Earl Holliman

Earl Holliman

Nascimento : 1928-09-11, Delhi, Louisiana, USA


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Henry Earl Holliman (born September 11, 1928) is an American actor, animal rights activist and singer known for his many character roles in films, mostly westerns and dramas, in the 1950s and 1960s. He won a Golden Globe Award for the film The Rainmaker (1956) and portrayed Sergeant Bill Crowley on the television police drama Police Woman throughout its 1974–1978 run.


Earl Holliman


Journey to Royal: A WWII Rescue Mission
WWII hero with the 4th Emergency Rescue Squadron, Lt. Royal Stratton, leads a deadly mission to save the lives of nine downed airmen adrift in enemy waters of a war-torn South Pacific. Immersive cinematography and gripping action, mixed with firsthand accounts and historical images, showcase the valor of this squadron who faced overwhelming odds to bring their brothers home.
Children of Giant
Himself - Interviewed
Children of GIANT is a documentary film that unearths deeply wrought emotions in the small West Texas town of Marfa, before, during and after the month-long production of George Stevens' 1956 feature film, Giant. Based on the controversial Edna Ferber novel of the same name, the film, Giant did not shy from strong social-issue themes experienced throughout post-WWII America. George Stevens, its producer and director, purposely gravitated to the drought-ridden community of Marfa for most all of the exterior scenes.
Amazing! Exploring the Far Reaches of Forbidden Planet
A documentary about the making of, and legacy of, the Forbidden Planet movie.
Robby the Robot: Engineering a Sci-Fi Icon
A short documentary about Robby the Robot.
Return to 'Giant'
A documentary about Marfa and the way this small Texas town was changed forver when Giant was filmed there.
The Perfect Tenant
Arthur Michaels
Twenty years ago Danny Summer found his father hanging from the rafters on Christmas Eve. Ever since that night he has been plotting revenge. When Brian Hartwell moves into Jessica Michael's guesthouse, she has no idea that her new tenant has a deadly agenda to go with his new identity. Her daughter Laura doesn't trust him from the beginning but can't convince her mother that there's more to "The Perfect Tenant" than meets the eye.
Bad City Blues
Joe Gags
In the aftermath of a violent robbery, a New Orleans doctor, Eugene Grimes, wakes to find a wounded woman and $2 million in cash on his doorstep. In pursuit of the thieves, police captain Clarence Jefferson discovers that Grimes is the key not only to the money but to a dark web of intrigue and vengeance stretching back to a bloody civil war in El Salvador a decade before.
Memories of Giant
Cast, crew and Texans spin small and tall tales about the legacy of George Stevens' 'Giant'.
Frank Dominus
After lightning strikes saxophonist Johnny Domino, he finds he is telepathically tuned to the frequency of evil. This gives him an edge for finding the bad guys, and some special classified wearable gear gives him an edge for fighting them.
Burt Lancaster: Daring to Reach
Born November 2, 1913, he went from street-wise tough to art-collector liberal-activist, from circus-acrobat hunk to Academy Award winner. Burton Stephen Lancaster - later Burt Lancaster - was one of five children of a New York City postal worker. Burt recalled family life as warm and mutually supportive. At the Union Settlement House, he and boyhood friend Nick Cravat formed an acrobatic team. By eighteen, Burt was 6'2" and blessed with the athletic physique and dynamic good looks that helped make him famous. A basketball scholarship was not enough to keep him in NYU beyond his sophomore year. That's when he and the 5'2" Cravat joined a circus, earning $3 weekly between them. A stint in the Army introduced Burt to acting and led him to Hollywood where his first release, The Killers (1946), propelled him to stardom at age 32. He took control of his own career and seldom faltered.
Gunsmoke: Return to Dodge
Jake Flagg
Will Mannon, "product of the Devil's loins," is released from a frontier prison and promptly goes in search of the people who put him there some 12 years ago -- Matt Dillon and Kitty Russell.
