Cyril Hume

Nascimento : 1900-03-16, New York City, New York, USA

Morte : 1966-03-26


Killers of Kilimanjaro
An American engineer reaches Mombasa to finish the works of an African railroad and to find his predecessor, who has mysteriously disappeared. While the work continues, will have to face several obstacles, especially violent local tribes, Arabs slave traders and wild animals.
The Invisible Boy
A Super Computer plans world domination with the help of Robbie the robot and a 10 year old boy who is the son the computer's inventor.
Delírio de Loucura
A friendly, successful suburban teacher and father grows dangerously addicted to cortisone, resulting in his transformation into a household despot.
Delírio de Loucura
A friendly, successful suburban teacher and father grows dangerously addicted to cortisone, resulting in his transformation into a household despot.
Planeta Proibido
Uma expedição liderada pelo Comandante John J. Adams (Leslie Nielsen) viaja rumo a um planeta distante para descobrir o que aconteceu com os cientistas que foram para lá iniciar uma colônia. Apenas um é encontrado: O arrogante Dr. Morbius (Walter Pidgeon), que vive em companhia da filha, Altaira (Anne Francis) e de um prestativo robô.
Decisão Amarga
Quando seu filho Andy é sequestrado e mantido para o resgate, David Stannard liquida seus bens para atender a demanda de meio milhão de dólares. Uma observação casual por repórter de jornal Charlie Telfer faz com que ele mudasse de idéia. Apesar dos apelos de sua esposa Edith e irmão e a condenação resultante da imprensa e do público, Stannard vai em um programa de televisão em todo o país, mostra o dinheiro e avisa o seqüestrador que não um centavo será pago para o resgate; em vez disso, o dinheiro será usado para rastrear o sequestrador se Andy não é devolvido ileso. A polícia então encontrar camisa manchada de sangue do rapaz.
Tarzan e a Fúria Selvagem
Tarzan serve como guia para dois agentes do governo britânico recém-chegados à África para garantir um grande depósito de diamantes para os militares ingleses. No entanto, os agentes não são o que parecem.
A Marca Rubra
O pistoleiro Choya (Alan Ladd) deixa-se convencer, por um par de vigaristas, a se passar pelo herdeiro de um rico rancheiro, cujo verdadeiro filho foi raptado, ainda criança, e criado por bandidos nas montanhas. Mas, rapidamente, Choya se arrepende e parte, então, em busca do filho desaparecido.
A Mulher Sem Nome
A secret service agent falls in love with an illegal immigrant.
Tóquio Joe
Um americano retorna a Tóquio e tenta resgatar sua vida anterior à Segunda Guerra Mundial, mas se vê encurralado entre criminosos e autoridades. Joe Barrett retorna a Tóquio após a Segunda Guerra Mundial, onde ele tinha um bar, o Tokyo Joe's, e onde abandonou sua esposa Trina. Eles têm uma filha de sete anos. O barão Kimura obriga Joe a pilotar para criminosos de guerra, chantageando revelar que durante a guerra Trina fez transmissões de propaganda traiçoeira.
The Great Gatsby
Nick Carraway, a young Midwesterner now living on Long Island, finds himself fascinated by the mysterious past and lavish lifetyle of his landlord, the nouveau riche Jay Gatsby. He is drawn into Gatsby's circle, becoming a witness to obsession and tragedy.
Bride of Vengeance
The tiny independent duchy of Ferrara is located between Casare Borgia's Rome and Venice, and Borgia has plans to conquer Venice via Ferrara. He murders his sister's husband and makes it appear that Alfonso D'Este of Ferrara was behind the killing. To avenge herself against Ferrara and D'Este, Lucretia Borgia marries D'Este and intends to poison him. But...she falls in love with him.
High Barbaree
After his plane is downed in the South Pacific, a Navy flier recounts his life to a co-pilot while awaiting rescue.
The Bugle Sounds
An old-time cavalry sergeant's resistance to change could cost him his post.
The Bugle Sounds
An old-time cavalry sergeant's resistance to change could cost him his post.
20 Mule Team
It is 1892 in Death Valley and the yields from the Borax ore are getting so small that refining it is a losing proposition. The only thing that will save the company is a new deposit of high grade Borax, and Skinner Bill Bragg has a pouch of it that he got from a dead prospector he buried on the road. Stag Roper knows the value of the strike could be worth millions, but he needs Bragg to find the prospector's claim so they can record it and become rich partners. While Roper has no intention of cutting Bragg in on the millions, he also has his eye on young Jean Johnson. Josie Johnson, Jean's mother, sees Roper as the scalawag he is, and that means trouble in Furnace Flat.
