Marking Play for Today’s 50th anniversary, Drama Out of a Crisis is a compelling exploration of the series, its origins, achievements, controversies and legacies. Featuring a rich and surprising range of archive extracts and original interviews with many who created the series, including producers Kenith Trodd, Margaret Matheson and Richard Eyre, and directors Mike Leigh, David Hare and Ken Loach.
Executive Producer
Anna (Cristina Chirila) é uma bela garota russa que ganha a vida como stripper, em bares e casas noturnas de perigoso submundo da cidade de São Petesburgo. Acostumada a lidar com os mais diferentes e incovenientes tipos de marginais, ela não esperava, porém, que o pior pudesse acontecer: após presenciar o assassinato de seu chefe e de sua prima Natasha, ela é obrigada a fugir do país, para não ser capturada e morta pelos assassinos. Com o passaporte da prima nas mãos, Anna assume a identidade de Natasha e via para a Inglaterra, em busca de uma vida melhor.
Porém, ao se instalar numa pequena e conservadora cidade do interior, ela logo percebe que seu jeito sensual e cativante vai mudar a vida de todos. Anna (agora Natasha) traz mais alegria para os moradores que rapidamente se tornam seus amigos. E chega até a encontrar um novo amor. Mas os criminosos que a procuram não estão nem um pouco dispostos a deixá-la em paz com sua nova vida.
Three young Muslim men, part of a terror cell, are making a bomb in a London flat, when they get a call to vacate immediately with their gear. The police have been alerted and they are under suspicion.
A wily publisher of arts magazines tries to cope with ever-growing financial problems - and also his formidable German mother.
At a concert Marcia picked Terry out of the crowd. So he no longer feels alone. Until he learns about her secret life and dare not tell his friends.
"When you get to a man in the case, they're like as a row of pins - For the colonel's lady an' Judy O'Grady are sisters under their skins." - Kipling. Polly writes for a magazine producing glamorous makeovers for young women. Befriending a member of the women's movement prompts her to re-examine her own feminist values.
"These Indian films. They're done to a formula - songs, dance, routines and a lot of sentimental heavy breathing." When her 17-year-old son Roy falls in love with a Muslim girl, and a Bangladeshi butcher seeks help from her husband Raji, Leela realises that the tears and romance of Indian cinema are closer to her own life than she has ever imagined.