Walter Pidgeon

Walter Pidgeon

Nascimento : 1897-09-23, Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada

Morte : 1984-09-25


Walter Davis Pidgeon (September 23, 1897 – September 25, 1984) was a Canadian actor who lived most of his adult life in the United States. He starred in many motion pictures, including Mrs. Miniver, The Bad and the Beautiful, Forbidden Planet, Advise and Consent and Funny Girl.


Walter Pidgeon
Walter Pidgeon
Walter Pidgeon


Preminger: Anatomy of a Filmmaker
actor 'Advise and 'Consent' (archive footage) (uncredited)
This documentary, hosted by actor Burgess Meredith, explores the life and career of movie director Otto Preminger, whose body of work includes such memorable films as Anatomy of a Murder, Exodus, Laura, Forever Amber, Advise and Consent, In Harm's Way, The Moon Is Blue, The Man with the Golden Arm, and many other movies made from the '30s through the '70s. Interviews with actors Frank Sinatra, Vincent Price, James Stewart, Michael Caine, and others who worked with the flamboyant and sometimes control-obsessed director add information and insight to the story.
Fritz Lang, drawings for a film
Captain Alan Thorndike (stills from Man Hunt)
A short film using parts of the storyboard drawings for Fritz Lang's Man Hunt given to the French Cinémathèque to recreate a scene to showcase a part of the directors' creative process.
Sextette - A Grande Estrela
The Chairman
On the day of her wedding to her sixth husband, a glamorous silver screen sex symbol is asked to intervene in a political dispute between nations, which leads to chaos.
Pânico na Multidão
The Pickpocket
Psicopata armado com rifle parte para uma caçada humana apenas por diversão num estádio lotado com 100 mil espectadores. Logo equipes da polícia e da SWAT estão atrás do psicótico assassino. Faltam dois minutos para a partida acabar e a multidão entra em pânico.
Won Ton Ton, o Cachorro que Salvou Hollywood
Grayson's Butler
Em 1924, Estie Del Ruth vem para Hollywood para se tornar uma atriz, mas o cão, que acompanha, se torna a estrela. Mas Hollywood tem suas próprias regras de sucesso.
Era Uma Vez em Hollywood, parte II
(archive footage)
É a sequência de Era Uma Vez em Hollywood, de 1974. A produção mostra uma retrospectiva dos principais filmes produzidos pela MGM dentre os períodos de 1930 a 1950. Neste segundo documentário, arquivistas destacaram números musicais pouco conhecidos dos arquivos da MGM, e também tributos a alguns dos times de comédia mais famosos da MGM, como os Irmãos Marx, e Laurel e Hardy, duplas românticas como Spencer Tracy e Katharine Hepburn, e uma montagem de estrelas icônicas como Clark Gable, Mickey Rooney, John Barrymore, Wallace Beery, Joan Crawford, Jean Harlow, James Stewart, Lana Turner e Greta Garbo. Gene Kelly e Fred Astaire apresentam o filme e Kelly dirigiu as cenas introdutórias, como a volta dele à Paris, na qual foi rodada dois dos filmes mais famosos da MGM "Sinfonia de Paris" e "Gigi".
The Lindbergh Kidnapping Case
Judge Trenchard
Fact-based story of the kidnapping of Charles Lindbergh Jr., son and namesake of the famed pilot, and ensuing trial of accused and convicted killer, Bruno Hauptmann.
Murder on Flight 502
Charlie Parkins
On a flight to London, a note is found stating that there will be murders taking place on the airliner before it lands.
You Lie So Deep, My Love
Uncle Joe Padway
A disturbed man wants his girlfriend's love and his wife's money, and will stop at nothing to get them, even murder.
The Lion Roars Again
A chronicle of the 1975 International Press Conclave hosted by Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer over two days in May 1975.
Era uma Vez em Hollywood
(archive footage) (uncredited)
Documentário que traça um panorama dos musicais no cinema desde a década de 20 até os anos 50, e traz entrevistas com algumas das estrelas do gênero.
The Girl on the Late, Late Show
John Pahlman
A television producer decides to find out the whereabouts of a former movie actress whose career has long since faded, then discovers that his inquiries have set off a string of murders.
Live Again, Die Again
Thomas Carmichael
After being cryogenically frozen for more than 30 years, a woman wakes to find her husband an old man and her children older than she is. Her daughter has also developed a psychotic obsession with her and may be out to kill her.
Harry, O Mão Leve
A master thief and his drug-addicted partner teach two aspiring crooks how to steal wallets.
O Fator Netuno
Dr. Samuel Andrews
Um comandante de um submarino experimental em alto mar, é chamado para resgatar uma equipe de pesquisadores aquáticos, presa nos destroços do laboratório no fundo do mar.
