Jay Silverheels

Jay Silverheels

Nascimento : 1912-05-26, Six Nations Reservation, Brantford, Ontario, Canada

Morte : 1980-03-05


Jay Silverheels was born on a reservation in Canada to a Mohawk chief. He was a star lacrosse player and a boxer before he entered films as a stuntman in 1938. He worked in a number of films though the 1940s before he gained some notice as the Osceola brother in Humphrey Bogart's film Key Largo (1948). Most of his roles consisted of bit parts as "Indian." In 1949, he would work in a movie called The Cowboy and the Indians (1949) with another "B movie" actor named Clayton Moore. It was later that same year that Jay would be hired to play the faithful Indian companion, Tonto, in the television series "The Lone Ranger" (1949). This role, while still playing the "Indian," would bring Jay the fame that his motion picture career never did. As Tonto, on his horse Scout, Jay could show up where the Ranger could not and some of the time he would be shot at or beat up for his trouble. Jay would play Tonto in all the episodes except for those that he missed when he had his heart attack. In those episodes, he was replaced by the Ranger's nephew, Dan. However, Clayton Moore would miss the third season when he was replaced by John Hart. Jay would reprise the role of Tonto in two big-screen color movies with Moore, The Lone Ranger (1956) and The Lone Ranger and the Lost City of Gold (1958). After the series ended in 1957, Jay could not escape the typecasting of Tonto. He would continue to appear in an occasional film and television show, but he would become a spokesman to improve the portrayal of Indians on TV.


Jay Silverheels


Lone Ranger: Lost Episodes
Along with two complete episodes of the classic television series with Clayton Moore and Jay Silverheels (shown with original commercials and network spots), this video features scenes from the first live action Lone Ranger serial (with Lee Powel), the first Lone Ranger cartoon (produced in the 30's), TV promo spots advertising the Lone Ranger series, TV commercials (some old and some relatively recent) with Clayton Moore in the Lone Ranger costume, vintage theatrical coming attraction trailers, and a "short" with Clayton Moore promoting the sale of savings bonds and stamps (never shown in a theater or on TV).
John Crow
Jody Deakes joins up with his father after many years, just to discover that his dad is part of an outlaw gang on the run from a relentless bounty hunter named Santee. Jody is orphaned soon after Santee catches up to the gang, and follows Santee in hopes of taking vengeance for his father's death. Instead, however, Jody discovers that Santee is a good and loving man, tormented by the death of his young son at the hands of another outlaw gang. Santee and his wife take Jody in and a father and son relationship begins to grow. Then the gang that shot Santee's son shows up. The film was produced by Edward Platt of Get Smart fame. It was one of the first motion pictures to be shot electronically on videotape and then transferred to film.
Amor Feito de Ódio
The Chief
On the run from her violent husband, Catherine Crocker witnesses a train robbery and is taken prisoner by a frontier outlaw gang, led by a bandit who’s hiding a secret of his own.
O Pequeno Índio
Jimmy Wolf
No velho Oeste, um soldado desertor cruza seu caminho com um indiozinho, que não quer ser levado para uma reserva. Parecem dois fugitivos; um fugindo do Exército e outro da sua tribo.
Cat Ballou
Indian Chief
A pretty ranch owner hires an alcoholic gunfighter to protect her ranch and her adopted boy from an outlaw gang's depredations.
The Phynx
A rock band is invented by the government as a cover to find hostages in a remote castle in Albania held by communist enemies of the USA.
Bravura Indômita
Condemned Man at Hanging (uncredited)
Rooster Cogburn é um ex-xerife alcoólatra contratado por uma menina de 14 anos para vingar a morte de seu pai. Para pegar o criminoso, eles terão de entrar em um território indígena e enfrentar os comparsas do assassino que estão caçando, homens que não veem problema em matar uma adolescente.
