

Brush The Movie
"Brush" is the story of a young man named John Pennick (Black Deniro) who grows up in a tough neighborhood of violence, corruption, and drug dealing. Throughout his childhood he is very fascinated with art. As he grows older, he tries to escape the world he came from and find a better way of life by chasing his dream of becoming a successful artist. Throughout this transition, he struggles with peer pressure from friends and family members that are still in the street life. He also gets caught up in a drug war that was started by himself. This is an action packed drama, so let's see if he can make it out!
Cadê a Minha Entrega?
Um entregador descuidado faz a entrega de um pacote de droga pura em um endereço errado. Dois amigos abrem a caixa e acreditam ter tirado a sorte grande. Imediatamente eles vendem a droga para um primo traficante, tentando lucrar um bom dinheiro. Esse é ponto de partida para uma ação desenfreada, uma verdadeira corrida contra o tempo quando vários personagens, entre eles o entregador, os receptores e os traficantes, cada um com objetivos diferentes, saem em uma busca alucinante atrás do tal pacote.