Vôo 502: Em Perigo
Sen. Arne Lindner
Durante um vôo de Los Angeles para Minneapolis a tensão toma conta de todos quando uma jovem, Elly Brewster (Susan Dey), vê no espelho do banheiro uma mensagem escrita com batom, dizendo que se a aeronave não mudasse seu plano de voo e fosse para Anchorage, Alasca, o autor (ou autora) da ameaça explodiria o avião. O comandante do voo, Henry "Hank" O'Hara (Charlton Heston), tenta lidar com isto da melhor maneira, pois quer evitar que alguém seja ferido. Mas a visibilidade em Anchorage é nula e este é apenas um dos problemas.
Um Grito de Mulher
Dr. Amos Larkin
A wealthy former mental patient goes home to her estate to rest and recuperate. While walking the grounds one day she hears the screams of a woman coming from underneath the ground. Her family, however, refuses to believe her story, and sees the incident as an opportunity to prove the woman's mind has snapped so they can take control of her money.
The Mask of Sheba
Dr. Max van Condon
Intrigue, romance, and the customary angry natives are the major elements in this tale of a hunt for a priceless gold mask in the jungles of Ethiopia.
House on Greenapple Road
Mayor Jack Parker
A promiscuous housewife has been murdered and hardboiled detective Dan August has to find the motive...and the body.
Sterling North (voice)
Um bebê guaxinim entra na vida de um garoto solitário. Ele se torna seu único companheiro durante a frequente ausência de seu pai. Por causa de Rascal, ambos pai e filho percebem suas responsabilidades um com o outro.
Funny Girl - A Garota Genial
Florenz Ziegfeld
A carreira da lendária estrela Fanny Brice. Desde o início, quando somente sua mãe acreditava em suas chances, ao estrelato no famoso show de Florenz Ziegfield, passando pelo malogrado casamento com um jogador inveterado. Oscar de melhor atriz (Streisand) e mais sete indicações da Academia.
The Vatican Affair
Herbert Cummings
A blind professor masterminds the theft of treasure from St. Peter's Basilica in Rome.
O Agente 711 Pede Socorro
Orville Ames
Hounded by the press for shooting a doctor, an ousted Los Angeles policeman (David Janssen) works his own case.
How I Spent My Summer Vacation
Lewis Gannet
A man who completes compiling a dossier on a mysterious billionaire begins to get the feeling that he is becoming the victim of a conspiracy.
After the success of the live 1957 Cinderella on CBS (with Julie Andrews), the network decided to produce another television version. The new script hewed closer to the traditional tale, although nearly all of the original songs were retained and performed in their original settings. Added to the Rogers and Hammerstein score was "Loneliness of Evening", which had been composed for South Pacific but not used.
The Shortest Day
Ernest Hemingway (uncredited)
Two jerks are enlisted in the Italian army during W.W.1 and by pure luck manage to help win an important battle.
Two Colonels
Colonello Henderson
In WWII Greece, two enemy Colonels, one Italian and the other English, develop a grudging friendship which the war will test.
Tempestade sobre Washington
Senate Majority Leader
Indicado pelo Presidente dos Estados Unidos para o cargo de Secretário de Estado, Robert Leffingwell comparece perante uma comissão do Senado, presidida pelo senador idealista Brig Anderson, que deve decidir se ele é a pessoa certa para o cargo.
Astúcia de um Rebelde
James Haggin
O rico esportista Walter Pidgeon compra um lindo cachorro da raça Irish setter com intenções de transforma-lo em um campeão de competições caninas. Ele contrata o jovem Gilles Payant, um garoto que tem como língua nativa o francês e vem aprendendo inglês sozinho, para cuidar do cão. Mas, como típico menino de sua idade, Gilles e o Irish setter passam a maior parte do tempo se divertindo ao correrem pelas florestas, perseguindo bichos e descendo colinas, o que acaba fazendo Red perder todo o interesse na disciplina de show business.
Viagem ao Fundo do Mar
Admiral Harriman Nelson
Uma expedição científica de rotina ao Pólo Norte transforma-se em uma corrida para salvar a vida na Terra, quando um cinturão de radiação no espaço se inflama e começa a aquecer o planeta de maneira incontrolável. O Almirante Nelson e a tripulação do submarino atômico Seaview enfrentam sabotadores, criaturas marinhas gigantescas e ataques de outros submarinos durante sua corrida para evitar a catástrofe global.
Meet Me in St. Louis
Alonzo Smith
This adaptation of the classic 1944 film musical explores the lives of the close-knit Smith family -- mother, father, grandfather, and five children -- who live in St. Louis in the year 1903.
Deus é Meu Juiz
Col. Edward W. Hall, Sr.
Army Captain Edward Hall returns to the US after two years in a prison camp in the Korean War. In the camp he was brainwashed and helped the Chinese convince the other prisoners that they were fighting an unjust war. When he comes back he is charged for collaboration with the enemy. Where does loyalty end in a prison camp, when the camp is a living hell?