A Esperança dos Índios
McDonald Lasheway
Quando o índio Jimmyboy é acusado do assassinato de um homem branco, ele foge para o rancho de Smith, que é conhecido por sua tolerância a índios, já que foi criado pelo velho índio Antoine. Smith ajuda Jimmyboy a se defender do malvado xerife e promete representá-lo no tribunal, enquanto tenta convencê-lo a se entregar à polícia.
The Movie Orgy
Tonto (archive footage)
Clips from assorted television programs, B-movies, commercials, music performances, newsreels, bloopers, satirical short films and promotional and government films of the 1950s and 1960s are intercut together to tell a single story of various creatures and societal ills attacking American cities.
Indian Paint
Chief Hevatanu
Nishko is a chief's son in the Great Plains, before Europeans arrive. During his rite of passage, he's determined to tame a painted pony. He approaches manhood while his peaceful clan is set upon by a nearby tribe willing to break a treaty. He must also contend with the kidnapping of three young women from his village, his pony's illness behind enemy lines, his mother's coma after a rattlesnake bite, the medicine man's urging that he sacrifice what he loves best, the attack of a cougar and of wolves, and his own injury while alone in the woods. His kindness, bravery, and quick thinking serve him well, but rescue come from an unexpected source.
Texas John Slaughter: Geronimo's Revenge
Texas John Slaughter is a peace-loving family man and successful rancher who values his friendship with the Apaches. But when a vengeful Geronimo initiates a violent campaign against the settlers, Slaughter himself must fight-- to maintain peace and honor among the warring groups.
Valentão é Apelido
Tonto (uncredited)
Insurance salesman Milford Farnsworth sells a man a life policy only to discover that the man in question is the outlaw Jesse James. Milford is sent to buy back the policy, but is robbed by Jesse. And when Jesse learns that Milford's boss is on the way out with more cash, he plans to rob him too and have Milford get killed in the robbery while dressed as Jesse, and collect on the policy.
Return to Warbow
Indian Joe
Three escaped prisoners return to the site of a robbery to find the stolen money that was never recovered. Western.
O Cavaleiro Solitário e a Cidade de Ouro Perdida
O Cavaleiro Mascarado e seu fiel escudeiro, o índio Tonto, descobrem que um vilão está matando pessoas que possuem medalhões de prata. De acordo com uma lenda, quando cinco destes medalhões são reunidos eles revelam a localização da Cidade de Ouro Perdida, repleta de riquezas. Três donos desses medalhões são assassinados e as vidas dos outros dois dependem da proteção do Cavaleiro Solitário e Tonto. Último filme com o personagem 'Lone Ranger' no cinema. No Brasil, o personagem ganhou o nome de outro herói, "Zorro", apenas como chamariz.
Honra de Selvagens
Audie Murphy vive a história real de John Philip Clum, um agente do Exército americano enviado a uma tribo Apache para tentar novas formas de aproximação entre índios e brancos.
O Justiceiro Mascarado 1956
Aventura ambientada no velho oeste que traz o personagem do Cavaleiro Solitário (Clayton Moore) e seu amigo Tonto (Jay Silverheels). Juntos eles terão de enfrentar o inescrupuloso rancheiro Reece Kilgore (Lyle Bettger), que incentiva a guerra contra os índios para se tornar um grande proprietário de terras. O "Zorro" no título nacional é apenas um chamariz. O herói da história, Lone Ranger, foi criado numa série de rádio nos anos de 1930, criou o bordão "Hi Yo Silver!" e nada tem a ver com Don Diego Vega (nome verdadeiro de Zorro). Este é o quarto filme no cinema que apresenta Lone Ranger - a estréia do personagem se deu em 1938, num filme exibido em 15 capítulos, e chegou a ganhar uma série de TV em 1949 e outra em 1956. Depois desse foi lançado apenas mais um filme, "Zorro e a Cidade de Ouro Perdida".
O Derradeiro Levante
A woman arrives in New Mexico to claim property she's inherited and receives an education in the greedy exploitation of the local Navajo.
