Há um mundo secreto lá fora. A mente humana pode experimentar alguns dos fenômenos mais surpreendentes. O problema é quando você tenta definir essas experiências como reais ou não. Um grupo de idosos do ensino médio embarca em um acampamento de férias de primavera para desmascarar os mitos que eles estavam pesquisando. Durante a viagem, tropeçam em um antigo cemitério assombrado de nativos americanos e ganham mais do que esperavam quando parte do grupo começou a desaparecer.
Edward Forester's career and personal life have hit rock bottom-but not his spirit. At 64, the handsome bachelor moves in to a tiny apartment and must start over again.
Charles is a middle aged successful CEO with a beautiful wife and teenage daughter. He has been happily married for 17 years, but as sometimes happens, he begins an office romance with his young voluptuous secretary. Emily, his wife, finds out about his philandering nearly from the beginning but is reluctant to confront Charles. The story focuses on decisions Charles makes to both hide and rationalize his illicit romance and consequences that ultimately occur. Emily too, ultimately develops her own way to cope with her cheating husband. Charles, as often happens in these situations, has a nasty breakup with his young concubine and ends up getting sued for sexual harassment. There are twists and turns in this romantic comedy but with very serious undertones.