A raped policewoman forms a vigilante group of various rape victims. They abduct and castrate men whom have committed repeated violations of women, and got away with it through legal technicalities.
Uma jovem está entrando em uma fraternidade de moças. O trote será passar uma noite numa enorme e escura loja de departamentos. Ali, um psicopata misterioso vai fazer a festa com os jovens que só pensam em transar ou entrar sozinhos em locais escuros.
Sarah McDavid, an idealistic young teacher, takes a job in a rough high school where she is eventually attacked and raped in her classroom after school hours and decides to buck the school system in an attempt to make schools safer for students and teachers alike, against the advice of the school's principal, Dr. Keys, who tries to gloss over the hazardous conditions and the incident itself to avoid bad publicity and decreased enrollment.
A successful fashion designer who learns that she has a mysterious illness that threatens her life searches frantically for the one suitable donor for a bone-marrow transplant -- the daughter she, as a teenager, had given up for adoption.
O filme aborda os problemas de quatro adolescentes, Jeanie (Jodie Foster), Annie (Cherie Currie), Madge (Marilyn Kagan) e Deirdre (Kandice Stroh), que dividem um apartamento em San Fernando Valley, no início dos anos 80.