O Filho de Tarzan
A young couple die in a plane crash in the jungle. Their son is found by Tarzan and Jane who name him Boy and raise him as their own. Five years later a search party comes to find the young heir to millions of dollars. Jane agrees, against Tarzan's will, to lead them to civilization.
The Bad Man of Brimstone
A ruthless outlaw becomes very protective of a prizefighter when he learns the young man is his own son.
Vive, Ama e Aprende
A starving, uncompromising artist and an heiress fall in love on first sight and immediately get married. She loves his outrageous behaviour, his strange room-mate and the best apartment poverty can buy.
They Gave Him a Gun
With no other prospects, a World War I veteran puts the skills they taught him in the War to use.
The Jungle Princess
Christopher Powell is in Malaysia with his fiancée and her father, capturing wild animals. While out hunting, he is attacked by a tiger, and his native guides run away, leaving him for dead. But the tiger is the pet of Ulah, a beautiful young woman who grew up by herself in the jungle. She rescues Chris and takes him back to her cave, where she nurses him to health and falls in love with him. When he eventually returns to camp, she follows. The fiancée is jealous, and the natives don't like Ulah or her pet tiger either, all of which leads to a lot of trouble.
A Fuga de Tarzan
Tarzan Escapes é um filme estadunidense de 1936, dirigido por Richard Thorpe, John Farrow, James C. McKay, George B. Seitz e William A. Wellman, inspirado na série literária Tarzan de Edgar Rice Burroughs. Foi o terceiro filme da série realizada pela MGM, com Johnny Weissmuller no papel do “Rei dos Macacos”.
Yellow Dust
After he's accused of a series of stagecoach robberies, an innocent man has to find the real crooks.
Limehouse Blues
Fresh from Chinatown in New York, Harry Young has taken over the illegal import business in the seamy Limehouse district of London, where he cold-bloodedly disposes of rivals and runs a smoky nightclub. He falls for a low-class, white pickpocket, diminishing his pride in the Chinese half of his heritage and sparking the jealousy of the nightclub's moody star performer.
Affairs of a Gentleman
When a novelist is murdered, suspicion falls on all the women he had affairs with--and then wrote about in his books.
Voando para o Rio
Roger Bond e sua orquestra se apresentam em Miami; Honey Hale é a vocalista e Fred Ayres é um dos instrumentistas. Roger vê a bela Belinha entre o público, encontro que provoca paixão à primeira vista no líder do grupo. Por isso, ele e sua orquestra a perseguem no Rio de Janeiro, onde vivem aventuras musicais.
Tarzan, o Filho da Selva
James Parker (C. Aubrey Smith) e Harry Holt (Neil Hamilton) encontram-se numa expedição, na África, à procura de um cemitério de elefantes onde pretendem encontrar bastante marfim, o suficiente para se tornarem ricos. A bela e jovem filha de Parker, Jane (Maureen O'Sullivan), chega, de surpresa, ávida para vivenciar o exotismo do Continente Negro, e se junta ao grupo. Harry sente-se atraído pela jovem mas, quando o safári é emboscado por nativos hostis, ela termina sendo sequestrada por Tarzan (Johnny Weissmuller), que a leva para sua casa no alto de uma árvore. Lá, ela se apaixona pelo Homem das Selvas.
An Austrian soldier must choose between a wealthy fiancee and a new girl who takes his fancy.
New Moon
New Moon is the name of the ship crossing the Caspian Sea. A young Lt. Petroff meets the Princess Tanya and they have a ship board romance. Upon arriving at the port of Krasnov, Petroff learns that Tanya is engaged to the old Governor Brusiloff. Petroff, disillusioned, crashes the ball to talk with Tanya. Found by Brusiloff, they invent a story about her lost bracelet. To reward him, and remove him, Brusiloff sends Petroff to the remote, and deadly, Fort Darvaz. Soon, the big battle against overwhelming odds will begin.
The Wife of the Centaur
Jeffrey Dwyer is a writer and a poet who wrestles with the conflicts between his idealism and his passion. The two sides of his nature are personified in the women he loves: the sweetly innocent Joan Converse, and the sexy, charismatic Inez Martin.