Passado Perdido
James Rayburn
A man tries to find a son he gave up for adoption years ago.
Planeta Proibido
Dr. Edward Morbius
Uma expedição liderada pelo Comandante John J. Adams (Leslie Nielsen) viaja rumo a um planeta distante para descobrir o que aconteceu com os cientistas que foram para lá iniciar uma colônia. Apenas um é encontrado: O arrogante Dr. Morbius (Walter Pidgeon), que vive em companhia da filha, Altaira (Anne Francis) e de um prestativo robô.
Hit the Deck
Rear Adm. Daniel Xavier Smith
Sailors on leave in San Francisco get mixed up in love and show business.
O Sapatinho de Cristal
Narrator (voice)
Musical adaptation of the story of Cinderella and her magical trip to the prince's ball.
Bem no Meu Coração
J.J. Shubert
Um filme biográfico sobre o compositor musical e autor Sigmund Romberg, que escreveu obras como 'The Student Prince', 'The Desert Song' e 'The New Moon', entre outras. O título 'Bem no Meu Coração, querido' vem da música 'The student Prince' e é interpretada por artistas e cantores de todas as produções da MGM. Dentre eles estão Cyd Charisse, Rosemary Clooney, Vic Damone e muitos outros. Uma revisão da vida e obra de um dos maiores e mais importantes compositores musicais do cinema. Muitos dos filmes que podemos ver hoje têm alguns de seus temas entre as trilhas sonoras. (e Livre - Estimado Livre)
Men of the Fighting Lady
Cmdr. Dowling
M-G-M presents the heroic story of what happened to the MEN OF THE FIGHTING LADY
Um Homem e Dez Destinos
Frederick Y. Alderson
Avery Bullard (Raoul Freeman), o presidente da Tredway Corporation, uma conhecida fábrica de móveis, morre repentinamente. Como ele não deixou claro quem seria o seu sucessor, o conselho executivo, formado por 7 pessoas, precisa se reunir rapidamente para encontrar um sucessor, pois como Avery faleceu na tarde de sexta-feira é importante que na segunda o mercado encontre a Tredway com novo presidente, para não desvalorizar as ações da empresa. O provável sucessor é Loren Phineas Shaw (Fredric Marsh), um frio homem de negócios que só pensa no lucro dos acionistas, sem se preocupar com a qualidade. Para impedi-lo de chegar à presidênciaé preciso encontrar logo alguém com idéias bem inovadoras, mas esta pessoa tem de ser uma das outras seis do conselho executivo, que se mostra dividido sobre qual o melhor caminho. Enquanto isso Shaw só precisa do seu voto e de mais três para se eleger.
A Última Vez Que Vi Paris
James Ellswirth
Charles Wills (Van Johnson) é um escritor que volta a Paris para reencontrar a filha, criada pela cunhada, Marion Matine (Donna Reed). Lá ele relembra Helen Ellswirth (Elizabeth Taylor), o grande amor da sua vida, que ele conheceu em Paris quando a 2ª Guerra Mundial terminou na Europa. Charles recorda que trabalhava como jornalista no "Star and Stripes", tendo logo se apaixonado por Helen e em pouco tempo estavam casados. Porém ele recebia um pequeno salário, assim dedicou suas noites para escrever um romance, que foi rejeitado por vários editores. Quando ele tinha perdido todo o ânimo surge uma boa notícia: poços de petróleo no Texas, que lhe foram dados pelo sogro, James Ellswirth (Walter Pidgeon), quase como uma brincadeira, pois nada produziram e de repente se tornaram bem produtivos.
Quem é Meu Amor?
Walter McBride
Clemson Reade sofre no seu relacionamento com Effie, pois ela sempre coloca os assuntos do país à frente do namoro. Quando ela lhe pede para adiarem o casamento, ele decide por um ponto final no relacionamento. Ele parte em busca da mulher ideal, e parece encontrar na princesa Tarji, que possa lhe servir, mas não consegue esquecer Effie.
O Marido da Mamãe
Patrick J. McChesney
After their orphanage burns down, a group of children are being transported west by train to Manitoba. All of them are available for adoption and at a stop at Scourie, Ontario little Patsy meets Victoria McChesney. Victoria and her husband Patrick have no children and she immediately decides to adopt the girl. The only condition imposed on them is that as Patsy has been baptized a Roman Catholic the Protestant McChesneys agree to raise her as a Catholic. Patsy is a well-behaved little girl whose only real problem is a school bully, also one of the orphans, who spreads stories that she set their orphanage on fire.
