Greg Barker

Greg Barker


Greg Barker


Detainee 001
A deep dive into the mysteries that led a young American man name John Walker Lindh, who became known as the “American Taliban,” to the battlefield in Afghanistan fighting alongside the people who were supposed to be his enemy.
White Coat Rebels
In this probing look inside the medical profession, filmmaker Greg Barker examines the outsized influence of Big Pharma and the courageous “white coat rebels” who are pushing back against the powers that be.
White Coat Rebels
In this probing look inside the medical profession, filmmaker Greg Barker examines the outsized influence of Big Pharma and the courageous “white coat rebels” who are pushing back against the powers that be.
A Guerra Mais Longa
The human stories and drama behind America's involvement in Afghanistan, now the longest war in U.S. history. First-hand witnesses — ranging from U.S. intelligence operatives, to soldiers and their families, Afghan officials, journalists, top government and military officials — bring their experiences to life through emotional interviews.
A Guerra Mais Longa
The human stories and drama behind America's involvement in Afghanistan, now the longest war in U.S. history. First-hand witnesses — ranging from U.S. intelligence operatives, to soldiers and their families, Afghan officials, journalists, top government and military officials — bring their experiences to life through emotional interviews.
Paixões, ideais e uma terrível realidade ameaçam a vida do diplomata Sergio Vieira de Mello em sua missão no Iraque pela ONU.
The Final Year
Featuring unprecedented access inside the White House and State Department, The Final Year offers an uncompromising view of the inner workings of the Obama Administration as they prepare to leave power after eight years.
The Final Year
Featuring unprecedented access inside the White House and State Department, The Final Year offers an uncompromising view of the inner workings of the Obama Administration as they prepare to leave power after eight years.
Legion of Brothers
Afghanistan, immediately post-9/11: Small teams of Green Berets arrive on a series of secret missions to overthrow the Taliban. What happens next is equal parts war origin story and cautionary tale, illuminating the nature and impact of 15 years of constant combat, with unprecedented access to U.S. Special Forces.
Legion of Brothers
Afghanistan, immediately post-9/11: Small teams of Green Berets arrive on a series of secret missions to overthrow the Taliban. What happens next is equal parts war origin story and cautionary tale, illuminating the nature and impact of 15 years of constant combat, with unprecedented access to U.S. Special Forces.
Dentro de Casa: O Dilema do Contra-Terrorismo
Este documentário aborda o problema do crescimento de células do Estado Islâmico em território americano.
The Thread
The Thread is a groundbreaking documentary that exposes the undeniable impact amateur internet writers are having on journalism today. Following the 2013 Boston Marathon bombing, amateur internet sleuths took to Twitter and Reddit, intent on identifying the individuals responsible. The ensuing investigation led to an innocent young man being charged with the crime, thus changing the face of journalism forever. Directed by Greg Barker (Manhunt) and executive produced by Emmy Award-winning producer Jonathan Chinn (American High) and Academy Award-winning producer Simon Chinn (Man on Wire).
We Are the Giant
We Are the Giant tells the stories of ordinary individuals who are transformed by the moral and personal challenges they encounter when standing up for what they believe is right. Powerful and tragic, yet inspirational, their struggles for freedom echo across history and offer hope against seemingly impossible odds.
A investigação da Agência Central de Inteligência sobre Osama bin Laden , desde 1995 até sua morte em 2011. Dois anos após a missão que matou Bin Laden, o documentário apresenta narrativas de muitos analistas e agentes da CIA que trabalharam mais de uma década para entender e rastrear Bin Laden, e inclui imagens de filmes de Washington, DC , Paquistão , Arábia Saudita e outros lugares do Oriente Médio . Nesse Documentário podemos ver imagens extensas e raramente vistas de vídeos de treinamento e propaganda da Al-Qaeda , incluindo notas de vídeo de vários terroristas que mais tarde trabalharam como homens-bomba .
Alcorão de Cor
Acompanhe a rotina das crianças que participam do concurso de leitura do Alcorão, durante o Ramadã, o período sagrado do islamismo.
Alcorão de Cor
Acompanhe a rotina das crianças que participam do concurso de leitura do Alcorão, durante o Ramadã, o período sagrado do islamismo.
Figura carismática e brilhante negociador sociopolítico, o diplomata Sérgio Vieira de Mello dedicou sua carreira a cuidar de questões humanitárias em áreas de risco. Embaixador da ONU no Iraque, um ataque terrorista em Bagdá tirou a sua vida em 2003.
Showdown With Iran
Producer, Director, Writer
As the United States and Iran are locked in a battle for power and influence across the Middle East—with the fear of an Iranian nuclear weapon looming in the background—FRONTLINE gains unprecedented access to Iranian hard-liners shaping government policy, including parliament leader Hamid Reza Hajibabaei, National Security Council member Mohammad Jafari and state newspaper editor Hossein Shariatmadari. In this report, FRONTLINE examines how U.S. efforts to install democracy in Iraq have served to strengthen Iran's position as an emerging power in the Middle East.
Frontline: The Age of AIDS
After a quarter-century of political denial and social stigma, of stunning scientific breakthroughs, bitter policy battles and inadequate prevention campaigns, HIV/AIDS continues to spread rapidly throughout much of the world. Through interviews with AIDS researchers, world leaders, activists, and patients, FRONTLINE investigates the science, politics, and human cost of this fateful disease and asks: What are the lessons of the past, and what can be done to stop AIDS?
Frontline: The Age of AIDS
After a quarter-century of political denial and social stigma, of stunning scientific breakthroughs, bitter policy battles and inadequate prevention campaigns, HIV/AIDS continues to spread rapidly throughout much of the world. Through interviews with AIDS researchers, world leaders, activists, and patients, FRONTLINE investigates the science, politics, and human cost of this fateful disease and asks: What are the lessons of the past, and what can be done to stop AIDS?
Frontline: The Age of AIDS
After a quarter-century of political denial and social stigma, of stunning scientific breakthroughs, bitter policy battles and inadequate prevention campaigns, HIV/AIDS continues to spread rapidly throughout much of the world. Through interviews with AIDS researchers, world leaders, activists, and patients, FRONTLINE investigates the science, politics, and human cost of this fateful disease and asks: What are the lessons of the past, and what can be done to stop AIDS?
Ghosts of Rwanda
Ghosts of Rwanda marks the 10th anniversary of the Rwandan genocide with a documentary chronicling one of the worst atrocities of the 20th century. In addition to interviews with key government officials and diplomats, this documentary offers eyewitness accounts of the genocide from those who experienced it firsthand. FRONTLINE illustrates the failures that enabled the slaughter of 800,000 people to occur unchallenged by the global community.
Ghosts of Rwanda
Ghosts of Rwanda marks the 10th anniversary of the Rwandan genocide with a documentary chronicling one of the worst atrocities of the 20th century. In addition to interviews with key government officials and diplomats, this documentary offers eyewitness accounts of the genocide from those who experienced it firsthand. FRONTLINE illustrates the failures that enabled the slaughter of 800,000 people to occur unchallenged by the global community.