Barry Quin

Barry Quin


Barry Quin


John Doe: Vigilante
Dr. Keith Simms
Em "John Doe: Vigilante" um homem comum combate a violência com única maneira que sabe, matando um criminoso por vez. Herói ou vilão? Justiça ou vingança? Você decide.
Terreno Proibido
Dr. Bennett
Três soldados ingleses ficam encurralados entre duas trincheiras alemãs após serem surpreendidos por um explosão durante a Primeira Guerra Mundial. Situado em França 1916.
Dealing with Destiny
Professor Sorvad
Blake, Lloyd, Vinnie, and Ricardo have to deal with an assortment of challenges that are thrown in their way, such as final exams, college pranks, attack dogs, rivalries and, of course, girl troubles. Lloyd suspects Blake of making a move on his new girlfriend Zara, Ricardo falls in lust with the sexy gym girl, and Vinnie is more in love with Betsy, his yellow 1969 fiat sports car. And what about the arrival of the cute nurse called Destiny? Follow the turning of the tarot cards as Zara uses her self-styled cosmic powers to predict their future pathways. Amazingly, everything seems to be coming perfectly true- or is there a surprise at the bottom of the deck?
Julian Roberts
High court judge Holly McPhee devises blueprints for criminal operations and offers them for sale to the crime world. Her scrupulous operation falls apart when she takes part in a multi-million dollar bank robbery and becomes an accessory to murder.
A hotshot junkman decides to go to the moon with his two young companions in a homemade rocket to recover millions of dollars worth of discarded space equipment in this pilot to the series.