Assim Estava Escrito
Harry Pebbel
Narrado em flashback, o filme traça a ascensão e a queda de um produtor de Hollywood duro e ambicioso, Jonathan Shields, visto pelos olhos de vários conhecidos, incluindo o escritor James Lee Bartlow, a estrela Georgia Lorrison e o diretor Fred Amiel. Ele é um homem difícil e ambicioso que impiedosamente usa todos - incluindo o escritor, estrela e diretor - na escalada para se tornar um dos maiores de Hollywood. (e 16 - Estimado 16 Anos)
The Hoaxters
Narrator (voice)
A 1952 American documentary film written by Herman Hoffman, about the threat posed by communism to the American way of life.
A Rainha do Mar
Frederick Kellerman
Filme biográfico da campeã australiana de natação e artista Annette Kellerman. Depois de superar a pólio Kellerman alcança a fama e cria um escândalo quando seu maiô de uma peça é considerado indecente. Conta a história da sensação da natação australiana Annette Kellerman, que superou a pólio infantil para continuar e conquistar a fama como nadadora profissional e estrela de cinema nas primeiras décadas do século XX. Ao mesmo tempo, ela escandalizou o mundo vestindo uma roupa de banho de uma peça só, em praias públicas, muito antes desse modelo ser aceito pela sociedade educada, e causou outras polêmicas também. A história foi um veículo perfeito, décadas depois, para mostrar o talento da estrela Esther Williams na década de 1950, e o apelido de Kellerman foi usado pela revista Life para a Sra. Williams quando a chamou de "Sereia de Milhões de Dólares". (e Livre - Estimado Livre)
The Sellout
Haven D. Allridge
A small-town newspaper editor risks everything to expose a corrupt sheriff.
O Homem Desconhecido
Dwight Bradley 'Brad' Masen
A scrupulously honest lawyer discovers that the client he's gotten off was really guilty.
Quo Vadis
Narrator (voice) (uncredited)
Após três anos em campanha, o general Marcus Vinicius (Robert Taylor) retorna à Roma e encontra Lygia (Deborah Kerr), por quem se apaixona. Ela é uma cristã e não quer nenhum envolvimento com um guerreiro. Mas, apesar de ter sido criada como romana, Lygia é a filha adotiva de um general aposentado e, teoricamente, uma refém de Roma. Marcus procura o imperador Nero (Peter Ustinov), para que ela lhe seja dada pelos serviços que ele fez. Lygia se ressente, mas de alguma forma se apaixona por Marcus. Enquanto isso, as atrocidades de Nero são cada vez mais ultrajantes e, quando ele queima Roma e culpa os cristãos, Marcus salva Lygia e a família dela. Nero captura todos os cristãos e os atira aos leões mas, no final, Marcus, Lygia e o cristianismo prevalecerão. Na filmagem da obra de Sienkiewicz, foram utilizados cerca de 32 mil figurinos e milhares de figurantes, dentre eles então os 'desconhecidos' Bud Spencer, Sophia Loren (então com 17 anos) e Elizabeth Taylor.
Calling Bulldog Drummond
Major Hugh "Bulldog" Drummond
Bulldog Drummond leaves retirement to help a Scotland Yard Sergeant catch thieves armed with radar.
Três Grandes Amigos
Col. Brunswick
Kiplingesque tale of British forces in 19th-century India.
Romance de uma Esposa
Clem Miniver
The Second World War is over, and the Miniver family is trying to keep themselves together in post-War Britain, among continuing shortages and growing tensions within the family.
A Glória de Amar
le jeune Jolyon Forsyte
Soames and Irene Forsyte have a marriage of convenience. Young Jolyon Forsyte is a black sheep who ran away with the maid after his wife's death. Teenager June Forsyte has found love with an artist, Phillip Bosinny. The interactions between the Forsytes and the people and society around them is the truss for this love story set in the rigid and strict times of the Victorian age.
The Red Danube
Col. Michael S. 'Hooky' Nicobar
A Russian ballerina in Vienna tries to flee KGB agents and defect.
Trágica Decisão
Major General Roland Goodlow Kane
Os generais do exército lutam com a decisão de priorizar o bombardeio das fábricas alemãs que produzem novos caças a jato devido às baixas extremamente altas que a missão custará. O general Dennis da Força dos EUA na Inglaterra na Segunda Guerra Mundial acha que ele deve mandar seus aviões cada vez mais fundo na Alemanha para impedir a produção de caças a jato que mudarão a maré da batalha para os alemães. Ele deve lutar contra congressistas e sua própria cadeia de comando para vencer a batalha política antes que possa enviar seus aviões. Seu problema fica mais complicado por causa de uma janela muito estreita de bom tempo, necessária para permitir que seu esforço seja bem-sucedido. Nossa história tenta olhar para os desafios de comando numa arena política. (e 10 - Estimado 10 Anos)
Travessuras de Julia
William Sylvester Packett
Julia and William were married and soon separated by his snobbish family. They meet again many years later, when their daughter he has raised invites her mother to her wedding, with the disapproval of William's mother.
