Allen Stewart-Coates

Allen Stewart-Coates


Allen Stewart-Coates


The Legend of Zelda: The Power of the Triforce
Triforce of Power (voice)
Follow the nonstop adventures as Link and Princess Zelda fight monsters ghosts icky creatures and even each other as they try to save Hyrule and the last piece of the Triforce from the evils of Ganon. Re-released version of "The Legend of Zelda" TV series.
O Limite
May Markham (Lauren Bacall) é uma mulher idosa que vive sozinha e luta para manter sua independência. May tem seu dia-a-dia devastado quando Denny, um vizinho excêntrico é assassinado repentinamente. Após o crime, a senhora recebe a visita de Mônica (Claire Forloni), uma jovem que alega ser amiga de Denny e agente policial disposta a investigar o assassinato. Na realidade, as intenções de Mônica nada têm de legais. Ela é agente de drogas falida e namorada de Galé Garmody, chefe do tráfico de drogas. May confronta situações cada vez mais desesperantes e embaraçosas quando passa a descobrir a verdadeira versão dos fatos.
O Terno de 2 Bilhões de Dólares
Concert Maitre' D
Jimmy Tong é o simpático chofer do milionário Clark Devlin, que acaba sofrendo um acidente que o hospitaliza. Tong é enviado para a casa de seu patrão para resolver alguns assuntos quando, sem saber, decide experimentar seu terno. Tal ato não haveria nenhum problema se o terno de Devlin não fosse computadorizado e desse a quem o veste uma série de poderes, fazendo com que Tong se envolva em uma intriga internacional de espionagem que o coloca ao lado de Del Blaine, sua mais nova parceira.
Deadly Appearances
Joanne Kilbourn, ex-detective turned university lecturer, is still haunted by the unsolved murder of her politician husband,
A Song for the Season
A superintendent (Gerald McRaney), trying to save his high school's troubled finances, falls in love with a teacher (Naomi Judd) whose music program he must cut.
As Virgens Suicidas
Mr. Scheer
Uma história sobre a misteriosa existência de cinco irmãs, contada pelos rapazes do seu bairro que, passados 20 anos continuam sem conseguir descobrir o mistério das irmãs Lisbon. É uma singular história sobre o isolamento dessas raparigas e um trágico retrato de como os rapazes assistiram impotentes enquanto as suas vidas feneciam.
Babar: King of the Elephants
Babar is a young elephant in the great forest. Whilst out with his mother a hunter kills his mother and he flees to escape the same fate. He eventually finds himself in a human city and experiences the many differences between city and forest life. Treated as an outsider he is taken in by an elderly woman, dressed in fancy suits, taught to write and count and is brought up in human culture.
The Count of Monte Cristo
Animation - Swashbuckling heroes, cool sidekicks, exciting adventure, and trecherous villains fill The Count of Monte Cristo in this hip animated musical based on the original classic. From the first rousing sailor's song to the last duel, it's a story your family will treasure forever. The magic begins in France in 1815 where Edmond Dantes is to marry his true love, Mercedes. But three jealous scoundrels betray their betrothal and frame him for robbery. Years later, after a daring escape from the frightening Chateau D'If prison, Edmond returns to France to seek his revenge disguised as the mysterious Count of Monte Cristo! - Benedict Campbell, Alyson Court, Tony Daniels
Thick as Thieves
First Judge
Tough City - where grifters, dips and shysters scramble for a dirty dollar and a clean shirt - where one man stands head and shoulders beneath the rest - Al Hacker - small time pickpocket - master bungler. Only Lisa, his curvaceous sister and partner-in-crime, stand between Al and disaster.
The Mikado
In a mythical Japan, Ko-Ko, a cheap tailor, has been appointed Lord High Executioner and must find someone to execute before the arrival of the ruling Mikado. He lights upon Nanki-Poo, a strolling minstrel who loves the beautiful Yum-Yum. But Yum-Yum is also loved by Ko-Ko, and Nanki-Poo, seeing no hope for his love, considers suicide. Ko-Ko offers to solve both their problems by executing Nanki-Poo, and an agreement is reached whereby Ko-Ko will allow Nanki-Poo to marry Yum-Yum for one month, at the end of which Nanki-Poo will be executed, in time for the arrival of the Mikado. But what Ko-Ko doesn't know is that Nanki-Poo is the son of the Mikado and has run away to avoid a betrothal to an old harridan named Katisha. The arrival of the Mikado brings all the threads of the tale together. This is the Stratford Festival of Canada, directed by Brian Macdonald. This is a filmed version of a stage performance, and the sets are beautifully spare and economical.