Ases do Gatilho
Yellow Hawk
O xerife de Dodge City, Bat Masterson (George Montgomery), está tentando provar que um grupo de pecuaristas falsamente acusaram Merrick por assassinato, pois ele negociou um tratado que concede aos índios Kiowas uma reserva no campo que os pecuaristas queriam como terra de pastagem. Sabendo que as tribos vão declarar guerra novamente se Merrick for executado, Masterson começa uma busca por Clay Bennett, que testemunhou o assassinato. Junto com ele na caça estão duas das maiores lendas do oeste: Marshal Wyatt Earp (Bruce Cowling) e Doc Holliday (James Griffith). Embora Masterson e Holliday tenham uma rixa de longa data, o último é convencido pela filha de Merrick a ajudar.
O Derradeiro Assalto
Outlaws on the lam battle attacking Apaches.
Rebelião em Dakota
Black Buffalo
Durante a Guerra Civil, o presidente Abraham Lincoln envia um emissário com um tratado de paz com os índios Sioux.
Tambores da Morte
Gary Brannon (Audie Murphy) e o pai Sam (Walter Brennan) são rancheiros pacíficos que acabam envolvidos nas maquinações de Frank Walker (Lyle Bettger). Frank deseja o ouro existente no território indígena, e para isso fomenta uma guerra entre brancos e índios. Ele também rouba uma carregamento daquele metal e coloca a culpa em Gary. Agora um fugitivo da Lei, Gary luta para provar sua inocência.
Story of blood brothers whose bonds are tested when marauding Sioux Indians cross the border to enlist the peaceful Cree in a battle against the Great White Father.
A Última Avançada
A thrilling Cavalry-versus-Indians adventure starring Jeff Chandler as an Army official recruiting Seminole allies, against his superior's wishes, to stop a planned Kiowa attack.
O Valente de Nebraska
Spotted Bear
War looms on the horizon when an Army officer's American Indian aide is accused of murdering a tribal elder.
Alçapão Sangrento
Red Cloud
Durante a Guerra Civil,, um sulista foge da prisão para pegar o homem que o prendeu por traição.
Last of the Comanches
Indian (uncredited)
It's 1876 and all the Indians are at peace except the Comanches lead by Black Cloud. When Black Cloud wipes out a town, only six soldiers are left and they head for the nearest fort. In the desert they are reinforced by members of a stagecoach and find some water at a deserted mission. Pinned down by Black Cloud they send an Indian boy who was Black Cloud's prisoner on to the fort while they try to bargain with Black Cloud whom they learn is without water.
The Pathfinder
Pathfinder, a white man raised by the Mohican Indians, joins forces with the British army to avenge himself on the Mingo warriors and the French, who have brought death and pillage to his people. He takes on a mission to retrieve secret plans from within the French fort at St. Vicente.
Yankee Buccaneer
Lead Warrior
A United States Navy ship in the first half of the 19th century, under the command of Captain David Porter, is expecting to put ashore after a year on the seas; but the arrival of one of Porter's ex-students, the willful and independent Lieutenant David Farragut, brings a new mission: to disguise the ship and crew as a pirate ship and help the Navy locate the criminals who have been robbing America's merchant fleet. But as Farragut's disobedience threatens the safety of the crew, they stumble upon an international conspiracy.
Brave Warrior
Chief Tecumseh
In Indiana of the early 1800s, conflict once again arises between the United States and Great Britain over territory and boundaries. Each side endeavors to gain the support of the Shawnee Indian tribes in the area. Governor William Henry Harrison enlists the aid of Steve Rubbell, whose friendship with the Shawnee chief Tecumseh goes back to childhood. Tecumseh's leadership of the Shawnee is contested by his brother, known as The Prophet, who sides with the British. Tecumseh, who grew up as a childhood playmate of Steve and of Laura McGregor, loves Steve as a brother and hopes to marry Laura. But Laura is in love with Steve. Laura's father, Shayne McGregor, secretly leads local support of the British against the Americans, even though it risks the life and love of his daughter. Everything comes to a head at the battle of Tippecanoe.