Inverno D'Alma
Mark Sabre
It's 1939 in the small English town of Penny Green and events in Poland are about to change lives. Mark Sabre, a writer of school textbooks, has married Mabel "on the rebound", after his real love Nona marries someone else. Just as war is about to break out, Nona returns home with her husband Tony. Mabel is sure she can hold onto Mark, though. But misunderstood good deeds on Mark's part turn life for him upside down when his relationship with a young girl starts tongues wagging. Soon, wartime casualties take their toll in Penny Green as well as on the front, as the death of fighting men affects lives back home.
The Secret Heart
Chris Matthews
Penny Addams lives in a constant state of depression stemming from the trauma of her father's death when she was just a young girl. Her brother, Chase, and stepmother, Lee, work to help Penny process her grief through psychotherapy and revisiting their past, but only the revelation of long-buried family secrets -- including her mother's secret lover and the true nature of her father's death -- can bring Penny out of her intense despair.
Holiday in Mexico
Jeffrey Evans
Christine Evans, the fifteen-year-old daughter of the widowed American ambassador to Mexico Jeffrey Evans, believes that she is no longer a young girl and that she has fully matured into adulthood. Eager to make her mark in the sophisticated world of foreign diplomats living in Mexico, Christine appoints herself as organizer of her father's social activities and takes over the planning of a big garden party he will be hosting. Because he loves his daughter,
Aqui Começa a Vida
Chip Collyer
Anything can happen during a weekend at New York's Waldorf-Astoria: a glamorous movie star meets a world-weary war correspondent and mistakes him for a jewel thief; a soldier learns that without an operation he'll die and so looks for one last romance with a beautiful but ambitious stenographer; a cub reporter tries to get the goods on a shady man's dealing with a foreign potentate.
Mrs. Parkington, A Mulher Inspiração
Major Augustus 'Gus' Parkington
In this family saga, Mrs. Parkington recounts the story of her life, beginning as a hotel maid in frontier Nevada where she is swept off her feet by mine owner and financier Augustus Parkington. He moves them to New York, tries to remake her into a society woman, and establishes their home among the wealthiest of New York's high society. Family and social life is not always peaceful, however, and she guides us, in flashbacks, through the rises and falls of the Parkington family fortunes.
Twenty Years After
This short celebrates the 20th anniversary of MGM. Segments are shown from several early hits, then from a number of 1944 releases.
Madame Curie
Pierre Curie
Poor physics student Marie is studying at the Sorbonne in 1890s Paris. One of the few women studying in her field, Marie encounters skepticism concerning her abilities, but is eventually offered a research placement in Pierre Curie's lab. The scientists soon fall in love and embark on a shared quest to extract, from a particular type of rock, a new chemical element they have named radium. However, their research puts them on the brink of professional failure.
The Youngest Profession
Himself - Guest Star
Joan Lyons and her friend Patricia Drew are autograph hounds spending most of their day bumping into, and having tea, with the likes of Greer Garson and Walter Pidgeon. Based on misinformation from a meddling old-maid governess, Miss Featherstone, Joan also devotes some time to working on the no-problem marriage of her parents to the extent of hiring Dr. Hercules, the strong man from a side show to pay attention to her mother in order to make her father jealous, despite the good advice received from Walter Pidgeon.
White Cargo
Mr. Harry Witzel
In Africa early in World War II, a British rubber plantation executive reminisces about his arrival in the Congo in 1910. He tells the story of a love-hate triangle involving Harry Witzel, an in-country station superintendent who'd seen it all, Langford, a new manager sent from England for a four-year stint, and Tondelayo, a siren of great beauty who desires silk and baubles. Witzel is gruff and seasoned, certain that Langford won't be able to cut it. Langford responds with determination and anger, attracted to Tondelayo because of her beauty, her wiles, and to get at Witzel. Manipulation, jealousy, revenge, and responsibility play out as alliances within the triangle shift.
Rosa de Esperança
Clem Miniver
Com o início da segunda guerra mundial, Vin, o filho mais velho, regressa da universidade e se apaixona por Carol Beldon, neta de Lady Beldon, uma aristocrata de Beldon Hall, uma mansão vizinha. Apesar de discordâncias iniciais, se casam. Com a iminente ameaça de ataques aéreos à Inglaterra, Vin decide fazer sua parte e se junta à Força Aérea Real como piloto. É enviado para uma base localizada perto da casa dos pais. Clem ajuda na Operação Dynamo com o barco a motor da família. Sozinha em casa, a Sra. Miniver encontra um piloto alemão ferido em seu jardim. Ela o alimenta, o desarma calmamente e avisa às autoridades locais.
Quando Eva Consente
Jeff Sherman
A newsman (Walter Pidgeon) falls in love on Cape Cod with the judge (Rosalind Russell) his angry boss (Edward Arnold) expects him to discredit.