American Harvest
Krab Hogan
American Harvest is set in the heartland of Kansas. Two proud, stubborn families have not spoken to one another because of an incident in the distant past. Wayne Rogers, the patriarch of one of the families, is in danger of losing his wheat farm. He knows that his land will be saved if he patches things up with rival farmer Earl Holliman, but such a reconciliation is out of the question.
Shattered: If Your Kid's on Drugs
Kim's Father
A made-for-tv byproduct of The War On Drugs.
Country Gold
Wade Purcell
An aging country singer becomes irritated with the success of a popular young country singer. However, she is not yet ready to become yesterday's news.
Caçada em Atlanta
Donald Hotchkins
Police officer Tom Sharky gets busted back to working vice, where he happens upon a scandalous conspiracy involving a local politician. Sharky's new 'machine' gathers evidence while Sharky falls in love with a woman he has never met.
Where the Ladies Go
A small-town bar, open only from 9AM to 3PM and owned by Buck (Earl Holliman), is the setting where bored housewives and wandering husbands go to find some adventure in their miserable lives.
The Solitary Man
Dave Keyes
A family man must make an adjustment after his wife of fifteen years one day blurts out that she wants a divorce and leaves him to construct a new life.
Good Luck, Miss Wyckoff
Ed Eckles
An abusive sexual relationship between a white spinster schoolteacher and a young black janitor in 1956 Kansas complicates her struggle to come to grips with her sexuality and emotions.
Alexander: The Other Side of Dawn
Ray Church
In this sequel to Dawn: Portrait of a Teenage Runaway, Alexander's story is told in both the past and the present. Alexander's parents send him away from home for being too sensitive and not helping enough on their farm. He goes to Los Angeles in hopes of going to art school, but when he can't find a job as a minor, he turns to prostitution. After being arrested, he wants to head to Arizona to marry Dawn, but he falls into a lucrative job/relationship with a gay football star.
Os Dobermans Atacam
David Moore
Depois de despedir-se de sua mulher e filha, dizendo que irá encontrá-las em breve no aeroporto, Chuck Brenner é assaltado e deixado inconsciente em uma loja. Quando volta a si, percebe que está trancado e o lugar é vigiado por cães especialmente treinados para matar.
I Love You... Goodbye
Tom Chandler
A suburban wife begins to resent the pressures she sees society putting on her as a wife and mother, and leaves her family to find the meaning of her life.
Cry Panic
Sheriff Ross Cabot
A man accidentally runs over and kills a pedestrian outside a small town. He begins to suspect that the locals, including the sheriff, are keeping secrets about the victim.
The Six Million Dollar Man: Wine, Women and War
Harry Donner
After Col. Steve Austin fails to retrieve the contents of a safe owned by arms dealer Arlen Findletter, he takes up an friendly offer of a holiday in the Bahamas. There he runs into Soviet Agent Alexi Kaslov and his lovely assistant Katrina Volana, who also happen to be out to find Findletter. Is it a coincidence, or was Steve's trip all part of one of Oscar Goldman's missions?
O Comedor de Biscoitos
Harve McNeil
Duas crianças da Georgia não ligam para as diferenças raciais e decidem formar uma equipe. Também tornam-se amigos de um cachorro de caça selvagem que é treinado para participar em um concurso de corrida de obstáculos.
In this pilot film to the TV series, Cannon investigates the murder of a war buddy to clear the man's wife of suspicion in his death.
The story is set during the South American Wars of Independence. Simón Bolivar, the liberator, has escaped from Spanish custody with the aid of an idealistic Spanish officer, Captain Montserrat. The Spanish commander, Colonel Izquierdo ('left' in Spanish), threatens Montserrat with torture to find out where Bolivar can be recaptured.
A Marine Corps drill instructor who is disgusted by the fact that the Corps now accepts draftees finds himself pitted against a hippie who has been drafted but refuses to accept the military's way of doing things.
