgava inimigo. É levado a um hospital, onde se cura rapidamente e recebe a visita do secretário de Estado dos Estados Unidos, a quem pede ajuda do presidente para organizar uma conferência de líderes mundiais. O secretário encaminha sua proposta ao governo, que a rejeita.
Feature-length compilation of 1920s newsreel footage, with commentary about news, sports, lifestyles, and historical figures.
Ann Sothern essays the title role in My American Wife. The story opens in Smelter City, Arizona, where the richest man in town is grizzled old Indian fighter Lafe Cantillon (Fred Stone). Lafe's social-climbing sister-in-law (Billie Burke) insists that her daughter Mary wed a titled European, Count Ferdinand (Francis Lederer). Much to Lafe's delight, Mary isn't assimilated into Continental high society; instead, she instructs Count Ferdinand in the virtues of good, old-fashioned American democracy. And, of, course, the Count and Lafe become great chums when the "furriner" proves that he can ride a bucking bronco with the best of 'em.
Asaph (Charles Ruggles) is a meek, mild-mannered homebody who occasionally shows some backbone to his prudish, overbearing boss, only to be beaten down again. With the encouragement of his secretary Beulah (Ann Dvorak), his old college team-mate Wynn (Eugene Pallette) and some liquor, Asaph regains some of his wild-man soul. Watch out world!
British comedian Reginald Denny plays a professor who is escorting three different women and needs to make a choice.