O Levante dos Apaches
O oficial da cavalaria dos EUA, major Jim Colton (John Lund), é um líder compreensivo que tem um relacionamento de trabalho com o líder do Apache Cochise ( Jeff Chandler). O major Colton é prejudicado pelo agente indiano corrupto e politicamente ambicioso Neil Baylor (Bruce Cowling), que inicia um ataque falso e o sequestro do filho de um fazendeiro local. Enquanto Colton está investigando o assunto, Baylor convence o tenente George Bascom (John Hudson) de que a banda de Cochise é a culpada e o incita a liderar uma expedição contra a banda Apache para devolver o garoto. A expedição termina em desastre, com reféns executados de ambos os lados. Os Apaches e Cavalaria mais tarde se encontram em uma batalha no Apache Pass, a primeira vez que os índios encontram artilharia moderna (para a época)
The Legend Of The Lone Ranger
A group of Texas Rangers chasing the Butch Cavendish gang is massacred in an ambush. One of the Rangers survives and becomes a vigilante, a masked Lone Ranger who, aided by his native friend Tonto, promises to bring all outlaws to justice.
The Wild Blue Yonder
Wendell Corey and Forrest Tucker star as a pair of World War II Army Air Corps officers. In between their battles over the affections of a beautiful nurse, Corey and Tucker prepare to fly a bombing mission in the South Pacific. Before boarding their B29 Superfortress, Tucker appears to be chickening out, but he's steadfastly at his cockpit post at takeoff time.
Red Mountain
Little Crow
Towards the end of the American Civil War, a rebel captain flees to Colorado to join a band of Southern mercenaries. He drags an innocent gold prospecting couple into trouble when the husband is accused of a murder he committed.
Flechas de Fogo
Tom Jeffords tenta fazer a paz entre os colonos e os Apaches. Em 1870, houve 10 anos de guerra cruel entre colonos e Apaches de Cochise. O ex-soldado Tom Jeffords salva a vida de um menino Apache e começa a se perguntar se os índios de fato não são humanos. Então ele resolve usar esta oportunidade de tornar-se um embaixador. Contra todas as probabilidades, a sua missão solitária na fortaleza de Cochise abre um diálogo. Oportunamente, o presidente envia o General Howard com ordens para concluir a paz. Mas, mesmo com a sorte de Jeffords, a queixa profunda e o ódio em ambos os lados fazem um trágico fracasso ser muito provável.
O Vaqueiro e os Peles-Vermelhas
Finding Indians stealing from his ranch, Gene learns they are suffering from malnutrition. Store owner Martin is cheating them and now he is after the Chief's valuable necklace. When the dying chief is found, having been attacked and robbed, Martin blames Lakhona who would become the new chief. When Gene helps Lakhona they soon find themselves fleeing from the law.
Indian (uncredited)
Novelist Will James, a specialist in horse stories, wrote the yarn upon which 20th Century-Fox's Sand was based. Mark Stevens plays horse breeder Jeff Keane, who loses his prize stallion in a train accident. While the stallion roams wild and free, Keane enlists the aid of rancher Joan Hartley (Coleen Gray) in searching for the animal. Once the horse is located, it is clear that it has developed a mean streak, the result of various cruelties inflicted upon it by humans. Jeff and Joan combine their efforts to regain the horse's friendship. Veteran Native American actors Iron Eyes Cody and Jay Silverheels make significant supporting appearances. Sand was attractively filmed in Technicolor on location in Colorado.
Trail of the Yukon
When the local Banker jumps the Blaine's claim, they have men rob the bank to retrieve their money. When the men try to double-cross the Blains, a gunfight erupts and Jim Blaine gets away with the money. Mountie Bob McDonald gets Jim Blaine to return the money. Bob thinks the Banker was really behind the robbery and now uses the money to try and lure him into a trap.