Cal Finch
A boy finds an injured German Shepherd Dog whom he names Smoke.
Joaquim Murieta
Shad Clay
A man who has lost everything joins others paid to convey a wealthy man's wife - and a mysterious treasure - to safety in San Francissco.
A Batalha de Anzio
Platoon Sgt. Abe Stimmler
Um das batalhas mais sangrentas da WW2 com os Aliados rompendo as linhas alemãs que tinham se fechado na cabeça de peaia de Anzio. Quatro meses e 30.000 mortes depois os Aliados finalmente marcham para Roma. As Forças Aliadas desembarcam em Anzio sem oposição, mas em vez de avançar em linha reta para o interior seu comandante decide cavar, se entrincheirar. Um correspondente de guerra aguerrido pega emprestado um jipe, vai até Roma e volta sem encontrar quaisquer forças alemãs, mas o seu relatório sobre esta ausência do inimigo é desconsiderado. No momento em que os generais finalmente resolvem fazer algum movimento de avanço os alemães já tinham conseguido montar a sua defesa e uma luta prolongada e sangrenta se inicia.
The Power
Prof. Talbot Scott aka Scotty
One by one members of a special project team are being killed by telekinesis - the ability to move things with the power of the mind alone. The race is on to determine which of the remaining team members is the murderer and to stop them.
Tirado dos Braços da Morte
Brian Talbot
An innocent man is found guilty of murder and sentenced to death, but as he's about to be hanged he accidentally kills his executioner. He now faces a new trial, presided over by a young and inexperienced judge.
Os Filhos de Katie Elder
Matt Elder
Os quatro filhos de Katie Elder voltam a sua cidade natal para o funeral da mãe. John (John Wayne), o mais velho, é um notório pistoleiro. Tom é o jogador, Matt, o mais quieto, e Bud, o mais novo. Chegando lá, eles descobrem que seu pai, bêbado, apostou a fazenda da família num jogo e foi morto na mesma noite. Apesar das recomendações do xerife, os irmãos resolvem investigar o caso. Morgan Hastings e seu filho Dave, únicas testemunhas do assassinato, matam o xerife para se protegerem e os Elder são considerados culpados. O xerife substituto, Ben Latta, se une aos Hastings contra os irmãos Elder.
O Anjo de Pedra
Archie Kramer
In a small Mississippi town in 1916, an eccentric spinster battles her romantic yearnings for the randy boy next door.
Armored Command
An American army unit is trapped in a small town during a German counterattack and discovers that a spy in the town is providing the Germans with information about them.
Rabo de Foguete
Jerry Lewis é o alienígena Kreton, um ET atrapalhado e curioso por descobrir como é a vida na Terra. Sai escondido de seu planeta e aterrisa no quintal de um famoso jornalista de TV que não acredita em extra-terrestres. Kreton deseja fazer um estudo dos humanos e se apaixona pela filha (Joan Blackman) do jornalista, mas sua incapacidade provoca uma série de confusões e coloca a vida do jornalista de cabeça para baixo.
Duelo de Titãs
Rick Belden, Craig's Son
A mulher índia do xerife Matt Morgan (Kirk Douglas) é violentada e morta por uma dupla de cowboys. As investigações de Morgan o levam a Gun Hill, cidade dominada pelo seu amigo e rico fazendeiro Craig Belden (Anthony Quinn). Ele acaba descobrindo que um dos homens que procura é o jovem e mimado filho de Belden. Determinado a levá-lo para julgamento, Morgan entra em choque com seu amigo, que por sua vez tenta impedí-lo a todo custo.
Armadilha Sangrenta
Tippy Anderson
Lawyer Ralph Anderson arrives in Tula, an amazingly remote town in the desert, as reluctant emissary of mob chief Victor Massonetti, who wants the airstrip clear for his unofficial exit from the country. Ralph's arrival has a profound effect on his estranged father, the sheriff; his brother Tip, an alcoholic deputy; and his ex-sweetheart Linda, now married to Tip. Tension builds as a small army of gangsters takes over the town. Then the situation abruptly changes...