Como Era Verde o Meu Vale
Mr. Gruffydd
Aos 60 anos, Huw Morgan relembra sua vida quando garoto (Roddy McDowall) em uma pequena cidade mineradora. Suas reminiscências revelam a desintegração da unida família Morgan e de seus dedicados pais (Donald Crisp e Sara Allgood), enquanto capta os sentimentos e problemas daquele tempo. Maureen O’Hara e Walter Pidgeon co-estrelam este aclamado clássico das telas nesta história sobre sonhos, lutas e triunfos de uma família.
Flores do Pó
Sam Gladney
Este drama biográfico do diretor Mervyn LeRoy mereceu uma indicação ao Oscar de melhor filme por retratar com grande sensibilidade a vida da engajada dona de casa Edna Gladney (Greer Garson). Após passar por amargas experiências de vida, ela se casa com o texano Sam Gladney (Walter Pidgeon). O casal tem um filho, que morre precocemente. Ao mesmo tempo, Edna descobre que não poderá ter outra criança e assim decide se dedicar a algo para preencher sua vida. Ao observar que o tratamento dado às crianças órfãs e abandonadas não é exatamente o que poderia chamar de terno, ela abre uma casa de adoção e encaminha as crianças a lares onde possam ter uma vida digna.
O Homem Que Quis Matar Hitler
Captain Alan Thorndike
British hunter Thorndike vacationing in Bavaria has Hitler in his gun sight. He is captured, beaten, left for dead, and escapes back to London where he is hounded by German agents and aided by a young woman.
Asas nas Trevas
Squadron Commander Billy Gary
Presunçoso piloto em treinamento deseja se destacar numa unidade aérea da Marinha.
O Milagre do Som
Douglas Shearer, engenheiro de som da MGM, nos leva num passeio pelos bastidores para apresentar a forma como a parte de som de um filme falado é criada. Usa o filme Divino Tormento ou Bitter Sweet (1940) (Com imagens de Jeanette MacDonald e Nelson Eddy) e o filme O Inimigo X ou Comrade X (1940) (Com imagens de Clark Gable e Hedy Lamarr) para ilustrar as técnicas. Partes deste curta estão em Technicolor, incluindo um impressionante teste de tela de Greer Garson para o filme Flores do Pó ou Blossoms in the Dust (1941). O resultado é um "desfile" de trailers dos próximos filmes da MGM que mostram quase toda a constelação de estrelas da MGM.
Sky Murder
Nick Carter
This final Carter film is a lot of fun, with Nick (unwillingly, at first) taking on a ring of Fifth Columnists (since this was filmed before the US entered the war, we're not told the villains are Nazis, but it's pretty clear anyway). Of course, the helpful and persistent Bartholomew is at his side--much to Nick's irritation. To further complicate things--and to make them still funnier--Joyce Compton is along for the ride too, as a delightfully brainless "detective" named Christine Cross.
Phantom Raiders
Nick Carter
In this second Carter mystery, a mysterious rash of cargo ships sinking in Panama leads insurers Llewellyns of London to hire vacationer Nick Carter and his eccentric associate Bartholomew to investigate. Nick recognizes influential nightclub owner Al Taurez as a shady operator, but getting the goods on him depends on slick diversions involving the heavyweight champ of the Pacific Tuna Fleet, a Panamanian bombshell armed with American slang, a young couple in love and a whole raft of crooks and cutthroats.
Comando Negro
William 'Will' Cantrell
No Kansas, durante a Guerra Civil, os partidários pró-União e pró-Confederados se opõem e a visita do texano Bob Seton detona o conflito com os Vigilantes de William Cantrell.
It's a Date
John Arlen
An aspiring actress is offered the lead in a major new play, but discovers that her mother, a more seasoned performer, expects the same part. The situation is further complicated when they both become involved with the same man.
Amada Por Três
Tim Nolan
Nightclub owner Steve Larwitt (George Raft) sees his empire of investments collapse as he faces tax evasion charges and attacks by rivals. Believing Steve will be safer in prison for one year, his wife, Brenda (Joan Bennett), testifies against him on advice from his lawyer, Slant Kolma (Lloyd Nolan), who is in love with her. After Steve receives 10 years in Alcatraz, Brenda moves to be near him and avoids advances of airplane builder Tim Nolan (Walter Pidgeon), who knows nothing about her past.
Nick Carter, Super Detetive
Nicholas 'Nick' Carter, aka Robert Chalmers
Detective Nick Carter is brought in to foil spies at the Radex Airplane Factory, where a new fighter plane is under manufacture.
Stronger Than Desire
Tyler Flagg
An attorney handling a murder case in unaware his own wife played a crucial role in the killing.