Lust for Gold
A man determined to track down the fabled Arizona gold mine known as The Lost Dutchman has an affair with a married treasure hunter, whose pursuit of the mine has lead her to double-cross her husband.
Running Wolf (uncredited)
Carson e Drake descobrem uma caverna de ouro que pertence aos índios que não sabem disso, então eles tentam fomentar uma guerra que vai acabar com os nativos americanos e reivindicar o metal amarelo.
Enter the Lone Ranger
The sole surviving Texas Ranger of a murderous ambush - John Reid, becomes the great masked hero. He fights for justice with his companion, Tonto.
Céu Amarelo
Indian (uncredited)
Um bando de ladrões de banco em fuga para o deserto. Perto da morte por falta de água tropeçam em o que parece ser uma cidade fantasma, apenas para descobrir um velho mineiro e sua neta morando lá. Os ladrões descobrem que o velho está procurando ouro e resolvem fazer fortuna rápida roubando a dupla. Seu plano começa a dar errado quando o líder da gangue, Stretch, se apaixona pela neta, o que desencadeia um confronto entre a turma toda.
Charlie Chan e o Tesoura Azteca
Diego (uncredited)
In order to learn the location of a fabled Aztec treasure, a professor kidnaps his colleague, the only man able to read the ancient Aztec script that is supposed to reveal the location of the treasure. Charlie Chan and his #1 and #2 sons journey to the jungles of Mexico to find the victim and bring the kidnapper and his gang to justice.
Family Honeymoon
Elevator Boy (uncredited)
Grant Jordan, bachelor botany professor, marries Katie, a widow with three kids, despite the machinations of Grant's former girlfriend Minna. But on the wedding day, Aunt Jo, who was to babysit, breaks a leg; so the kids come along on the honeymoon.
Singin' Spurs
In order to help neighboring Indians irrigate their farms, the Hotshots plan to put on a fair for tourists. But first they need $2000 for an advertising campaign, and the only way they can get it is to borrow it from a wealthy local woman, who has made it clear that she won't give them the money until Hezzie marries her.
Paixões em Fúria
Tom Osceola (uncredited)
Frank McCloud viaja para um hotel decadente em Key Largo para honrar a memória de um amigo que morreu bravamente em sua unidade durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial. A viúva de seu amigo, Nora Temple, e seu pai James Temple que está preso numa cadeira de rodas, administram o hotel e o recebem calorosamente. Mas os três logo se veem virtualmente presos quando o hotel é tomado por um grupo de bandidos liderados por Johnny Rocco que se refugiam lá para aguardar a passagem de um furacão. Mr. Temple insulta fortemente Rocco que, porque está sozinho, só pode confrontá-lo verbalmente. Como ficou desiludido pela violência da guerra, Frank está relutante em agir, mas, o tratamento degradante que Rocco dá a sua alcoólatra amante Gaye Dawn, o envolvimento do grupo de Rocco na morte de alguns inocentes índios Seminole e um vice-xerife, Frank McCloud começa a superar sua inação Hamletiana. e10.
Fury at Furnace Creek
Little Dog (uncredited)
The Arizona wilderness, 1880. Gen. Fletcher Blackwell sends a message telling Capt. Walsh, who is escorting a wagon-train through Apache territory, heading for the fort at Furnace Creek, that he should cancel the escort and rush to another town. Apache leader "Little Dog" is leading the attack on the wagon-train and massacring everyone at the poorly manned fort. As a result the treaty is broken with the Indians and the white settlers take over the territory with the help of the cavalry, as the Apaches are wiped out and only "Little Dog" remains at large. Gen. Fletcher Blackwell is court-martial-led for treason.
O Tesouro de Sierra Madre
Indian Guide at Pier (uncredited)
Dois vagabundos e um garimpeiro grisalho descobrem um verdadeiro tesouro em ouro, mas a ganância e a paranoia vai rapidamente se apoderar de todos neste clássico sobre o poder da riqueza escondida nas montanhas e a avareza que se esconde no coração dos homens. e 12.