Quando Vem a Tormenta
Buddy Duval
Alma Duval, a middle-aged housewife, trying to hide how much she suffers from her husband's amorous excursions while trying to help her children solve their problems and doing her best to keep her family together as it's slowly falling apart. Meanwhile, daughter Virginia is dumped by her boyfriend because she cannot help him with his career. Her cheating husband's birthday party is approaching and many lines will be crossed after that event.
Não Caia n'Água, Marujo
Adam Garrett
Madison Avenue-trained Navy men handle public relations on a South Pacific island during World War II.
The Dark Side of the Earth
Capt. Volodney
A drama set in 1956, during the unsuccessful Hungarian uprising against the Russians.
Vingança no Coração
Jeff Bennett
When Apache chief Nanchez is captured by the cavalry, his white squaw and infant son are returned to civilization by Sergeant Hook, but Nanchez escapes custody and attempts to re-claim his son.
Sem Lei e Sem Alma
Deputy Sheriff Charles 'Charlie' Bassett
Earp (burt Lancaster) é um homem da lei que chega a tombstone para limpar a cidade dos bandidos. Holliday (Kirk Douglas) é um dentista de formação, famoso pela rapidez no gatilho e pelo gosto pelos jogos de carta. Eles se unem para enfrentar Ike Clanton (Lyle Bettger) e seu perverso bando.
Lágrimas do Céu
Jim Curry
Bill Starbuck (Burt Lancaster) é um trapaceiro que, viajando pelo Texas, tenta se aproveitar de pessoas simplórias dizendo que é capaz de fazer chover, pois a seca prolongada está apavorando os fazendeiros. Assim ele vai parar na propriedade de H.C. Curry (Cameron Preud'Homme), um pai preocupado que sua filha Lizzie (Katharine Hepburn), torne-se uma solteirona. Os irmãos dela, Noah (Lloyd Bridges) e Jim (Earl Holliman), têm igual preocupação, pois Lizzie é considerada um patinho feio. H.C., Noah e Jim pretendem num último recurso aproximá-la de J.S. File (Wendell Corey), o xerife local, quando Bill chega, diz ser um fazedor de chuva e se propõe a acabar com a seca se lhe pagarem US$ 100. Ele cativa a família com seu carisma e Lizzie se sente atraída por ele, pois Bill, com sua lábia, a convenceu que ela é a mulher mais maravilhosa do mundo.
Assim Caminha a Humanidade
'Bob' Dace
O rico fazendeiro Bick Benedict e o pobre caubói Jett Rink cortejam Leslie Lynnton, uma bela jovem de Maryland que é nova no Texas. Ela se casa com Benedict, mas ela fica chocada com o preconceito racial dos brancos texanos contra o povo local de origem mexicana. Rink descobre petróleo num pequeno pedaço de terra, e enquanto ele usa sua vasta e nova riqueza para comprar toda a terra em torno da fazenda de Benedict, a discordância de Benedict sobre preconceitos abastece conflitos por gerações.
The Burning Hills
Morton Bayliss
When Trace Jordan's brother is murdered by members of the land-grabbing Sutton family, he vows to report this injustice to the nearest Army fort.
Planeta Proibido
Uma expedição liderada pelo Comandante John J. Adams (Leslie Nielsen) viaja rumo a um planeta distante para descobrir o que aconteceu com os cientistas que foram para lá iniciar uma colônia. Apenas um é encontrado: O arrogante Dr. Morbius (Walter Pidgeon), que vive em companhia da filha, Altaira (Anne Francis) e de um prestativo robô.
Morrendo a Cada Instante
After aging criminal Roy Earle is released from prison he decides to pull one last heist before retiring — by robbing a resort hotel.