6,000 Enemies
Steve Donegan
A tough prosecutor who has sent dozens of criminals to prison finds himself framed on a bribery charge and winds up in prison himself.
Society Lawyer
Christopher Durant
Society lawyer Christopher Durant agrees to defend his friend Phil Siddall when Siddall is arrested for the murder of an ex-girlfriend. With the help of nightclub singer Pat Abbott and crime boss Tony Gazotti (a former client), Durant launches his own investigation of the murder in order to prove his friend's innocence
Um Marido para Mamãe
Richard Thurlow
To stop Pinkie's widowed, struggling mother Dottie from marrying a well-off older man they know she doesn't love, teenager Pinkie and her best friend Buzz kidnap her in the family travel trailer to live a carefree life on the open road. They then get the idea to find Dottie a financially secure husband whom both she and Pinkie would like.
Sob o Céu dos Trópicos
Bill Dennis
Enquanto estava em Xangai relatando a guerra sino-japonesa, Chris Hunter, um astuto repórter de notícias, encontra a piloto Alma Harding. Ela não confia nele, mas ele consegue contratá-la como sua assistente. Durante uma expedição aventureira através das selvas da América do Sul, sua opinião sobre ele começa a mudar.
O Último Beijo
Sam Bailey
During WWI Bill Pettigrew, a naive young Texan soldier is sent to New York for basic training. He meets worldly wise actress Daisy Heath when her car nearly runs him over.
The Girl of the Golden West
Sheriff Jack Rance
Mary Robbins is a moderately educated, beautiful, young woman who owns the saloon called "The Poker". She is the only woman in the town of Couldee - making her the fancy of all the men there, especially to Sheriff Jack Rance. On the way to Monterey to sing at a mass officiated by Father Sienna, her stagecoach is held up by the infamous masked bandit, Ramerez. He too takes a fancy to Mary, and decides to secretly follow her, taking on the identity of an officer named, Lieutenant Johnson. While in Monterey, he dances, sings and courts Mary, who has now fallen in love with him. He then has to make a quick getaway. In the mean-time, Sheriff Jack has set up a trap to catch Ramerez at "The Poker". When Ramerez does arrive he soon discovers that Mary is the owner, and quickly changes to the identity of Lieutenant Johnson. How long can this charade last?
Alan Wythe
A newspaper illustrator tries to remain best friends with the man she secretly loves, even though he recently married another woman.
A Girl with Ideas
Mickey McGuire
A rich banker's zany daughter gains control of a large newspaper.
My Dear Miss Aldrich
Ken Morley
A young woman inherits a newspaper whose editor refuses to hire lady reporters.
Hartley Madison
A horse breeder's granddaughter falls in love with a gambler in Saratoga Springs, N.Y.
Proposta Tentadora
Fraser James
Para evitar pagamentos de pensão alimentícia e uma grande taxa de impostos, um chefe se casa com sua secretária e descobre que realmente está apaixonado por ela.
Girl Overboard
Paul Stacey
A beautiful girl on a passenger ship is suspected of murder.
She's Dangerous
Dr. Scott Logan
A beautiful woman suspected of being a jewel thief is actually a detective tracking down a ring of bond thieves.
Fatal Lady
David Roberts
On her debut as an opera star, Marion Stuart is interrogated and possibly implicated in the death of a male acquaintance. Released, although thoroughly shaken-up, Marion attempts to perform but loses her voice onstage. Humiliated, but driven to sing, she travels to South America under the assumed name of Maria Delasano, and works in an opera company under the tutelage of Feodor Glinka, who wants her to shun men and save herself for her art. Mary resists the persistent attentions of wealthy young Phil Roberts, who follows the company in hopes of marrying her. ...
Olhos Castanhos
Richard Morey
Sassy manicurist Eve Fallon is recruited as an even more brassy reporter and she helps police detective boyfriend Danny Barr break a jewel theft ring and solve the murder of a baby.
Good Badminton
This Vitaphone short has Hugh Herbert tossing in some comedy lines while Walter Pidgeon relates the history of the new-fad (in 1936) game of Badminton. Ace badminton players Bill Hurley and George F. (Jess) Willard, not to be confused with boxer Jess Willard, play the fast-and-furious game.
Diário de um Crime
A woman murders her husband's mistress and someone else gets accused of the crime.
The Kiss Before the Mirror
Lucy's Lover
When a famous doctor kills his adulterous wife, he is defended by his best friend, an attorney who suspects that his own wife is having an affair.
Al Howard
A Broadway actress with a problematic past falls hard for the author of her new play.
Caprichos de Mulher
Classes clash when a poor riveter and wealthy society woman fall in love with each other, much to the shock of her friends and family.
Kiss Me Again
Paul de St. Cyr
An officer of the French Military is in love with a shop girl, but his aristocratic father wants him to marry in his class and convinces the girl that marriage would be a mistake. The officer goes off to war and she becomes an opera star.