The Prairie
Running Deer
The Prairie is set at the time of the Louisiana Purchase. Hoping to find their destiny in the new territory, the Bush Family heads southward in a covered wagon. Sharing the family's numerous dangers and hardships are Ellen Wade (Lenore Aubert), sole survivor of an Indian attack, and army mapmaker Paul Hover (Alan Baxter). Cousins Abiram (Russ Vincent) and Asa (Jack Mitchum) duke it out over Ellen's affections
Gas House Kids Go West
Kingsley's Henchman (uncredited)
The second of three "Bowery Boys" rip-offs produced by bargain-basement Producers Releasing Corporation.
I Am an American
Indian (uncredited)
The history of a Polish family and its contributions to the war effort throughout American history.
Perdidos Num Harém
Guard at Execution (uncredited)
Two bumbling magicians help a Middle Eastern prince regain his rightful throne from his despotic uncle.
Indian (uncredited)
Canadian Mountie Steve Wagner captures a German Luftwaffe officer on a spy mission, who later escapes from the prison camp. To catch the spy ring, the Mounties employ a ruse so that the spies, believing Steve to be sympathetic, enlist him in their plans.
The Girl from Monterrey
Fighter Tito Flores
Mexican club singer Lita Valdez is amazed to find that her younger brother Alberto is a talented boxer and is even more thrilled by his consistent success in the ring. Till he is forced to fight Jerry O'Leary, the man she loves. Caught between her devotion to both men, Lita tries her best to have the match canceled, but there is much more to the boxing racket than she had ever imagined...
Perils of Nyoka
Professor Campbell's expedition into the hills of Libya obtains a papyrus which might reveal the hiding place of the Golden Tablets of Hippocrates, containing lost medical secrets. Also in the region is intrepid Nyoka Gordon, still seeking her father, lost on a previous expedition. She alone can translate the papyrus, which directs our heroes through deadly perils (including the Tunnel of Bubbling Death) into the land of the Tuaregs. Opposing them are Vultura, Queen of the Desert, and her Arab ally Cassib, both greedy for the treasure...
Valley of the Sun
An Arizona frontiersman steals an Indian agent's girlfriend, followed by trouble.
This Woman Is Mine
Indian Marauder
Three seafaring fur traders fall in love with a female stowaway they discover aboard their ship. Many adventures follow.
Os Conquistadores
When Edward Creighton leads the construction of the Western Union to unite East with West, he hires a Western reformed outlaw and a tenderfoot Eastern surveyor.
Garotas em Penca
Mr. Casey's daughter, Connie, wants to go to Pottawatomie College and without her knowledge, he sends four football players as her bodyguards. The college is in financial trouble and her bodyguards use their salary to help the college. The football players join the college team, and the team becomes one of the best. One of the football players, Clint, falls in love with Connie, but when she discovers he is her bodyguard, she decides to go back East. The bodyguards follow her, leaving the team in the lurch.
Kit Carson
Frontiersman Kit Carson fights off Indian attacks on the trail to California.
O Gavião do Mar
Native Lookout
Enquanto a Espanha prepara um exército para invadir a Inglaterra, o pirata britânico Geoffrey Thorpe embarca em uma missão para saquear barcos espanhóis. Quando ele captura o barco que transportava o embaixador Don Jose Alvarez de Cordoba, o vistoso capitão apaixona-se por sua sobrinha, a bela Dona Maria, que se instala confortavelmente na Inglaterra. Dedicado a proteger os interesses ingleses, Thorpe vai para o mar em uma perigosa expedição que pode determinar o destino do país.
The Lone Ranger: Who Was That Masked Man
Disguised behind his mask, The Lone Ranger led the fight for law and order in the early West. Relive the journey of the resourceful rider in The Masked Rider, The Hooded Men, Wanted: The Lone Ranger, and five additional masked episodes... "The Lone Ranger ride on!"