Império do Crime
O Tenente de polícia Diamond recebe a ordem de parar de investigar o chefe da máfia, Sr. Brown, porque está custando muito dinheiro ao departamento, e sem obter resultados. Diamond faz uma última tentativa de descobrir evidências contra Brown indo até a namorada de Brown, Susan Lowell.
As Pontes de Toko-Ri
Nestor Gamidge
Durante a Guerra da Coreia, um piloto de combate da Marinha deve chegar a um acordo com sua própria dúvida entre lutar a guerra e o medo de ter que bombardear um conjunto de pontes altamente defendidas. O fim deste sombrio drama de guerra é todo tensão. (e 12 - Estimado 12 Anos)
A Lança Partida
Denny Devereaux
Spencer Tracy, é o patriarca de uma família de criadores de gado que vê tudo desmoronar quando seu filho mais novo é preso por defender as terras da família contra um grupo de mineiros que polui a região.
Amigo e Algoz
Happy Jackfield
A boxer desperate for money falls in with a shady promoter.
Ao Sul de Sumatra
Cupid (as Henry Earl Hopliman
Duke Mullane, manager of a Malayan tin mine, goes to a little-known island to open a new mine in the jungle. Initially, the natives there are friendly, especially dancer Minyora...who proves to be affianced to local ruler King Kiang. Alas, a series of unfortunate incidents changes Kiang's attitude to hostility, and Duke is stranded with his crew, Minyora, and his old flame Lory...who's now engaged to his boss!
Devil's Canyon
An outlaw woman helps one Arizona convict stop another with a Gatling gun.
Morrendo de Medo
Elevator Operator (uncredited)
O cantor Larry Todd (Dean Martin) termina um romance com uma bela corista após descobrir que ela é namorada de um gangster. Ao fugir, ele acredita ter matado um dos mafiosos e é ajudado pela herdeira Mary Carol (Lizabeth Scott) e o parceiro Myron (Jerry Lewis). Eles fogem para uma ilha assombrada que Mary herdou e tentam encontrar um tesouro perdido, mas acabam encontrando várias assombrações.
The Girls of Pleasure Island
Marine (uncredited)
In the spring of 1945, World War II is coming to a close. Roger Halyard, a dignified, strait-laced Englishmen, lives on a South Sea atoll with his three daughters, Gloria, Hester and Violet, along with the housekeeper, Thelma, who has raised the girls since childhood. Other than their father, the girls have never seen another man. Halyard is informed that 1500 U.S. Marines will soon arrive to establish an air base on the island. Halyard is rather apprehensive over the prospect of his daughters, who have never met another man, being thrown together with 1500 Marines who haven't seen a woman in months.
Prisioneiros na Mongólia
Frank Swenson (uncredited)
Na Segunda Guerra Mundial um grupo de meteorologistas da Marinha dos EUA que fazem medições no deserto de Gobi é forçado a buscar a ajuda de nômades mongóis para recuperar seu navio sob ataque da força aérea japonesa. Os mongóis são recompensados por um envio aéreo das melhores selas para montaria. (e 12 - Estimado 12 Anos)
O Soldado da Rainha
Undetermined Secondary Role (uncredited)
Em 1876, um policial da Polícia Montada no noroeste do Canadá deve conseguir a libertação de reféns brancos capturados pelas tribos Cree que estão invadindo Montana a partir de sua reserva canadense. Em 1876, Duncan MacDonald se junta à nova Polícia Montada de 300 membros no oeste do Canadá, bem a tempo de uma missão perigosa. Parece que os índios Cree, atravessando a fronteira em Montana, fizeram dois reféns para seu retorno seguro ao Canadá. Mas MacDonald, com apenas o batedor Natayo para ajudar, precisará de toda a sua diplomacia e mais alguma coisa para libertar os cativos do meio de 1000 índios Cree. (e 12 - Estimado 12 Anos)