A story of two friends, Marco (Kyle Fields) and Damian (James Jackson) one white, one black, former high school football teammates who try to find a place for themselves as men in a neighborhood they no longer recognize Red Hook, Brooklyn. As each tries to move forward, economic and family obligations pull them back.
Party Rep (uncredited)
Maggie é uma mulher de espírito livre que não quer se amarrar a alguém de maneira alguma. Ela só não esperava conhecer Jamie, um charmoso vendedor de produtos farmacêuticos que tem todas as mulheres aos seus pés. Aos poucos, o relacionamento evoluiu e ambos descobrem que estão sob a influência da droga mais forte já inventada: o amor.
'Wise old little boy' is a portrait of Phil Elverum (the microphones) and Kyle Field (little wings). Following them on a tour of small towns and unconventional venues, Ryer Banta explores the world of two incredibly unique and creative musicians.