Going Wild
'Ace' Benton
Rollo and Lane just happen to be tossed off the train at White Beach where Robert Story -Air ace and writer- is supposed to stop. It is a case of mistaken identity as no one knows what Story looks like. So they get free room and meals at the Palm Inn and everything is going well until they want Story to fly in the race on Saturday. Rollo has never even be up in a plane, never mind fly one, so he must figure a way out. But the girls have everything bet on his winning the race. Written by Tony Fontana
Viennese Nights
Franz von Renner
In 1890, Gus Sascher joins the Austrian Army and romances the impoverished girl Elsa Hofner. Elsa instead marries the wealthier officer Franz von Renner, in an attempt at social climbing.
The Gorilla
Arthur Marsden
A series of murders that take place in an old, dark mansion are suspected of being committed by an ape. (lost film)
Sweet Kitty Bellairs
Lord Varney
Kitty Bellairs, a flirtatious young woman of 18th Century England, cuts a swath of broken hearts and romantic conquests as she visits a resort with her sister.
An Intimate Dinner in Celebration of Warner Bros. Silver Jubilee
Mr. and Mrs. Warner Bros. Pictures and their precocious offspring, Little Miss Vitaphone, host a dinner in honor of Warner Bros. Silver Jubilee, attended by most of the major players and song writers under contract to WB at that time.
Bride of the Regiment
Colonel Vultow
As they are leaving the church following their wedding, Count Adrian Beltrami and Countess Anna-Marie are told that the Austrians are marching on the town to quell an Italian uprising. The bride and relatives induce the count to flee to his castle, but Tangy, a silhouette cutter, brings word from the revolutionary committee asking him to return; the count goes, asking Tangy to pose as the count and protect Anna-Marie.
Show Girl in Hollywood
Premiere Emcee
Broadway actress leaves New York to become a star in Hollywood, and succeeds despite sleazy directors and her own ego.
A Most Immoral Lady
Tony Williams
Laura Sergeant (Leatrice Joy), together with her husband, Humphrey Sergeant (Sidney Blackmer) operates a scam scheme to extort money from millionaires through blackmail and victimization until she mistakenly victimizes Tony Williams (Walter Pidgeon), the man she really loves.
Her Private Life
Ned Thayer
A English aristocrat causes a scandal when she divorces her husband and runs off with a young American.
The Voice Within
Early talkie starring Eve Southern and Walter Pidgeon.
Melody of Love
Jack Clark
Historically significant as Universal's first 100% all-talkie, the production suffered from having a tight shooting schedule. Carl Laemmle was only able to rent the Fox Movietone sound-on-film recording system for one week, having to be filmed at night while the Fox Studio was closed down for the evenings.
Clothes Make the Woman
Victor Trent
A young Russian peasant feels pity for the Princess Anastasia and saves her life by accidentally wounding her in the massacre of the Romanovs during the Russian Revolution.
Turn Back the Hours
Philip Drake
Turn Back the Hours is a 1928 American silent drama film directed by Howard Bretherton and starring Myrna Loy, Walter Pidgeon, and Sam Hardy.
The Gateway of the Moon
Arthur Wyatt
John Griffith Wray silent South America romantic melodrama starring Dolores Del Rio, Walter Pidgeon, Anders Randolf, Lesle Fenton, and Noble Johnson.
The 13th Juror
Richard Marsden
A 1927 American mystery film directed by Edward Laemmle and written by Charles Logue and Walter Anthony. It is based on the 1908 play Counsel for the Defense by Henry Irving Dodge. Richard Marsden is a long-time friend of Henry Desmond, a powerful and successful attorney. The district attorney plan to break Desmond by having George Quinn infer that Marsden's wife is having an affair with the lawyer.
The Gorilla
An ape is suspected of committing a series of murders.
Paul Sinclair
1927 picture starring Carmel Myers and Walter Pidgeon.
The Heart of Salome
Monte Carroll
1927 picture starring Alma Rubens and Walter Pidgeon.
Marriage License?
1926 picture starring Alma Rubens and Walter McGrail.
Miss Nobody
The father of an heiress dies broke leaving her destitute without inheritance. She falls in with a group of hobos traveling incognito cross country dressed as a man.
Old Loves and New
Clyde Lord Geradine
Gervas Carew's wife, Elinor, has deserted him while he was fighting for France, for Lord Clyde Geraldine, a cad of the first order, but Elinor, in turn is cast off when Lord Geraldine turns his attention to an Irish lass, Marny. Marny has no idea of Geraldine's past nor his brutal nature.
Martin Innesbrook
Adapted from the Fannie Hurst story of the same name, Mannequin is the story of Joan Herrick, kidnapped in infancy from her wealthy parents and raised by a slatternly slum woman. The film is still extant.